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KNode - March 2009

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14 March, 2009

16:15 Re: OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? Erik Funkenbusch
17:02 Re: [News] Preview of Adobe Reader for GNU/Linux, Racing Linux Games Timo Pirinen
17:22 Re: OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? unionpenny
17:28 Re: OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? Chris Ahlstrom
17:31 Re: OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? Chris Ahlstrom
17:32 Re: [News] Preview of Adobe Reader for GNU/Linux, Racing Linux Games Chris Ahlstrom
20:00 Re: PCLinuxOS: the non-review Roy Schestowitz
20:04 Re: BBC and the W botnet .. Roy Schestowitz
22:07 Re: PCLinuxOS: the non-review ml2mst

15 March, 2009

01:27 Re: Roy Schestowitz proves he's dumber than a rock Chris Ahlstrom
04:00 Re: Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 14th of March, 2009. Homer
06:56 COLA Statistics, 15 Mar 2009 colastats
07:07 Re: OLPC Moves to ARM. Farewell, Windows XP? Sermo Malifer
13:57 Re: [News] Preview of Adobe Reader for GNU/Linux, Racing Linux Games Timo Pirinen
15:20 Re: Off topic? Stock manipulation Roy Schestowitz
15:21 Re: Roy Schestowitz proves he's dumber than a rock Roy Schestowitz
15:24 Re: Microsoft's Latest Smear Campaign, Cowardly Attack via Employers Roy Schestowitz
15:30 Re: BBC and the W botnet .. Doug Mentohl
15:30 [News] Shillnalysts Suppose ARM Will Stay Linux Turf, OLPC Likewise Roy Schestowitz
15:33 [News] GNU/Linux Users Vote for "Git[sic] the Facts" Campaign Against Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
15:35 [News] GNU/Linux More Productive, Not Just Snazzier Roy Schestowitz
15:37 [News] The Freedom Advantage of GNU/Linux (or Why Not Apple) Roy Schestowitz
15:39 [News] rPath CTO: GNU/Linux and Related Projects Have Become So Standard Roy Schestowitz
15:41 [News] Sendmail and TurnKey Target Big GNU/Linux Servers Roy Schestowitz
15:42 [News] W3C Stats: GNU/Linux on 4% of Connected Desktops (and Growing) Roy Schestowitz
15:45 [News] Overview of Video Converters for GNU/Linux, Gallium3D to Gain OpenGL 3.0 Roy Schestowitz
15:47 [News] Linux Potentially the Most Widely Used Platform Roy Schestowitz
15:48 [News] Linux 2.6.29 Out Very Shortly -- Here's What's Inside Roy Schestowitz
15:50 [News] Mac Users Use GNU/Linux, Thanks to VirtualBox Roy Schestowitz
15:53 [News] PCLinuxOS 2009.1 is FANTASTIC, Good Reviews All Around Roy Schestowitz
15:55 [News] Red Hat Did Great with Fedora 10 -- All Works Well Roy Schestowitz
15:58 [News] New Ubuntu Show Released, *buntu Runs on Very Old PCs Roy Schestowitz
16:00 [News] Review of Live Debian (Knoppix 6), Debian Package Policy Updated Roy Schestowitz
16:03 [News] New GNU/Linux Releases: PC/OS 2009v2, Greenie Linux (Slovakia) Roy Schestowitz
16:06 [News] Free Linux Phones Praised in Taipei Times, Google Expands Linux Efforts There Roy Schestowitz
16:08 [News] GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks in CBS News Roy Schestowitz
16:10 [News] More Free Software for Science: RKWard (for R), 3D Landscape Generators Roy Schestowitz
16:13 [News] Free Software Conducts Monitoring Roy Schestowitz
16:15 [News] Why Free Software Development and Communities Trump the Come petition Roy Schestowitz
16:18 [News] Project ROME Reaches 1.0 Milestone, other Milestones Noted Roy Schestowitz
16:23 [News] Survey Into Free Software Use in IT Shops Roy Schestowitz
16:25 [News] Italy's Adoption of Free Software Studied Roy Schestowitz
16:27 [News] Free Software Confirmed Thriving Due to Poor Economy Roy Schestowitz
16:29 [News] Free Software Penetrates the heart of the Financial Sector Roy Schestowitz
16:31 [News] Ingres Further Empowers Free/Open Source Software in Big Places Roy Schestowitz
16:34 [News] Free Software Gaining in SOA, ERP in Clusters Roy Schestowitz
16:36 [News] Firebird News and New Release of syslog-ng Roy Schestowitz
16:41 Re: BBC and the W botnet .. Roy Schestowitz
16:43 [News] CMS: Where Free Software Reigns Roy Schestowitz
16:56 [News] "Open Source Creativity" Event to Take Place Roy Schestowitz
16:58 Re: [News] Linux 2.6.29 Out Very Shortly -- Here's What's Inside Chris Ahlstrom
16:58 [News] Big Growth for GNU/Linux and Free Software in the PBX Market Roy Schestowitz
17:00 [News] UK Schools Adopt Free Sofwtare Roy Schestowitz
17:01 Re: [News] Linux 2.6.29 Out Very Shortly -- Here's What's Inside Chris Ahlstrom
17:02 [News] Indian Government to Favour Free Software, Just Like Ben Franklin Roy Schestowitz
17:04 [News] Test Drive with Midori Browser and Firefox 3.1 Beta 3 Roy Schestowitz
17:05 [News] RMS Explains Why Free Software Doesn't Miss the Point (Re: Licensing) Roy Schestowitz
17:06 Re: [News] Shillnalysts Suppose ARM Will Stay Linux Turf, OLPC Likewise Chris Ahlstrom
17:07 [News] Open-Source Hardware in Wired Roy Schestowitz
17:10 [News] Open Data/FOSS Principles Spread to Geography, Science, Genome Roy Schestowitz
17:12 [News] Free Software Philosophy Spreads to Video, Projects, Automobiles Roy Schestowitz
17:14 [News] ODF Rever Spreads to Healthcare, Document Freedom Day Coming Soon Roy Schestowitz
17:16 [News] Biden and OBAMAA Serve the RIAA/MPAA with ACTAA Roy Schestowitz
17:17 [News] Tim Berners-Lee Nominated as Czar Against Net Abuse by Corporations Roy Schestowitz
17:19 [News] New Zealand Fights the MAFIAA; MAFIAA is Laying Off People Roy Schestowitz
17:21 [News] EU Surrenders to Pressure Against The Secret ACTA Crimes Roy Schestowitz
17:25 [News] The Microsoft Mafia Invades Open Source India Tech Days ‘09 While Suing Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:26 [News] Wikileaks Shows Patents That Can Lead to Death Roy Schestowitz
17:29 [News] Fraunhofer Fokus Supports Convicted Monopoly Abuser at Taxpayers' Expense Roy Schestowitz
17:30 [News] Patent 'Reform' Stolen by Large Companies Roy Schestowitz
17:32 [News] Microsoft's OOXML Crimes Still Remembered; ISO's Reputation is Still Dead Roy Schestowitz
17:34 [News] Study from Paid IDC Shills Shows Increase in GNU/Linux Interest Roy Schestowitz
17:34 Re: [News] PCLinuxOS 2009.1 is FANTASTIC, Good Reviews All Around Don Zeigler
17:36 [News] [Rival] Russian Youths Use Windows Zombies to Take Entire Nations Off the Web Roy Schestowitz
17:37 [News] [Rival] Video: Why Windows is Hated; Internet Explorer Pending Removal? Roy Schestowitz
17:45 Re: making SQL server work better with PHP? Roy Schestowitz
18:05 Re: [News] Free Linux Phones Praised in Taipei Times, Google Expands Linux Efforts There 7
18:12 Re: [News] Review of Live Debian (Knoppix 6), Debian Package Policy Updated 7
23:41 Re: [News] Red Hat Did Great with Fedora 10 -- All Works Well Sean

