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Saturday, March 30th, 2024, 2:46 am

Saving Weak and Stray Bumblebees

Just help them help the plants

On a cherry blossoms

I NEVER knew this was possible, but having checked a couple of online videos I realised it is possible to heal/revive/resuscitate bees or bumblebees that get stuck inside the home, unable to fly but still alive (able to walk like an insect, however feebly).

The short story is, feed some sugar to them, possibly in a water solution (easier for them to suck in), then ‘leave them to it’. If necessary, confine them to a space where they can see the energy-boosting solution. Then, for a period of time, they become seemingly active, like pulsating or pumping their body a bit (akin to heavy breathing). Later they regain enough energy and try to fly. It’s incredible! The recovery is fast!

In my case, the hardest part was showing the bumblebee the way out (through the window).

Saving bumblebees that get stranded inside home will hopefully become more common a practice. You not only help an animal but also assist the pollination of flowers, so you help both fauna and flora.

Thursday, March 28th, 2024, 7:36 am

Manchester City Chose Microsoft for a Web Site and, As Expected, It Doesn’t Work

I am not really buying anything, just testing:

Manchester City checkout

Maybe they are good at hand-picking players (who aren’t even from England, let alone Manchester, except Phil).

When it comes to tech, they seem to have hired Microsoft flunkies.

Microsoft and Manchester City

This is a longstanding issue with their site. Who on Earth chooses Microsoft for a site in 2024? The 2%?

Thursday, March 14th, 2024, 12:36 am

UK Excess Mortality Remains High (More Deaths Than We Expect to See) and ONS Has Begun Hiding the Names of People Who Publish This Data

I ALREADY said — some time at the start of the year — that it looked like ONS had sacked or reassigned the people who were publishing mortality data for England and Wales. New names appeared, now it’s just some generic “Data Insights and Data Science team”, and a professor who specialises in this field recently warned about falsified data. Is the following data complete?

ONS data 2024

Why are the names of the people behind this data (I corresponded with some before) suddenly hidden?

Data Insights and Data Science team, no names

Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, 1:31 pm

British Police and COVID-19 Inquiry Amid Excess Deaths

Dr. John Campbell isn’t make this up. Watch this. New and damning evidence, published today:

Monday, March 4th, 2024, 10:31 am

British MPs Want Data About UK Excess Deaths and Vaccine Data (Same Observation in Other Countries)

IN today’s channel of Dr. John Campbell there’s a new video that speaks of “Excess deaths, MPs request data” (in relation to the COVID-19 vaccines, too).

And here is the description in case Google censors him again.

Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’
MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’

Tweet from Andrew Bridgen with the letter in full

Health Secretary urged to release data that ‘may link Covid vaccine to excess deaths’
MPs and peers criticise ‘wall of silence’…

MPs and peers have accused the Health Secretary of withholding data that could link the Covid vaccine to excess deaths

A cross-party group

“growing public and professional concerns” UK’s rates of excess deaths since 2020

Demand to be shown the underlying data for to support the Government’s assertion, “no evidence” linking excess deaths to the vaccines for Covid-19.

21 MPs and peers

“If those data do indeed exist, please share them; if thorough investigations have already ruled out such a link, please share the relevant reports,”

“There is no place here for blind faith.”

Written to

Health Secretary

Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC)

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA)

UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA)

Potentially critical data, which maps the date of people’s Covid vaccine doses to the date of their deaths,

have been released to pharmaceutical companies but not put into the public domain.

Data should be released “on the same anonymised basis that it was shared with the pharmaceutical groups, and there seems to be no credible reason why that should not be done immediately”.

“Questions about these trends, however, have to date been met by a relative wall of silence from your organisations and other public health officials.”

A DHSC spokesman

“We are committed to data transparency and publish a wide range of data on excess mortality. The datasets published are kept under constant review.”

Thursday, February 29th, 2024, 10:24 pm

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Controlled by the Industry

New video:

Description in case Google removes his videos again:

We feel compelled to conclude that the MHRA has indeed become an enabler for the pharmaceutical industry, with patient safety no longer being its primary concern.

Medicines regulator failed to flag Covid vaccine side effects,

and must be urgently investigated.

