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Monday, December 11th, 2023, 4:07 am

Go Qatar?

Failing to recognise where the petrol comes from and who’s lobbying for it:

Down with fossil fuels, go Qatar

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, 9:57 am

China’s Health Authorities (Communist Party) Parroted by WHO, We Need More Data

Description and links:

Clusters of undiagnosed pneumonia in Beijing and North China

What’s behind China’s mysterious wave of childhood pneumonia?

China, surge in respiratory illnesses, including pneumonia, in children.

International society for infectious diseases

Program for Monitoring Emerging Diseases

(International Society for Infectious Diseases)

Clusters of “undiagnosed pneumonia”

We expected a surge in respiratory disease this time of year, but what is happening in China is unusual.

? more than rebound

? community immune debt

Hospitals in Beijing and 500 miles northeast in Liaoning are 'overwhelmed with sick children' with unusual symptoms that include

Radio Free Asia reported

said that more than 3,500 cases of 'respiratory infection' had been admitted to the Beijing Children's Hospital at the start of October,.

1000 new cases per day

China has now included Mycoplasma pneumoniae as well as other known respiratory pathogens, like influenza, covid and RSV

Local reports

inflammation in the lungs

a high fever but no cough

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

It is among the most common causes of community-acquired pneumonia in school age children.

Generalized aches and pains
Fever usually ? 102°F, (38.9’C)
Cough – Usually nonproductive
Sore throat (nonexudative pharyngitis)
Chills but not rigors
Nasal congestion with coryza
General malaise

Pneumonia develops in only 5-10% of persons who are infected.

The Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

The World Health Organization

Upsurge of respiratory illnesses among children-Northern China

23rd November

The WHO requested information
Using International health regulations

Laboratory results and data

Recent trends in the spread of respiratory illnesses,

from China’s health authorities last week.

WHO said China’s health authorities have said rise in hospitalizations since October to known pathogens,

such as adenoviruses, influenza virus, and RSV,

(which tends to cause only mild, cold-like symptoms)

Common winter infections — as opposed to any new pathogens — are behind the spike in hospitalizations.

Nature news explainer, 27th November

China’s first without COVID-19 restrictions since the pandemic began in 2020.

Mycoplasma pneumonia and RSV are known to affect children more than adults.

No changes in the disease presentation were reported by the Chinese health authorities.

Chinese authorities advised that, since mid-October, enhanced outpatient and inpatient surveillance has been implemented for respiratory illnesses

What is unusual, say epidemiologists, is the high prevalence of pneumonia in China.

UK, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) mostly drove spikes in illness.

November 2022, more hospitalized influenza in US

Main cause of pneumonia

Mycoplasma pneumoniae,

bacterium that infects the lungs.

Normally causes a milder ‘walking pneumonia’,

doesn’t require bed rest or hospitalization.


Slow spread throughout households is common, with a mean incubation period of 20-23 days. Disease tends to not be seasonal, except for a slight increase in late summer and early fall.


Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections have very been common.

Teachers getting ill

Bacterial pneumonia is often secondary to viral infections,

Opportunistic infection

Studies show that resistance rates of Mycoplasma pneumoniae to macrolides in Beijing are between 70% and 90%

Erythromycin, clarithromycin, azithromycin,

(data up to 2012)

levofloxacin as a secondary choice

Working hypotheses

No evidence of a novel virus or bacterium

Probably dangerous mycoplasma antibiotic resistance

Possible bacterial infection after novel virus, but less likely

New pandemic not immanent due to slow household transmission

Slow spread of multiple antibiotic resistance spread of mycoplasmic pneumonia

Need to optimise immune function, nutrition, vitamin D, sleep, exercise, appropriate antigenic challenge and hygiene hypothesis

Upgrade innate immunity as per Professor Angus Dalgleish and Professor Robert Clancy

Tuesday, December 5th, 2023, 9:43 am

England and Wales Deaths 12.5% Higher Than Before the Pandemic, Even Half a Year After WHO Declared the Pandemic ‘Over’

IN the morning, just a few minutes ago (maybe 1 minute, I kept refreshing the page!), ONS published new numbers to indicate the number of deaths (total mortality) in the UK or just in England and Wales, provisionally.

Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, week 47 in 2023: 11,385

Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, week 47 in 2023: 11,385

The same in 2014-2019: 10,124 (in late 2019 the virus COVID-19 had already entered the UK)

Deaths registered weekly in England and Wales, week 47 in 2014-2019: 10,124

That’s an increase of 12.5%.

Saturday, December 2nd, 2023, 3:27 am

Post-Vaccination Syndrome: A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization

New paper (preprint)

I‘ve just caught up with this recent video about this paper submission from Yale. A syndrome is found to be the result of the experimental vaccines (based on Yale’s work), with correlation demonstrated empirically. Can we trust this before peer review? Can we trust the peer review process itself?

Either way, I am unhappy about the status quo and the media’s failure.

Start of next year is near. ~200,000 COVID-19 deaths in England, not counting all those who died more than a month after the infection, its aftermath, and the patented “experiments” mandated by the regime. The mainstream media no longer even bothers comparing death rates of experiment participants and the so-called (not) “unvaccinated”. They’d rather just let the population forget about the whole thing… it was about patents and greed, not tackling the issue. Because it remains largely untackled.