16 March, 2009

10:57 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Gets a Lot Faster in Next Version chrisv
11:21 Re: Roy Schestowitz proves he's dumber than a rock Chris Ahlstrom
12:50 Re: Roy Schestowitz proves he's dumber than a rock chrisv
13:07 Re: Anyone notice how the trolls are mainly taking amongst themselves thesedays ? Roy Schestowitz
14:43 [News] [Rival] Facebook Filled with Windows Worms; Microsoft Patches Don't Work Roy Schestowitz
14:47 [News] Indian Prime Minister's Office Dumps Windows for GNU/Linux After Virus Attack Roy Schestowitz
14:48 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Partner in Crimes (Intel) Falls Under More Scrutiny Roy Schestowitz
14:50 [News] [Rival] Opera's CEO Unimpressed by Microsoft's Attempt to Escape EU Justice Roy Schestowitz
14:52 Ziff-Davis Director Tells How Microsoft Could Influence Ziff-Davis ($$$) Roy Schestowitz
14:54 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Gets Its Crony in Charge of Washington's Commerce Roy Schestowitz
14:57 [News] [Rival] Ballmer and Tucci Squeeze for the Abusive Monopoly with Maritz Roy Schestowitz
14:59 [News] [Rival] Tax Evader Microsoft Wants to Loot More Public Money Roy Schestowitz
15:01 [News] [Rival] Morgan Stanley Realises Microsoft is in for Some Rough Time Roy Schestowitz
15:04 [News] [Rival] Rumour: Microsoft -- Approaching Debt -- Will Drop Xbox 360 Elite Roy Schestowitz
15:05 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Red Rings of Death Disasters 'Alive' and Well Roy Schestowitz
15:08 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's XBox -- Already Over $5 Billion in Debt -- Sued Twice More Roy Schestowitz
16:19 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Gets a Lot Faster in Next Version Chris Ahlstrom
20:11 Re: [News] Indian Prime Minister's Office Dumps Windows for GNU/Linux After Virus Attack 7
22:41 [News] New GNU/Linux Distribution Spawns Free Software 'Clouds', Gets $5 Million Roy Schestowitz
22:42 [News] GNU/Linux Serves as an Excellent Portable Presentation Tool Roy Schestowitz
22:44 [News] Reasons for Public Looting to Fund Free Software and Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:48 [News] GNU/Linux a Powerful Toolbox to Fix Windows, Which is Just Black Box Roy Schestowitz
22:50 [News] Review of the Dell Inspiron Mini 12 with GNU/Linux Preinstalled Roy Schestowitz
22:53 [News] A Look at Dell's XPS with GNU/Linux Preinstalled Roy Schestowitz
22:56 [News] Overview of USENET/NG Applications for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] eOn Communications Builds Product with GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:58 [News] LogMeIn Bows to GNU/Linux Popularity Roy Schestowitz
23:00 [News] NoMachine Brings GNU/Linux to More Computers with Leostream Roy Schestowitz
23:03 [News] IDG/IDC Employs Lackeys to Slam GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:05 [News] GNU/Linux Still on Playstation 3, Other Linux Games Debut Roy Schestowitz
23:07 [News] Linux Foundation Makes Strong Marketing Arm and Releases Videos Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] Weekly Linux Newsletters and Audiocast Released, i3 Also Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] Review of the Latest Arch Linux is Positive Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Keeps Receiving Praises Roy Schestowitz
23:17 [News] Red Hat Partners with Cisco to Spread GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:21 [News] Ubuntu Derivative Qimo Works Well, Preview of Ubuntu Linux 9.04 Roy Schestowitz
23:24 [News] Linux Runs on Miniature Devices (SheevaPlug and Gumstick) Roy Schestowitz
23:27 [News] New Linux Release from SYSGO (ELinOS 5.0) Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Wind River's Linux Distribution Reaches 3.0 Milestone Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Kogan Agora Sub-notebooks Comes with GNU/Linux and Works Well Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] Ubuntu Linux 9.04 Works on Nokia Portables Too Roy Schestowitz
23:35 [News] Medicine Impacted by Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] QQ and Microsoft 'Game' Netcraft with More 'Junk' Sites Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] All Major Parties in India Support Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:42 [News] Free Software is About Freedom, Not Just Cost -- RMS Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] New GTK+ is Released Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] A Look at Mozilla Firefox 3.5 Beta 3, Mozilla Survey Released Roy Schestowitz
23:48 [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Downloaded Almost 50 Million Times So Far, Comes to ARM Roy Schestowitz
23:52 [News] Another GTD Applications Chooses Open Source Licensing Roy Schestowitz
23:53 [News] Google Offically Releases Jaiku as Open Source (Apache) and Renames It Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] EU Project Looks for Free Software (Paid) Programmers Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] Censorship and Web Abuse from MAFIAA: Now Fighting Protocols/Porrs Roy Schestowitz

17 March, 2009

00:00 [News] Italy's Catiuscia Marini Wants the Internet to Be Like Totalitarian China Roy Schestowitz
00:03 [News] The MAFIAA is Basically Doomed, Just Like Proprietary Software and Newspapers Roy Schestowitz
00:04 [News] Why Business Model That Harm Freedom Are Bound to Die Roy Schestowitz
00:06 [News] Microsoft Cronies in the Czech Republic Push for Software Patents Hack Roy Schestowitz
00:09 [News] People Unhappy with Phony Patent 'Reform' Bill Roy Schestowitz
00:11 [News] The Five Best Operating Systems Roy Schestowitz
00:12 [News] [Rival] MSBBC Calls Windows "Machine" and Feeds Crackers Roy Schestowitz
10:07 Re: [News] Microsoft to End up Like SCO, Patents to Lose Their Bubble Value bb
10:25 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Gets a Lot Faster in Next Version Norman Peelman
10:25 Re: [News] Microsoft to End up Like SCO, Patents to Lose Their Bubble Value bb
10:31 Re: [News] Microsoft to End up Like SCO, Patents to Lose Their Bubble Value Peter Köhlmann
11:27 Re: [News] Massive Successful Migration to GNU/inux in France High Plains Thumper
11:38 Re: <FAKE> High Plains Thumper
12:03 Re: <FAKE> Erik Jan
13:06 Re: [News] Microsoft to End up Like SCO, Patents to Lose Their Bubble Value Roy Schestowitz
13:28 Re: [News] Massive Successful Migration to GNU/inux in France Chris Ahlstrom
17:08 Re: making SQL server work better with PHP? JEDIDIAH
17:48 Re: [News] W3C Stats: GNU/Linux on 4% of Connected Desktops (and Growing) JEDIDIAH
21:50 [News] German Schools Move to GNU/Linux (Skolelinux) Roy Schestowitz
21:58 [News] South Africa's Government to Adopt GNU/Linux and Free Software Systematically Roy Schestowitz
22:01 [News] GNU/Linux Advocated for Old PCs in the Press Roy Schestowitz
22:04 [News] GNU/Linux Seen as a Good Fit for Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
22:06 [News] Google Sponsors Wine, Chromium for GNU/Linux Coming Together Roy Schestowitz
22:09 [News] Microsoft Shills Fight GNU/Linux Adoption Roy Schestowitz
22:12 [News] FFmpeg Could Support Blu-ray Soon, Elisa Brings Entertainment to Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:15 [News] GNU/Linux Brand Changes, the "Change" Brand Applied Roy Schestowitz
22:18 [News] Tests of GNU/Linux Under Other Platforms Roy Schestowitz
22:20 [News] Common GNU/Linux Patterns of FUD Rebutted Roy Schestowitz
22:22 [News] Insight Into Next Linux, New Drop-and-Drop Benchmarks Software Roy Schestowitz
22:25 [News] KDE Summit Coming, Eclipse Conference Also Roy Schestowitz
22:27 [News] New Sugar Released, Overview of Small Desktop Environments/Windows Managers Roy Schestowitz
22:30 [News] Screenshot Tours of Mandriva 2009.1, Other Distro News Roy Schestowitz
22:32 [News] Reviews of WattOS and Arch Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:34 [News] Fedora Responds to Gossip, Red Hat Rebuts Slashdot FUD Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Gets New Themes Out of the Box Roy Schestowitz
22:39 [News] MacBook Lookalike Comes with GNU/Linux Preinstalled Roy Schestowitz
22:40 [News] Interview with Community Manager of Ubuntu Roy Schestowitz
22:43 [News] More Embedded Linux Support and Adoption (Altera and Genivi) Roy Schestowitz
22:46 [News] Free Software CMS Adopted by Newspapers, Zimplit CMS Introduced Roy Schestowitz
22:47 [News] New Version of GIMP is Released (2.6.6) Roy Schestowitz
22:48 [News] Companies Reach Out to Free Software Due to Ecnonomy Roy Schestowitz
22:51 [News] More Projects Adopt Free/Open Source (JCP, AspireRFID) Roy Schestowitz
22:52 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Advocated for Old PCs in the Press 7
22:54 [News] Free Software is Like a Company Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] Move to Free Software in Healthcare Not Just a Matter of Money Anymore Roy Schestowitz
22:59 [News] Company Promotes Open Source Cinema, Uses Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:01 [News] Lots More GNU/Linux and Free Software in Servers/'Cloud' Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] Release of PPSS Makes Linux Easily Parallelisable/Distributed Roy Schestowitz
23:14 [News] Spain Makes Free Software for Education Roy Schestowitz
23:17 [News] Government in the United Kingdom Organises Free Software Events Roy Schestowitz
23:21 [News] Sun Under More Pressure to Open Up Roy Schestowitz
23:23 [News] Web Sort of Turns 20, OpenStreetMap Reaches 6-Figure Milestone Roy Schestowitz
23:24 [News] Finance and Prosthetics Turn to Free Software/Open Source Approach Roy Schestowitz
23:26 [News] Opera Accuses Microsoft of Breaking the Internet After Crimes vs Netscape Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Firefox 3.5 Just 3 Months Away and Looks Good Already Roy Schestowitz
23:29 [News] Firefox Popular Among Developers; Development Insights Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] UK Fights Against Democratising Forces; Professor Jailed Roy Schestowitz
23:34 [News] New Initiative to Marginalise MAFIAA's Junk Roy Schestowitz
23:35 [News] The MAFIAA Starts Attacking Judges Roy Schestowitz
23:37 [News] Internet 'Police State' Assisted by Passiveness, Obedience Roy Schestowitz
23:39 [News] Australian Communications and Media Authority Attacks Web Links Roy Schestowitz
23:41 [News] EPO Under the Alison Brimelow Regime Becomes Software Patents Risk Roy Schestowitz
23:44 [News] Inherent Failure of the Patent System Explained (Espcially Software) Roy Schestowitz
23:45 [News] Patents Unrest in the US, Opposition to Software Patents in India Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] Pay-to-Say IDC States the Obvious About GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:49 [News] India Pushes Microsoft Out Following OOXML Crimes, So Microsoft Pushes MOU Scam Roy Schestowitz
23:51 [News] The Microsoft Fan Press Finally Shuts its Doors Roy Schestowitz
23:52 [News] [Rival] Apple Uses More Dirty Hardware to Increase Lock-in Roy Schestowitz
23:53 [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Cloud' Down for an ENTIRE DAY Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] [Rival] MSBBC Can Promote Crackers Roy Schestowitz