All-party parliamentary group, (APPG) on Pandemic Response and Recovery,

believe MHRA were aware of heart and clotting issues,

in February 2021,

but did not highlight the problems for several months………\…

We write regarding serious concerns about the approach of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA),

to patient safety and also problems in a system that,

far from protecting patients,

continues to put them at serious risk.

Primodos, sodium valproate and pelvic mesh

We also believe that the MHRA is at the heart of these far wider endemic failings,

and that those cited in this letter merely represent the tip of a sizeable iceberg of failure.
The Yellow Card Scheme

The Yellow Card Scheme … is failing patients.

Hospital admissions are caused or complicated by ADRs (16.5%),

while analysis of in patient stays has shown that 15% of patients experience one or more ADRs, with half being either definitely or possibly avoidable.

Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review Review, report First Do No Harm:

We heard about a system that cannot be relied upon to identify promptly significant adverse outcomes arising from a medication or device,

it is clear that there is gross under-reporting,

and our complaints systems are both too complex and too diffuse to allow early signal detection.

Under-reporting hinders the ability to detect signals and assign causation.

The cost to patient safety of such an unreliable system can be measured in the needless fatalities,

the considerable burden on the quality of life for survivors,

and a £2.2 billion strain on NHS England alone.

Only one in 12 patients are aware that they can report a suspected ADR.

A 2006 systemic review

The rate of under-reporting of adverse events was, on average, 94% and possibly as high as 98%,

meaning possibly only two in every 100 ADRs were reported to the MHRA.

For example, a survey of UK pharmacists suggested they lack interest in, and do not promote, direct patient reporting.

Only 19% of the respondents displayed a poster promoting the Yellow Card Scheme in their pharmacy.

2023, analysis of anticoagulants

Reporting of gastrointestinal bleeds

North West of England Hospital Trust recorded 12,013 bleed-related emergency admissions.

Of these, 1,058 were taking DOAC anticoagulants.

Only six DOAC Yellow Card reports (0.56% of the possible) were made by the Trust during the period.

Conflicts of Interest and Transparency

From FDA to MHRA: are drug regulators for hire?

The regulator-industry revolving door

Proportion of covid-19 vaccine committee members that declared financial COIs

UK, HMRA, 32%

Australia, TGA, 50%

March 2022, Dame June Raine, Chief Executive of the MHRA

agency’s transition from “the watchdog to the enabler”

does little to quell suspicions of conflicts and the implications for patient safety and cannot be overlooked.

MHRA’s responses to Freedom of Information (FOI) requests.

Between 2008 and 2017,

only 41% of requests were successful.

Since 2019, the number of requests has seen a substantial increase from 609 to 1,609 in 2021,

likely due to concerns about the regulation of Covid-19 vaccinations,

with 76% of these requests answered outside the 20 working days statutory response time.

Often exemptions were applied or vague or evasive responses were received.

The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency

from regulatory approval to post marketing pharmacovigilance the MHRA has a history of failing patients

The MHRA does not attempt to assess or compare the safety of different vaccines, due to inadequate reporting in the system which prevents any analysis:

MHRA “does not hold a process for the investigation and follow up of individual Yellow Card reports”

MHRA only followed up some 54% of deaths reported in yellow cards as possibly linked to exposure to one of the Covid-19 vaccines.

What conclusions are we to draw about the seeming unwillingness of a regulator, largely funded by those it regulates, to disclose data to the same public it professes to protect?

Saturday, February 24th, 2024, 3:47 am

Covering Up Dead People or Covering Up for Pandemic Profiteers

I wrote about it last month.


2024: A Year of COVID-19 Cover-up (Massive Mortality Levels Persist, Even Now)

2024 Looks Like Another Year of 50,000+ Excess Deaths Across the UK


Description and links:

Massive APPARENT reduction in excess deaths in 2023 as UK ONS change how they calculate excess deaths.…


Excess deaths in 2022, 52,514 (9.26%)

OECD, UK, weeks 1 – 44, 2023

Excess deaths, 49,389 (9.44%)……

Early heart disease deaths rise to 14-year high…

Over 100,000 excess deaths involving cardiovascular conditions in England since February 2020

Heart and circulatory diseases cause around a quarter of all deaths in England – over 140,000 deaths each year or one death every four minutes.

In 2022

Over 39,000 people in England died prematurely of cardiovascular conditions,

heart attacks, coronary heart disease and stroke,

an average of 750 people each week.

It is the highest annual total since 2008.

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