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Monday, June 12th, 2023, 12:28 pm

Sirius Open Source: Very Little Staff and Clients Are Left Now

Video download link | md5sum deb923a8340805a0040d08074d87dd02
Sirius Cannot Retain Anything
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ aside, it seems like the company has no chance of surviving; its 25th anniversary is later this year, but it’s understaffed and running out of clients

THE company that once upon a time sponsored the Free Software Foundation and KDE resorted to defrauding its own staff in 2011 if not even earlier. Former staff is finding out and coming to grips with it.

The company has meanwhile lost several more clients (the ones it openly admits losing; usually it lies about that loss or keeps it secret for a long time… for the sake of ‘morale’). Many people, including managers, are mortified to discover what went on. Some leave and some are preparing to sue (albeit the company is in hiding, so it’s not easy).

Perhaps none of this should be particularly shocking. I know and I’ve seen attrition crises in the company over the years (dating back to 2011). But this one is different. This one the company cannot recover from and the fake ‘founder’ might even up in a jail cell. This is the first part of a series that we hope can become daily in the installments sense. There are things we cannot publicly state at this moment, but sooner or later it will be safe to blurt them out.

Monday, June 12th, 2023, 1:02 am

Sirius Open Source is Collapsing

Sirius: Open Source software, Stress free technology

Summary: The end of Sirius ‘Open Source’ is near; we shall explain what goes on there these days, as the company may only last weeks or months longer (with obligations to staff it robbed and potentially arrests of current and past managers)

MY wife and I resigned from Sirius 6 months ago (10 days ago it was exactly 6 months). We think we know what triggered a chain of events, but cannot definitively prove it at this point (maybe some other day, we’re in no hurry with this investigation).

The company is in a state of disarray and since we left about 50% of the remaining staff also left. With staff fleeing, and the company unable to recruit the people it needs to fulfil obligations to remaining clients, it will soon have no clients at all, i.e. no source of revenue.

We are getting there with accountability. After fraud committed against Sirius staff, we’re now successfully escalating to a political level (the company has a lot to do with political bodies in the UK). This will be a source of embarrassment to bodies and companies other than Sirius itself.

While source protection is paramount, we are still able to share some details that highlight the chaos in this company, where things have never been the same since Microsofters and Bill Gates intervened, occasionally mentioning me by name as they tried hard to destroy my source of income. They’ve been doing this since 2005. This will actually be the subject of a separate series or article.

Sirius is a cautionary tale about companies that defraud their own employees. What makes it relevant to this site isn’t myself but the fact the company fancies itself or describes itself as a leader in “Open Source” (it used to also say “Free software”) in the UK — that’s also the reason I joined this company 12+ years ago.

Friday, June 9th, 2023, 8:36 am

His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) and Government Contractors That Cheat on Their Taxes While Robbing Their Staff

Video download link | md5sum cd10c506a34bdc112395c0e2c16921ce
HMRC a Money Sink
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: What we’ve been demonstrating or highlighting so far this year is a defunct system of accountability, wherein the government officials and their associates are essentially above the law; can they endure the negative press that entails?

AS noted earlier in a meme, it’s now 3 weeks since reporting to HMRC that Sirius ‘Open Source’ lied in its tax filings when it issued false payslips. It told staff that pension payments had been made (every month for more than half a decade), but no money was paid. The company’s managers basically stole the money. It’s a crime, it’s embezzlement, and punishment for this crime is severe (there are many crimes committed all at the same time).

As the above video notes, seeing that HMRC doesn’t seem to care (probably too busy scrutinising the accounts of activists or political ‘enemies’), we’re progressing and moving onwards to additional steps. Many points of escalation remain. Thus far, the experience has been boding ill/poorly for the system of justice and enforcement in the UK. It’s like some kind of Kafka novel, wherein one turns from place to place like a ping-pong ball. Somehow some people are pretty much “above the law”. What might this do to public confidence in the “checks and balances”… or in slogans we’re shown on TV and radio (mass broadcast) about no escaping the wrath of the Rule of Law? We’ve written for nearly a decade about immunity and impunity in the EPO and now I (along with former colleagues) witness the same in the United Kingdom, a country where a “prince” can sleep with underage girls and then pay our tax money to “settle” and avoid extradition/arrest. The only person arrested over it was a protester who had ‘heckled’ him at his mom’s funeral.

Tuesday, June 6th, 2023, 5:45 pm

In 2015-2019 (Average) 9,747 People Died in England and Wales in Week 21. That Grew to 11,111 This Year. It’s a 14% Increase!

New data released by ONS this morning.

Let’s compare pre-pandemic years:

2019 week 21 deaths

To this year:

2023 week 21 deaths

14% higher than before the pandemic.

Friday, June 2nd, 2023, 11:04 am

His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, or HMRC, Engaging in Selective Enforcement That Protects the Government?

Like CIA people, who run over British people in the UK and then run away to the US (to be protected by their regime)

Sirius staff; Haha, it's OK, the government knows me, they will protect me
The man above ran away to the US, where he runs the company Sirius ‘Open Source’ Inc. (a shell created for the first client, a secret client, Gates Foundation) from a hideout in Washington State, escaping liability for his crimes against past staff and obligations to 2 past wives and 4 daughters

Summary: The tax crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ were reported to HMRC two weeks ago; HMRC did not bother getting back to the reporters (victims of the crime) and it’s worth noting that the reporters worked on UK government systems for many years, so maybe there’s a hidden incentive to bury this under the rug

Wednesday, May 31st, 2023, 10:31 am

UK Death Toll Continues to Climb (Up About 16%) After WHO Vainly Declared Pandemic/Emergency Over

Week 20 2022-2023 deaths:

Week 20 2022-2023 deaths

Week 20 2019 (and past 5 years) deaths:

Week 20 2019 deaths

Saturday, May 27th, 2023, 7:43 am

HMRC Fraud Reporting Tool Does Not Protect Privacy and Reporters Are Left With Neither Feedback Nor ‘Receipt’

Video download link | md5sum 3658fca2df7acb84de0dde460f814926
HMRC Useless UI, No Reference
Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

Summary: The crimes of Sirius ‘Open Source’ were reported 7 days ago to HMRC (equivalent to the IRS in the US, more or less); but there has been no visible progress and no tracking reference is given to identify the report

THE system of accountability (“checks and balances” is the motto) isn’t working. The matter is now being escalated to a political level.

The video above deals with HMRC. I don’t have much to say about the progress; I have received no reference code/number, they did not get in touch (phone, E-mail, post), and it’s not clear if they’re doing anything at all to hold Sirius accountable. As noted earlier, HMRC inaction would say a lot about the system and reinforce the widespread belief that enforcement is done only/mostly against foes of “the system”. Irrespective of severity, scale, and strength of evidence.

Setting up a UI in a Web page is only the first step; does HMRC do anything with what’s collected in this UI? it’s certainly not designed for anonymous reporting.

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