18 March, 2009

08:47 Re: Noise-free COLA surfing... Roy Schestowitz
11:06 Re: Noise-free COLA surfing... Sinister Midget
11:50 Re: Noise-free COLA surfing... SomeBloke
11:59 Re: Noise-free COLA surfing... SomeBloke
15:28 Re: Former Microsoft exec continues song and dance Roy Schestowitz
15:29 Re: [News] Half of enterprise and government organisations surveyed by IDC to use Linux ! Roy Schestowitz
17:43 Re: Former Microsoft exec continues song and dance Roy Schestowitz
18:19 Re: Windows more secure for ATMs than Linux .. Roy Schestowitz
19:21 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Cloud' Down for an ENTIRE DAY SomeBloke
22:17 [News] GNU/Linux as the Future, Windows Still Loathed Roy Schestowitz
22:18 [News] GNU/Linux Has Sweet Spot in Wide Market Roy Schestowitz
22:19 [News] Russia's Huge GNU/Linux Migration Already Coming Roy Schestowitz
22:21 [News] Big Win for GNU/Linux at Dell: Adamo Runs GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:26 [News] H-P Targets GNU/Linux Clusters Roy Schestowitz
22:28 [News] GNU/Linux on Board in Emirates Airbus A380 Roy Schestowitz
22:31 [News] Architects Could Move to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] GNU/Linux Does 3D Acceleration in VirtualBox Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] GNU/Linux is About Novelty/Science, Not Competition Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] 3 New Audio Shows on GNU/Linux and Free Software Roy Schestowitz
22:38 [News] Cisco Deploys on GNU/Linux, Just Like Oracle Roy Schestowitz
22:45 [News] New Linux Logo promotes Good Cause Roy Schestowitz
22:46 [News] Next Linux Speeds up Boot Time Roy Schestowitz
22:48 [News] Review of GNOME 2.26 and A Look at xmonad Roy Schestowitz
22:50 [News] Another New Review of PcLinuxOS 2009.1, Screenshots Roy Schestowitz
22:51 [News] Linaxe Runs in Just 4KB Roy Schestowitz
22:53 [News] Red Hat GNU/Linux Manages the Market Roy Schestowitz
22:55 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Receives RightScale Support, New ATI Catalyst Driver Roy Schestowitz
22:56 [News] World's Greenest PC May Run GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] StorCenter Uses GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:59 [News] Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Tool Elevates GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:03 [News] China Chooses GNU/Linux for $132 Computer Roy Schestowitz
23:04 [News] Little Blue Linux Debuts Roy Schestowitz
23:05 [News] GNU/Linux Runs from the Top of the Finger -- Literally Roy Schestowitz
23:07 [News] Wind River Makes More Linux Announcements of Open Chip and Multicore Chips Support Roy Schestowitz
23:08 [News] HTC Carries on Betting on Linux for Phones Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] Kogan Preinstalls GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] Good Reviews of GNU/Linux on H-P Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] Microsoft Must Now Play by GNU/Linux' Terms (and Prices) Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] Venice Prioritises Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:17 [News] Free Software Enables Collaboration in Computing and Beyond Roy Schestowitz
23:19 [News] Award Won by PostgreSQL Team Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] Free (Libre) Content Management Systems Vie for Dominance and Take Over Newspapers Roy Schestowitz
23:23 [News] Academic World Builds Virtual Worlds with Free Software (PIVOTE) Roy Schestowitz
23:25 [News] US Defense Department Releases Free Software, Which is More Secure Roy Schestowitz
23:26 [News] Police States Fight Free Software for Being Too Secure or Sharing 'Too' Much Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Loads of Free Software and GNU/Linux Events Are Coming Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Mozilla Firefox Does Well in the Philippines, Fennec Beta 1 is Out Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Leaps for Free Software and GNU/Linux in Servers ('Cloud') Roy Schestowitz
23:34 [News] Business Goes Badly for Proprietary Software as Free Software Gains Roy Schestowitz
23:36 [News] Sun-IBM Flirt Good news for GNU/Linux, Sun Enters 'Clouds' Too Roy Schestowitz
23:37 [News] Medscribbler Becomes Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] Voxel Viewer Released as Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] Wikidsmart Elects AGPLv3, Free Software at Cheminformatics and Blue Obelisk Journal Roy Schestowitz
23:42 [News] New Ruby on Rails, Discussion of Free Software Business Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] Mac OS Program Advances OpenDocument Format Roy Schestowitz
23:45 [News] Lobbyists Attack Freedom by Hijacking Laws (Patents Too) Roy Schestowitz
23:47 [News] Australian Authorities Quietly Shoots Wikileaks, Web Censorship Alive in the UK Roy Schestowitz
23:49 [News] Google Fights Abuse of Intellectual Monopolies Roy Schestowitz
23:50 [News] Democracy Preservation (Demonstrations) Daemonised in the UK Roy Schestowitz
23:52 [News] EPO Claims Improvement of Patent System While Microsoft Attacks GPL in Europe Roy Schestowitz
23:53 [News] MSBBC Played with Windows and Got Burned Roy Schestowitz
23:54 [News] Linux Instant-on with Ballnux Reaches USA Today Roy Schestowitz
23:56 [News] Anti-Google Coalition Has Microsoft Connection Roy Schestowitz
23:57 [News] Microsoft Finds New Business Model in Racketeering, Signs Lexmark Roy Schestowitz