COVID-19 sent more than 1.1 million Brits to the hospital (1.1m is in England alone; UK out of updates), killed over 230k, and with a surplus in deaths (about 15,000-20,000 more in 2023 alone) it’s clear that the deaths are still going on. They didn’t stop it.

So apparently the “solution” is to get the media to stop talking about it, then shift to some other topic like “Ukraine”.

Video description (in case the video gets removed, as per Google’s hobby):

Post-Vaccination Syndrome:

A Descriptive Analysis of Reported Symptoms and Patient Experiences After Covid-19 Immunization

Yale Listen to Immune, Symptom and Treatment Experiences Now (LISTEN) Study (online)

LISTEN study, approved by Yale University Institutional Review Board


A chronic post-vaccination syndrome (PVS) after covid-19 vaccination has been reported but has yet to be well characterized.

A chronic syndrome with symptoms that begin soon after vaccination


People who joined, May 2022 to July 2023

N = 241 individuals, (211 from the US)

aged 18 and older,

who self-reported PVS after covid-19 vaccination,

Deep immune profiling is used for some individuals


Median age of participants, 46 years

Among participants with PVS

127 (55%) had received BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech]

86 (37%) received the mRNA-1273 [Moderna]

Time from index vaccination to symptom onset

Median time, 3 days (IQR: 1 day to 8 days).

Time from vaccination to symptom survey completion

595 days (IQR: 417 to 661 days)

Median Euro-QoL visual analogue scale score was 50 (IQR: 39 to 70).

The five most common symptoms

Exercise intolerance (71%)

Excessive fatigue (69%)

Numbness (63%)

Brain fog (63%)

Neuropathy (63%)

In the week before survey completion

(Experienced at least once in the week)

Feeling unease (93%)

Fearfulness (82%)

Overwhelmed by worries (81%)

Feelings of helplessness (80%)

Anxiety (76%)

Depression (76%)

Hopelessness (72%)

Worthlessness (49%)

Concerns related to living situations and food security were also prominent.

Symptom Severity

When asked to quantify symptom severity on their worst days,

(0 representing a trivial illness and 100 unbearable condition)

Participants reported a median severity of 80

Interventions to treat their condition

Participants reported a median of 20 (IQR: 13 to 30).

Oral steroids, 116 (48% participants)

Gabapentin, 61 (25%)

Low-dose naltrexone, 48 (20%)

I, 44 (18%)

Propranolol, 27 (11%)

Bronchodilators, 26 (11%)

More than 500 additional treatments were reported by participants

Limiting exercise or exertion

Quitting alcohol or caffeine

Hydration and increasing salt intake

Intermittent fasting


In this study, individuals who reported PVS after covid-19 vaccination had low health status,

high symptom burden,

and high psychosocial stress,

despite trying many treatments.

There is a need for continued investigation to understand and treat this condition.

Looks like you can join, Kindred study

Kindred is a community of patients, working with researchers to power more useful, impactful progress.

Mystery pneumonia in China was also covered the other day. WHO is just repeating what China says. So does the media. Just trust authority and money (sponsors)…

Friday, December 1st, 2023, 3:36 am

You Can Hate Donald Trump and Object to Electronic Voting Machines at the Same Time

Schismogenesis in Bill Gated-funded sites (those machines run Windows with back doors):


I NEED to clarify upfront I do not believe the 2020 election in the United States was “stolen” and I do not support Donald Trump. He disgusts me.

The United States is still “using fraudulent voting machines” with back doors, a friend has reminded me. But the media giants aren’t talking about and “associating opposition to fraudulent voting technologies/products with crazies. Other crazies will defend fraudulent voting technologies/products for no other reason than those two crazies are opposed to them…”

Techrights did at least 2 “statements” on this issue [1, 2] just to clarify voting machines are no good regardless of news sites’ rhetoric.

Quit using opaque electronic voting machines and then lessen the likilohood of armed fanatics storming government buildings in an act of overt insurrection.

Thursday, November 30th, 2023, 5:19 am

Redoing SciFitness

trendsright store

ABOUT a month ago I redid the site SciFitness to better align with the present. The site was over 12 years old and thus in dire need of updates. The content was very out of date (I was in my 20s when I wrote it) and my wife currently sells quite a lot of fitness products, so it was changed accordingly. The use of iframes is far from desirable, but eBay is funny like this and it’s also hostile towards being embedded within another page. Perhaps this is all just an interim “solution”.

If you wish to support my work online, one excellent way to do so is buy something from the store. At least this way you get something for the money.

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023, 10:09 am

Excess Deaths in the UK Went Up Even Further This Winter

I HAVE just checked this morning’s ONS numbers, which were released only minutes ago.

In Week 45 of this year there were 11,489 registered deaths in England and Wales:


Before COVID-19 it was an average of 10,142 for that week, so we’re still looking at almost 15% increase, i.e. same as last week.


John spoke about excess deaths around the world yesterday (less than 24 hours ago).

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