19 March, 2009

09:11 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Cloud' Down for an ENTIRE DAY Phil Da Lick!
12:38 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Cloud' Down for an ENTIRE DAY SomeBloke
13:56 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft 'Cloud' Down for an ENTIRE DAY chrisv
21:57 [News] Singapore Youngsters Introduced to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:03 [News] Lists of GNU/Linux Applications That Add Value to the Platform Roy Schestowitz
22:05 [News] Psystar Customers Dual-boot with GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:07 [News] People Would Pay for GNU/Linux, Case Study in Migration of Business Roy Schestowitz
22:09 [News] Why It's a Great Time to Move to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:11 [News] Microsoft MVP Installs GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:14 [News] Kernel Clarification from Greg K-H (on Linux Staging) Roy Schestowitz
22:16 [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Roy Schestowitz
22:19 [News] Linux is Well Over 15, Linux Videos Contest in Progress Roy Schestowitz
22:21 [News] AMD Serves Linux with Display Library for ATI Line Roy Schestowitz
22:23 [News] Killer KDE Application Gets Plasmafied Roy Schestowitz
22:26 [News] GNOME 2.26 Release, Overview, and New Translations Roy Schestowitz
22:28 [News] Short Review of OpenGEU 8.10 (GNU/Linux) Roy Schestowitz
22:30 [News] Red Hat Claims Almost 40,000 Certified Engineers Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] A Look at Red Hat's Leadership and the Road Ahead Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] Visual Overhaul in Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04 Roy Schestowitz
22:40 [News] Another New Interview with Jono Bacon, Community Manager at Canonical Roy Schestowitz
22:42 [News] MicroTCA from PT Runs Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:44 [News] Linux Powers High-end Packet Processor Roy Schestowitz
22:46 [News] GNU/Linux and ARM Break Price Barriers (Photos) Roy Schestowitz
22:48 [News] Linux Can Sub-notebooks with Google's Help Roy Schestowitz
22:52 [News] GNU/Linux Further Optimised for Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
22:55 [News] Free Software Already Everywhere, Even for Windows and Mac Users Roy Schestowitz
22:58 [News] Open Source Video Claimed Mature Roy Schestowitz
23:00 [News] Consultancy Advises Strongly Against Proprietary Software, Promotes FOSS Roy Schestowitz
23:01 [News] Medsphere Fulfills Promise of FOSS in Healthcare Roy Schestowitz
23:03 [News] Large Company Chooses GNU/Linux and FOSS to Power Site, Engine Roy Schestowitz
23:04 [News] FSF Promotes and Produces Free Software Literature Roy Schestowitz
23:06 [News] IBM-Sun Relationship as a Good Thing, Sun Promotes FOSS Roy Schestowitz
23:08 [News] Free Software Fits E-Voting for Security/Reliability Reasons Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] US Defense Department Procures Free Software, Not Only Produces Some Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] More Initiatives from Open Source Hardware Players/Participants Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] Humanitarian Efforts Work Like Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] Perl 6 Virtual Machine Comes to Parrot Roy Schestowitz
23:17 [News] Review of the New Mobile Firefox Browser (Beta) Roy Schestowitz
23:19 [News] Many More Free Software Conferences Appear Roy Schestowitz
23:21 [News] ODF Standard Gathers Steam in the US Too Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] UK Discourages Work on the Web (with Surveillance)? Roy Schestowitz
23:23 [News] UK Government Lets MAFIAA Run the Web and Spreads DRM Roy Schestowitz
23:27 [News] Sony Shares Literature's for Free and Canadians Fight "Criminal by Default" Law Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Copyrights Neglected by Artist/s; Australian Government Plays Ball for MAFIAA Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Patents and DRM Bite Amazon Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Microsoft Called a "Patent Troll" Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] EPO Tries Running Around the Law to Legalise Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
23:34 [News] New GNU/Ballnux Out Shortly (Endorsed by Ballmer) Roy Schestowitz
23:39 [News] ATMs Infected by Microsoft Windows, Pwn2Own OWNZ Non-Free Software Roy Schestowitz

20 March, 2009

00:56 Re: [News] Visual Overhaul in Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04 High Plains Thumper
03:23 Re: [News] Patents and DRM Bite Amazon none of your buisiness
06:11 Re: [troll alert] A New Picture of Roy Schestowitz !! High Plains Thumper
16:43 Re: Are KDE and Gnome Bloated? COLA says no. Survey says: YES. JEDIDIAH
16:55 Re: Are KDE and Gnome Bloated? COLA says no. Survey says: YES. White Spirit
17:39 Re: Are KDE and Gnome Bloated? COLA says no. Survey says: YES. AZ Nomad
18:12 Re: TomTom sues Microsoft for patent infringement Roy Schestowitz
19:23 Re: [News] GNOME 2.26 Release, Overview, and New Translations Roy Schestowitz
21:06 Re: [News] GNOME 2.26 Release, Overview, and New Translations Roy Schestowitz
21:15 [News] Multi-core Niagara Runs GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:18 [News] Penguins Computing Runs GNU/Linux on Very High-end Hardware Roy Schestowitz
21:23 [News] Tiny Core GNU/Linux Reviewed Again Roy Schestowitz
21:26 [News] H-P Pays $520 to Enable Migration to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:29 [News] GNU/Linux Leaner, Better, and Embraced by More Roy Schestowitz
21:31 [News] Package Manager in GNU/Linux to Get More Universal Roy Schestowitz
21:33 [News] Government of the Philippines Gets Its New Version of GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:35 [News] New Version of Compiz is Released Roy Schestowitz
21:36 [News] IBM's GNU/Linux and Standards Chief on a Future with GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:40 [News] Multimedia Applications for GNU/Linux: KDENLive, Listen Roy Schestowitz
21:44 [News] GNU/Linux and AGPL Software Running One's Portable O/S Roy Schestowitz
21:46 [News] Conficker 'Migrates' People to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:48 [News] Linux Gains New Firewall Roy Schestowitz
21:50 [News] GNU/Linux Desktop Environments: There is No 'Better' One Roy Schestowitz
21:55 [News] Mandriva and Google Contribute to KDE Roy Schestowitz
21:57 [News] GNOME Desktop Impresses with Latest Release and Moves to Git Roy Schestowitz
21:59 [News] Ultra X Linux to Make Its Debut Roy Schestowitz
22:01 [News] Reviews of PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Leave a Good Impression Roy Schestowitz
22:05 [News] Ubuntu Linux Comes with Free Software for Graphics and New Appearance Roy Schestowitz
22:07 [News] How Ubuntu is Beneficial to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:09 [News] Lineo Targets Linux with New Release Roy Schestowitz
22:11 [News] Nee Form Factors for GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
22:14 [News] Good Free Software the Desktop and 'Cloud' Roy Schestowitz
22:16 [News] FSF/SFLC Talk from Recent GNU/Linux Conference Roy Schestowitz
22:17 [News] South Africa Moves Large Computing to *NIX Roy Schestowitz
22:18 Re: [News] Conficker 'Migrates' People to GNU/Linux Terry Porter
22:19 [News] OpenStreetMap Accompanies Free Software with Free Data Roy Schestowitz
22:21 [News] Privacy Invasion in the UK, Germany Saus No Roy Schestowitz
22:24 [News] More Corruption in the Lobbying Cartel (Microsoft Specialty) Roy Schestowitz
22:26 [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Roy Schestowitz
22:29 [News] Australia's Web Censorship Includes Revealer of Its Corruption Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] New Big Victory for Creative Commons Roy Schestowitz
22:34 [News] Copyrights Cartel 'Fights' Wikipedia, Search Engines Roy Schestowitz
22:36 [News] The Chameleon Linux Distro Changes Shape Roy Schestowitz
22:38 [News] How Microsoft and Steel Steal from the UK Using Project Marshall (MOU) Roy Schestowitz
22:41 [News] [Rival] Windows-based Diebold Broken, Windows Mobile Likewise Roy Schestowitz
22:49 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Roy Schestowitz

21 March, 2009

00:57 Re: [News] How Ubuntu is Beneficial to GNU/Linux Matt
00:58 Re: Are KDE and Gnome Bloated? COLA says no. Survey says: YES. Chris Ahlstrom
02:07 Re: Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Chris Ahlstrom
04:49 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Mitigative Reporter
04:49 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Gregory Shearman
04:55 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Erik Funkenbusch
05:23 Re: [News] GNU/Linux and ARM Break Price Barriers (Photos) 7
05:37 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Desktop Environments: There is No 'Better' One 7
05:40 Re: How Ubuntu is Beneficial to GNU/Linux 7
07:09 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! RonB
09:00 Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 21st of March, 2009. Homer
09:38 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD Roy Schestowitz
10:11 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Sinister Midget
11:46 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Gregory Shearman
12:18 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Gordon
12:25 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Peter Köhlmann
12:33 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD Roy Schestowitz
12:35 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Ezekiel
12:48 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Chris Ahlstrom
12:57 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD Chris Ahlstrom
15:35 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Doctor Smith
18:10 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! JEDIDIAH
18:26 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On Sermo Malifer
20:02 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD ml2mst
20:28 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD Roy Schestowitz
20:58 Re: Red Hat on patent FUD RonB
21:03 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Chris Ahlstrom
21:29 Re: [News] Microsoft Sued.... by TomTom! Sinister Midget
22:17 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle Sermo Malifer
22:28 [News] Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle Roy Schestowitz
22:31 [News] Windows Still Behind GNU/Linux in Functionality Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] On-line Shopping Powered by GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] Project That Kickstarts GNU/Linux in Texas Gets a Boost Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] Healthcare Solution Deployed on PCLinuxOS 2007 Roy Schestowitz
22:39 [News] Lists of Good GNU/Linux and Free (Libre) Applications Roy Schestowitz
22:41 [News] Galaxy and Mind Mapping in GNU/Linux with KStars XMind Roy Schestowitz
22:43 [News] Stripping DRM from Blu-ray to Become Easy in Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:44 [News] Kids Grow on GNU/Linux Thanks to Tux Paint? Roy Schestowitz
22:46 [News] Linus Torvalds Advocates a Lot of Diversity and Choice in GNU and Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:49 [News] Linux Gains New NVIDIA Driver, Filesystems Benchmark Roy Schestowitz
22:50 [News] A Detailed Look at the Enlightenment Windows Manager Roy Schestowitz
22:53 [News] K Desktop Environment Team Opens Brainstorm Roy Schestowitz
22:54 [News] Analysis and Review of GNOME 2.26 Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] More Rave Reviews of PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Roy Schestowitz
22:59 [News] Oracle Denies Forking Red Hat's GNU/Linux Implementation Roy Schestowitz
23:02 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Works Well on Desktop, Server, and Community Roy Schestowitz
23:04 [News] New Ubuntu Show, Interview with Mandriva's Per Øyvind Roy Schestowitz
23:05 [News] Monastery Loves GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:07 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Setup Guide, Apple II 'Emulation' Route Roy Schestowitz
23:09 [News] Linux Power Japanese Fashion Model Roy Schestowitz
23:11 [News] MontaVista Targets Linux Sub-notebooks Market Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] Linux Phone Applications Comes to the Destkop Roy Schestowitz
23:14 [News] Germany's Federal Government Bets Its Future on Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:16 [News] High Demand Seen for Free Software Skills Roy Schestowitz
23:17 Re: [News] Stripping DRM from Blu-ray to Become Easy in Linux JEDIDIAH
23:18 [News] Chandler Project is Coming Along Nicely Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] Mozilla Explains How Microsoft Bribes Its Way Into the Market Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] Firefox Continues Climbing in the Market Roy Schestowitz
23:24 [News] Firefox Power Lies in Extension, 3.5 Appraised in Vietnam Roy Schestowitz
23:28 Re: TomTom sues Microsoft for patent infringement Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Mathematician and Lawyer Find Free Software That Suit Them Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Apple Claims to Own the Word "Podium" Roy Schestowitz
23:36 [News] The Old (Corporations-owned) Press is Dying Quickly Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] Australia's Internet Censorship Becomes More Like China's and Backfires Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] UK's MAFIAA Equivalent Goes Morally Bankrupt and London Starts Curfews Roy Schestowitz
23:42 [News] Copyright Cartel Knocks Offline Innocent People, Internet Radio Under Attack Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] Painting Kit is Now a US Patent Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] USPOS Office (PTO) Rethinks Its Patents, Offers Useless 'Reform' Roy Schestowitz
23:48 [News] Microsoft Forecasted to Suffer from TomTom Lawsuit Roy Schestowitz
23:49 [News] Amazon in Trouble Because of DRM Roy Schestowitz
23:51 [News] Old PCs Turn to Fast-booting GNU/Linux Boxes Roy Schestowitz
23:54 [News] Boston Press and India's Government Slam Microsoft for Bad Engineering Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Market Share Online Expected to Erode Further Roy Schestowitz
23:56 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Conficker Nightmare Only About to Start Roy Schestowitz

22 March, 2009

00:30 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle Sermo Malifer
03:16 Re: Spain Makes Free Software for Education Mafario Amicucci
06:53 COLA Statistics, 22 Mar 2009 colastats
11:47 Re: [News] Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle Gordon
17:40 Re: [News] Microsoft Shills Trying to Block OpenDocument Format Which Catches On SomeBloke
18:02 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle unionpenny
21:14 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle unionpenny
22:45 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle unionpenny
23:31 [News] Candidate for India's Leadership Promises GNU/Linux Laptops Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] Big Site Shows Linux Desktop Market Share at 34% Roy Schestowitz
23:35 [News] Microsoft is Dying with the Desktop and GNU/Linux Emerges Victorious Roy Schestowitz
23:37 [News] Sub-notebooks Running GNU/Linux Now for 200 Bucks Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] IBM Could Boost GNU/Linux by Overshadowing SUN Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer Roy Schestowitz
23:42 [News] Why GNU/Linux is Fundamentally Better Than Counterparts Roy Schestowitz
23:44 [News] Third-party Developers Make Firefox the Best Browser Roy Schestowitz
23:47 [News] More Powerful Applications Come to GNU/Linux (Synapse and Calibre) Roy Schestowitz
23:50 [News] Multi-touch Enters Linux (X) and Good Drivers Likewise Roy Schestowitz
23:53 [News] Arch GNU/Linux Has a Place in Some People's Heart Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] SAM-Linux Compared to PCLinuxOS Roy Schestowitz

23 March, 2009

00:00 [News] Screenshots and Review of Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Roy Schestowitz
00:04 [News] New Newsletter for Ubuntu GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:08 [News] New GNU/Linux Releases: Scientific, Absolute, Denix, Incognito, LinuxKidX, Clonezilla, Igelle, K-DEMar, OpenGEU, Ututo, GParted, Parsix Roy Schestowitz
00:11 [News] Another New Embedded Linux Event and Hackable Gadget Roy Schestowitz
00:14 [News] Palm's Linux Phones Coming to Shops Roy Schestowitz
00:17 [News] Free Software Fits the Data Servers and Middleware Roy Schestowitz
00:21 [News] New Episode of FLOSS Weekly Roy Schestowitz
00:24 [News] Free Software Promoted for Savings Roy Schestowitz
00:25 [News] Reasons to Embrace OpenOffice.org 3.0 Roy Schestowitz
00:28 [News] Government Adoption of Free Software Investigated, Evident Roy Schestowitz
00:29 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer Sinister Midget
00:30 [News] Metapad Becomes Free Software Roy Schestowitz
00:32 [News] Education in the US is Embracing Open/Free Access Roy Schestowitz
00:35 [News] Subversion 1.6 Released; Google Promotes Free Software Programming Roy Schestowitz
00:38 [News] GNU/Linux Teaches Children Programming Roy Schestowitz
00:39 [News] MSBBC Adopts Open Source Multi-touch Sensor Roy Schestowitz
00:42 [News] Copyrights Cartel Misleads Diplomats to Fight Web Roy Schestowitz
00:44 [News] EU Commission Wants to Destroy Patent System with Software Patents? Roy Schestowitz
00:46 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Online Business is Still Collapsing Roy Schestowitz
00:48 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is 'Stealing' Ideas from Others -- Claim, Lawsuit Roy Schestowitz
00:49 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Promotes Vendor Lock-in to Fight ODF Roy Schestowitz
00:51 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Waggener Edstrom Shills Share the Microsoft Money Roy Schestowitz
00:53 [News] [Rival] DRM Ruins the Already-Dying XBox 360 Roy Schestowitz
00:55 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Abramoff (Fraud) Visas Still Abused, Microsoft Workers Get Angry Roy Schestowitz
00:57 [News] [Rival] IE8 Not Enough to Match the Free Software Competition Roy Schestowitz
00:59 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Zombifier (Conficker) Still a Major Threat to the Internet Roy Schestowitz
01:45 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer Paul Hovnanian P.E.
02:27 Re: TomTom sues Microsoft for patent infringement Homer
03:43 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle unionpenny
05:37 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle unionpenny
06:57 Re: [News] Sub-notebooks Running GNU/Linux Now for 200 Bucks Terry Porter
10:05 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer Sinister Midget
10:20 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer SomeBloke
11:25 Re: Microsoft's CEO Admits GNU/Linux Won the Sub-notebooks Battle Chris Ahlstrom
15:11 Re: The controversial end of Byte Sermo Malifer
15:35 Re: TomTom sues Microsoft for patent infringement JEDIDIAH
15:45 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer JEDIDIAH
16:03 Re: The controversial end of Byte Doctor Smith
17:10 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer chrisv
20:55 Re: [News] Big Site Shows Linux Desktop Market Share at 34% Kelsey Bjarnason
22:00 [News] Savings from Mass Migration to GNU/Linux Very Considerable (70%) Roy Schestowitz
22:03 [News] Convincing a Boss to Move to GNU/Linux Easier Now Roy Schestowitz
22:06 Re: [News] GNU/Linux Really a Breeze on Girlfriend's Computer JEDIDIAH
22:06 [News] Politics Still Act as a Barrier to Free(dom) Software Roy Schestowitz
22:08 [News] LiveOps Chooses GNU/Linux for Its Operations Roy Schestowitz
22:10 [News] GNU/Linux Made Windows Worthless ($0) Roy Schestowitz
22:34 [News] Role of Political Views in GNU and Apolitical Linus Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] Call of Duty and Other Games Powered by GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:39 [News] New Audiocast Covers Gentoo and More Roy Schestowitz
22:42 [News] Twittering Applications and Instant Messaging Programs for GNU/Linux Listed Roy Schestowitz
22:44 [News] GNU/Linux Audiovisual Showcasts Roy Schestowitz
22:47 [News] Plugins Add Power to Firefox and Gedit Roy Schestowitz
22:49 [News] K Desktop Environment Gets 4.3 Features, GNOME Unable to Tempt KDE Loyals Roy Schestowitz
22:53 [News] All GNU/Linux Distributions Are Not Equal Roy Schestowitz
22:56 [News] Another Comprehensive Review of PCLinuxOS 2009.1 Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] Qimo GNU/Linux Reviewed Roy Schestowitz
22:59 [News] Red Hat Launches JBoss Developer Studio 2.0 Roy Schestowitz
23:01 [News] GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Fall... Below $200 Roy Schestowitz
23:06 [News] Barclays Fraud Exposed in Wikileaks, Databases in the UK Illegal Roy Schestowitz
23:08 [News] MAFIAA Captures the Spanish Minister of Industry Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] The Phorm Virus Spreads with Endorsement of the Government Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] Filmmakers Love Torrent, Sarko Regime Hates It Roy Schestowitz
23:14 [News] Copyright Cartel Loses in New Zealand Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] Publishers Rethink Intellectual Monopolies Roy Schestowitz
23:18 [News] OIN (IBM, Oracle, Google, etc.) May be Going After Near-Debt Microsoft Roy Schestowitz

24 March, 2009

11:43 Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item? Chris Ahlstrom
15:17 Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item? William Poaster
22:36 [News] Google Calendar Helps GNU/Linux Desktops and Servers Roy Schestowitz
22:38 [News] GNU/Linux Gaming and Modem Management Get a Facelift Roy Schestowitz
22:40 [News] New Partnership Elevates GNU/Linux Virtualisation Roy Schestowitz
22:43 [News] New ATI Drivers (Binary and/or Free Software) Roy Schestowitz
22:44 [News] New Release of Linux/Tuz (2.6.29) Adds KMS and Btrfs Roy Schestowitz
22:46 [News] Linux is Getting Faster Roy Schestowitz
22:49 [News] Gallium3D Gaining Many More Features Roy Schestowitz
22:51 [News] DistroWatch Weekly Interviews Tiny Core Linux Founder, Softpedia Weekly Release Roy Schestowitz
22:54 [News] Red Hat Stock Jumps on Possible Collaboration with Oracle Roy Schestowitz
22:55 [News] Introduction to Ubuntu Linux 9.04, Free Culture Showcase Winners Roy Schestowitz
22:57 [News] Ubuntu Offers GNU/Linux Server Education, Examiner Teaches GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:58 [News] A Look at the New Enlightenment-based Ubuntu Linux Derivative (OpenGEU 8.10) Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] Leading eBook Reader Runs Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:14 [News] Linux Chosen by Company for Set-top Box, More Embedded Linux Support Comes Roy Schestowitz
23:16 [News] Windows Profits Zeroed in Growth Area (Sub-notebooks), Thanks to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:19 [News] eBook Application Runs on GNU/Linux and Embraces Libre Software Movement Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] Free Software Has Enlarged Family of Female hackers Roy Schestowitz
23:21 [News] Free Software Big on the Server Side Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] British School and Web Site Build Themselves with Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:24 [News] Mozilla Supports OpenGL and Spreads it on the Web Roy Schestowitz
23:25 [News] CIO Recommends Free Software for Business... in Wintel Press Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Free Software in Healthcare Stifled by Lobbyists and Predatory 'Laws' Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] New Free Software Event Organised by Volunteers Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] More FOSS in E-Commerce Overhauled Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] Huffington Post Tells US Government to Choose Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:35 [News] Guidance for Acquisition of Free Software for Business Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] Sun's CEO Sees Confident About Free Software Future Roy Schestowitz
23:39 [News] GNU/Linux to Power the Forecast in 4 Bits Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] Forces in Latin America Push for Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:45 [News] Richard Stallman Offers Solution to Javascript Trap Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] Rhomobile Development Framework for Smarthphones is GPLv3 Licensed Roy Schestowitz
23:52 [News] New Mail/Collaboration Solutions for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:54 [News] A Closer Look at the Open Source Hardware Central Bank Roy Schestowitz
23:57 [News] Open Access Gets Boost and Funding for 'Open Source' Textbooks Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] Furniture Goes 'Open Source' and Also Other Areas Roy Schestowitz

25 March, 2009

00:00 [News] New Improvements for Free Software Programming in Eclipse Roy Schestowitz
00:01 [News] Google's Summer of Free Software Selects Projects Roy Schestowitz
00:04 [News] Cronoy[sic] and Apple Censoring Like Mad Roy Schestowitz
00:06 [News] China Blacklists YouTube, UK Government Supports 'Chinese Internet' (Phorm) Roy Schestowitz
00:09 [News] MAFIAA's Plan Impossible, But OBAMAA Joins the MAFIAA Roy Schestowitz
00:11 [News] Publishers (Middlemen) Become Redundant, DRM A;ready Pointless Roy Schestowitz
00:14 [News] FSFE Explains the Patent Lie to WIPO Roy Schestowitz
00:16 [News] Why Software Patents Are Idiotic and Counter Productive (the WWW Case) Roy Schestowitz
00:18 [News] Industry's Biggest Software Thief (Microsoft) Faces Wrath of IBM's Linux Patent Pools Roy Schestowitz
00:20 [News] Microsoft's Patent Terrorism Against GNU/Linux Began 5 Years Ago Roy Schestowitz
00:22 [News] Patent Law Gets Corrupted in India and EU, USPTO Seeks Restoration of Sanity Roy Schestowitz
00:24 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is AstroTurfing in Twitter Using Federated Media Roy Schestowitz
00:25 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Ran Out of Products? Roy Schestowitz
00:26 [News] [Rival] Windows is a Timebomb Waiting to Explode Next Week Roy Schestowitz
00:28 [News] [Rival] The Ugliness of Vista 7 is Showing Roy Schestowitz
16:18 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Bob Hauck
17:29 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Chris Ahlstrom
19:17 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Sinister Midget
21:29 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Mart van de Wege

26 March, 2009

00:30 [News] The Independent and the Examiner Promote GNU/Linux for Desktops Roy Schestowitz
00:32 [News] Bootable USB Drives Promote and Advance GNU/Linux on the Desktop Roy Schestowitz
00:33 [News] Depression Drives Adoption of GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:35 [News] i OS Job Scheduler Comes to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:36 [News] Wilken OSBL Put on Top of GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:37 [News] Lantronix ManageLinx Builds on GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:39 [News] Vista7's DRM Infection Rationalises Move to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:40 [News] Axcient Builds GNU/Linux Distribution for its Products Roy Schestowitz
00:42 [News] Less Than 200 Australian Dollars Get You a Complete GNU/Linux Desktop Roy Schestowitz
00:44 [News] GNU and Linux Among Biggest OS Milestones at Wintel Press (IDG) Roy Schestowitz
00:46 [News] Linux Gets a Lot Better and Gains New NVIDIA Driver Roy Schestowitz
00:48 [News] Pandora (Linux-based Hand-held Console) Near Final Release Roy Schestowitz
00:51 [News] Games for GNU/Linux Reviewed, Worth Paying for Roy Schestowitz
00:53 [News] Firefox Gets Fiercer Competition on GNU/Linux and Slims Down Further Roy Schestowitz
00:54 [News] GNOME Desktop Gets New Leadership Soon, Choice is Strength Roy Schestowitz
00:57 [News] KDE4 to Include K3b 2.0, Lancelot Roy Schestowitz
00:58 [News] Kontact Glory in KDE4 with Plasma: Showcase Roy Schestowitz
01:00 [News] Mandriva Enterprise Server 5 is Approaching Release Roy Schestowitz
01:02 [News] New Release of GoblinX Mini and an Overview of GNU/Linux Distros Roy Schestowitz
01:03 [News] Granular GNU/Linux 1.0 Receives Another Review Roy Schestowitz
01:05 [News] Red Hat Says That Microsoft's Business Model is teh Br0ken Roy Schestowitz
01:06 [News] Despite Financial Crisis, Red Hat Revenue Leaps ~20% Roy Schestowitz
01:07 [News] Fedora 11 to Boot in Just 20 Seconds Roy Schestowitz
01:09 [News] Debian Raves and Interview with Debian Developer Eric Sharkey Roy Schestowitz
01:11 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Prepares For Server-based/Web-based Computing Potential Roy Schestowitz
01:19 [News] Short Review and Screenshots of Parsix GNU/Linux 2.0r0 Roy Schestowitz
01:21 [News] Google's Linux Phones Get New, Non-Free Application Roy Schestowitz
01:22 [News] Maemo (Debian GNU/Linux with GTK) Taken Out of Nokia's Hands Roy Schestowitz
01:24 [News] Dell Tells a GNU/Linux Success Story on Sub-notebooks, Sells Them for Under $200 Roy Schestowitz
01:26 [News] Intel's GNU/Linux Distribution Boots Even Faster, Reaches Alpha 2 Roy Schestowitz
01:33 [News] Linux Powers Yet Another Storage Device Roy Schestowitz
01:35 [News] A Glance at Ubuntu Netbook Remix Roy Schestowitz
01:37 [News] Why Free Software is a Matter of Necessity for Business Roy Schestowitz
01:43 [News] Events and Awards: CodeCon 2009 and Free Software Foundation Awards Roy Schestowitz
01:51 [News] Businesses Turn to Free Software Due to Crisis Roy Schestowitz
01:56 [News] Sun Interview on Free Software, OpenOffice.org Improvements Roy Schestowitz
01:58 [News] Eric Raymond Proves He Doesn't Care About Freedom Roy Schestowitz
01:59 [News] Programmers' Guide to New GTK+, Oracle's Option of Buying PHP Powerhouse Roy Schestowitz
02:00 [News] OpenGL 3.1 is Out and Spreads to The World Wide Web Roy Schestowitz
02:02 [News] Document Freedom Day 2009 Celebrated Around the World Roy Schestowitz
02:04 [News] Censorship/Web Abuse Hits New Heights: Wikileaks Raided, Government Spies on profiles Roy Schestowitz
02:06 [News] Literature Becomes Free, Newspapers Become 'Charities' Roy Schestowitz
02:08 [News] Copyright Cartel Fights Progress, Resistance Emerges Roy Schestowitz
02:10 [News] Paid Microsoft Shill Pretends to Represent Small Businesses to Push for Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
02:11 [News] Apple Sued for Patent Infringement (iPhone Under Attack) Roy Schestowitz
02:13 [News] Timely Advice for Escaping Microsoft Lock-in for Good Roy Schestowitz
02:14 [News] Microsoft Releases Sofwtare Patents Propaganda Book Roy Schestowitz
02:16 [News] Novell's CEO Apologises and Sees GNU/Linux Gaining Roy Schestowitz
02:19 [News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Contributes to Death of Microsoft's "SideShow" Roy Schestowitz
02:20 [News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Products Can't be Delivered Roy Schestowitz
02:22 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Sends Out Its Shill Michael Silver to Promote Vista 7 Roy Schestowitz
02:25 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Keeps Hijacking VMware with the Help of Tucci Roy Schestowitz
02:28 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Turns to Another SCO and Shills the Web Openly Roy Schestowitz
21:01 Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item? Chris Ahlstrom
23:01 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Rex Ballard
23:33 Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item? Ezekiel

27 March, 2009

01:05 Re: Has Linux taken over the world yet? Roy Schestowitz
01:15 [News] GNU/Linux Trends in Search Engines, in Pictures Roy Schestowitz
01:19 [News] GNU/Linux Suitable for Startups, Helios Project Looks Ahead Roy Schestowitz
01:20 [News] MacForensicsLab Adds GNU/Linux Support Roy Schestowitz
01:22 [News] Reasons Why GNU/Linux is Wiser Economic Choice Roy Schestowitz
01:34 [News] Komodo IDE 5.1 Adds Support for 64-bit Linux Roy Schestowitz
01:36 [News] GNOME-style Menu in K Desktop Environment Roy Schestowitz
01:50 [News] A Look at the Latest Version of Sugar for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
01:53 [News] Competition Between Fedora and Ubuntu Families Heats Up Roy Schestowitz
02:00 [News] Another GNU/Linux Distro Targets Eee PC (OpenGeeeU) Roy Schestowitz
02:01 [News] GNU and Linux Build an Almost One-Billion-Dollar Business Roy Schestowitz
02:04 [News] Linux to Run on NIOS II Processor Roy Schestowitz
02:06 [News] Phones Without Boundaries (OpenMoko) Roy Schestowitz
02:09 [News] Better Linux Phones to Arrive from Motorola Roy Schestowitz
02:11 [News] Sub-notebooks with Freescale All About GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
02:12 [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Roy Schestowitz
02:16 Re: 57 out of 67 posts killed Roy Schestowitz
03:39 Re: 57 out of 67 posts killed High Plains Thumper
04:18 Re: Narcissistic Schestowitz Can't Handle The Truth about BoycottNovell Rex Ballard
05:50 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Terry Porter
06:08 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times RonB
06:32 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Terry Porter
07:11 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times RonB
08:30 [News] Airport Traffic Management Becomes Free Software Roy Schestowitz
08:31 [News] Virtualisation Management Startup Makes It Open-Source Roy Schestowitz
08:32 [News] Free Software for Security Advocated Roy Schestowitz
08:34 [News] Businesses in OSBC See Free Software Gaining the Economy Roy Schestowitz
08:35 [News] Sun Promotes Free Software and Ignores IBM Rumours Roy Schestowitz
08:37 [News] Conference Promotes "Open Knowledge" Roy Schestowitz
08:43 [News] Planet ODF is Created and ODF Awards Are Given Roy Schestowitz
08:46 [News] Wikirank Analyses Wikipedia; German Police Attacks Wikileaks Roy Schestowitz
08:48 [News] DRM Fought Against at FTC Level Roy Schestowitz
08:50 [News] US-based ISPs Collaborate with the MAFIAA Roy Schestowitz
08:53 [News] EU and Australia Fight Against MAFIAA's Attempt to Steal the Internet Roy Schestowitz
08:54 [News] Fraudulent Copyright Accusations Start Flying Roy Schestowitz
08:56 [News] MicroSCOft Uses Pieces of Paper to Vilify & Sue Competition (Linux) Roy Schestowitz
08:57 [News] EU Parliament Throws Out Attempt to Introduce Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
08:58 [News] Review of the Latest Ballnux (Version 11) Roy Schestowitz
08:59 [News] South African tax Now Powered by Ballnux Roy Schestowitz
09:00 [News] [Rival] Apple Hardware Myth Shattered Roy Schestowitz
09:02 [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Roy Schestowitz
09:03 [News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Helps Save the World from Microsoft Windows Conficker Chaos Roy Schestowitz
09:04 [News] [Rival] Conficker's Windows Attack Only About to Get Started Roy Schestowitz
09:06 [News] [Rival] Windows Mobile Developers Are Screwed Roy Schestowitz
09:07 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Steals Yahoo! Staff Roy Schestowitz
09:09 [News] [Rival] 'Microsoft Press' (Seattle P-I) Shuts Down But Pretends to Be Digital-bound Roy Schestowitz
09:11 Re: Has Linux taken over the world yet? Roy Schestowitz
10:09 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Roy Schestowitz
10:11 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Roy Schestowitz
11:07 Re: Narcissistic Schestowitz Can't Handle The Truth about BoycottNovell Phil Da Lick!
11:30 Re: More "news" Roy mysteriously doesn't "publish" Chris Ahlstrom
13:24 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Chris Ahlstrom
14:18 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Kelsey Bjarnason
15:37 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Phil Da Lick!
16:55 Re: Ridiculous Statistics Roy Schestowitz
16:58 Re: Overheard in another group Roy Schestowitz
17:01 Re: Thousands of posts unread Roy Schestowitz
17:14 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Homer
17:56 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Robin T Cox
20:43 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Mobile Developers Are Screwed 7
22:10 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Terry Porter
23:04 [News] New Lenovo PCs Run GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:06 [News] Everyday Machines Run GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:08 [News] New Versions of Wine and Parallels Put Windows in a Window Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] Onboard GNU/Linux Changes the Game Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] GNU/Linux Still Beats Windows at Usability Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] UNIX and Linux Gradually Replace Windows on the Desktop Roy Schestowitz
23:19 [News] GNU/Linux in the Future of Thin Clients, Migration Simplified Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] new Episode of GNU/Linux Show "Linux Outlaws" Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] GNU/Linux Domination on the Internet Worries Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
23:23 [News] IBM Claims Porting of 500 Applications to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Linux Supports 512-Processor Machines Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Tour of Puzzle Games for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Free Software Better Than Proprietary Applications Roy Schestowitz
23:36 [News] KDE Enhanced for Maximal Productivity Roy Schestowitz
23:37 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users 7
23:39 [News] Glimpse at ZenWalk 6.0 GNOME Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] Review of the Brand New Igelle PC/Desktop 0.6.0 Roy Schestowitz
23:41 [News] PCLinuxOS Impresses Everyone, Works for New Users Roy Schestowitz
23:45 [News] Mandriva GNU/Linux Coming to European Exhibition Roy Schestowitz
23:47 [News] Red Hat Amazes with Leap of 17% (!!) Roy Schestowitz
23:49 [News] Free (Libre) NVIDIA Card Drivers Work Nicely in Fedora 11 (to be Bundled) Roy Schestowitz
23:51 [News] Parsix GNU/Linux 2.0 in Pictures Roy Schestowitz
23:54 [News] Debian Improves Bug Reporting Loop Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04 Reached Beta and Gets Plenty of Coverage Roy Schestowitz
23:57 [News] Migrating to Ubuntu GNU/Linux for Fun and Profit Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] Ubuntu Derivatives for Children (Qimo): Interview Roy Schestowitz

28 March, 2009

00:00 [News] Gallery of Many EBook Readers That Run Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:03 Re: [News] UNIX and Linux Gradually Replace Windows on the Desktop 7
00:06 [News] More Evidence of Continued Support for Linux Phones and Android Roy Schestowitz
00:07 [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Roy Schestowitz
00:11 [News] Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha Runs on Acer and Dell Sub-notebooks, Promises Many Features Roy Schestowitz
00:13 [News] US Healthcare Encouraged to Move to Free Software Roy Schestowitz
00:15 [News] True Hacker Gets Along in Scientific Environment Roy Schestowitz
00:17 [News] Ubiquity to be Pushed Into Mozilla Firefox Roy Schestowitz
00:19 [News] Summary of the Open Source Business Conference 2009 Roy Schestowitz
00:21 [News] Free/Open Source Software Survey Unveiled Roy Schestowitz
00:23 [News] The Apache Software Foundation Turns 10, Rethinking Database Approach Roy Schestowitz
00:24 [News] FSF/GNU Conference Called a "Resounding Success!" Roy Schestowitz
00:26 [News] Google Improves Python, Adds Java Programming to Application Server Roy Schestowitz
00:27 [News] Intellectual Monopolies Inherently Unethical Roy Schestowitz
00:29 [News] UK-IPO Teaches Kids Not to Share Roy Schestowitz
00:31 [News] Academia Sets Knowledge Free, En Masse Roy Schestowitz
00:33 [News] Microsoft's Privacy Violations Versus US Laws? Roy Schestowitz
00:35 [News] The MAFIAA Mobsters Attack Kids with Cancer Roy Schestowitz
00:38 [News] The MAFIAA Wants to 'Steal' the Internet from the People Roy Schestowitz
00:40 [News] FTC Deal with DRM Fraud, ACTA Still a Secret Roy Schestowitz
00:42 [News] Copyright Cartel in the UK Faced with Sobering Reality Roy Schestowitz
00:44 [News] Free Software Urged to Break the Dysfunctional Patent System Roy Schestowitz
00:46 [News] McCreevyism Strives to pass Software Patents Through Back Door ("Community" Patent) Roy Schestowitz
00:48 [News] Nvidia Responds to Patent War from Charity Killer Intel Roy Schestowitz
00:49 [News] Another JPEG Patent Passees Through Broken USPTO, Reform Still a Farce Roy Schestowitz
00:52 [News] Microsoft Attacks Linux Using Last Resort, WIPO Still Clueless Roy Schestowitz
00:53 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Markets Itself by Saying Windows is for Losers Roy Schestowitz
00:55 [News] [Rival] Yet Another Vista (In)Capable Lawsuit is Born Roy Schestowitz
00:56 [News] [Rival] United Kingdom Parliament Cracked and Hijacked for Using Windows Roy Schestowitz
01:00 [News] [Rival] Australian Government Web Site Cracked Roy Schestowitz
01:02 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Ruined E-mail, 94% Estimated Windows Spewage Roy Schestowitz
01:30 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Terry Porter
04:01 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Jerry McBride
05:16 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Gregory Shearman
05:54 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times RonB
09:00 Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 28th of March, 2009. Homer
09:10 Re: [News] [Rival] United Kingdom Parliament Cracked and Hijacked for Using Windows Robin T Cox
09:15 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Roy Schestowitz
09:49 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Gordon
10:00 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows is No Longer Free (Gratis) -- Microsoft Milks Users Terry Porter
11:28 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Roy Schestowitz
14:00 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Chris Ahlstrom
16:59 Re: [News] UNIX and Linux Gradually Replace Windows on the Desktop 7
22:16 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Roy Schestowitz
22:18 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] United States of Microsoft/Collusion Runs GNU/Linux Too Roy Schestowitz
23:31 [News] Clarifications About Migration to GNU/Linux in Enterprises Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] 3-D Free Software Drivers from AMD - Demos Roy Schestowitz
23:36 [News] Interview with Linux Hacker Peter Anvin Roy Schestowitz
23:38 [News] Assessment of the Latest GNOME Desktop Environment Roy Schestowitz
23:40 [News] Sneak Peek at Kubuntu Linux 9.0.4 (Beta) Roy Schestowitz
23:42 [News] Red Hat Proves That Economic Trouble Lifts Free(dom) Software Roy Schestowitz
23:56 [News] Many GNU/Linux Releases: Frugalware, PC/OS, Absolute, Elive, Scientific, Puppy Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] Angstrom Linux Put on Single-Board ARM Computer Roy Schestowitz

29 March, 2009

00:01 [News] GNU/Linux Expected to Take Multi-Billion Unit Market Roy Schestowitz
00:03 [News] Linux Mobiles to Get Flash Before Apple Roy Schestowitz
00:05 [News] OpenMoko and Other Free Software Phones Get Very Good Roy Schestowitz
00:07 [News] Palm Could Bring GNU/Linux to Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
00:08 [News] GNU/Linux Improves Energy Consumption on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
00:16 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Chris Ahlstrom
00:17 [News] New Release of libtheora (Alpha) Roy Schestowitz
00:20 [News] Microsoft Ridiculed for Attacks on Open Source, Posturing Roy Schestowitz
00:22 [News] All Kids in the UK Pushed Towards Free Software/Linux-based Sites Roy Schestowitz
00:24 [News] Collaboration Around Free Software Leads the Way in Other Fields Too Roy Schestowitz
00:32 [News] CMS Makers Turn to Free Software Roy Schestowitz
00:33 [News] Survey Shows That Free Software Increasingly Sought by Business Roy Schestowitz
00:37 [News] Insight Into Current Success of Free Software (CMS) Roy Schestowitz
00:39 [News] How Free Software Helps Preparation for Jobs Roy Schestowitz
00:42 [News] New Release and Interview About Free ECM (Nuxeo) Roy Schestowitz
00:44 [News] Free Software and Security Go Hand in Hand Roy Schestowitz
00:45 [News] CRM Companies Use Open Source for Marketing Advantage Roy Schestowitz
00:47 [News] Funding for Free Software Now Arriving from Open Source Casino Roy Schestowitz
00:49 [News] The Success Story of the GNU System Expands to Content Roy Schestowitz
00:50 [News] Looking for Promotional Videos About OpenOffice.org Roy Schestowitz
00:52 [News] Sun and McNealy Foresee Free Software Powering the Web Roy Schestowitz
00:53 [News] New Valuable Java Projects Released Roy Schestowitz
00:59 [News] British Government on Free Software Adoption Due to Deficit Roy Schestowitz
02:01 [News] US DoD's Defense Information Systems Agency Already Explores Free Software Roy Schestowitz
02:03 [News] Future Looks Bleak for Microsoft in India (Because of Free Software) Roy Schestowitz
02:05 [News] Eclipse Gets Jetty, Google Advances Free Software Programming Roy Schestowitz
02:06 [News] NHS Transparency After Being Bruised by Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
02:08 [News] Legalised Bribery Challenged as Microsoft Steals Bailout Money Roy Schestowitz
02:08 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Terry Porter
02:10 [News] Knowledge Wants to be Free Roy Schestowitz
02:12 [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" Roy Schestowitz
02:15 [News] EU Cronies Still Try to Legalise Software Patents (But Caught Red-handed) Roy Schestowitz
02:17 [News] SCO Booster Leaves Microsoft Shill Farm (ZD .NET) Roy Schestowitz
07:50 COLA Statistics, 29 Mar 2009 colastats
07:51 Re: [News] Asus Eee Sub-notebooks with GNU/Linux Shipped for $180 Gregory Shearman
10:33 Re: Microsoft Web App Gallery is currently populated by ten popular open source server tools !! Roy Schestowitz
10:33 Re: [News] Ubuntu Faster on My Internet Than Windows XP Roy Schestowitz
12:43 Re: [News] British Government on Free Software Adoption Due to Deficit 7
13:16 Re: [News] The Success Story of the GNU System Expands to Content 7
14:03 Re: [News] Ubuntu Faster on My Internet Than Windows XP High Plains Thumper
14:04 Re: [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" Norman Peelman
15:18 Re: [News] The Success Story of the GNU System Expands to Content Chris Ahlstrom
15:23 Re: [News] Ubuntu Faster on My Internet Than Windows XP Chris Ahlstrom
16:44 Re: [News] Funding for Free Software Now Arriving from Open Source Casino Chris Ahlstrom
19:13 Re: [News] Funding for Free Software Now Arriving from Open Source Casino Chris Ahlstrom

30 March, 2009

01:29 Re: UK Parliament suffers from Windows scourge Roy Schestowitz
01:32 Re: Gambas and SQLite3 Roy Schestowitz
01:38 [News] iGod Says GNU/Linux is the Best Operating System Roy Schestowitz
01:39 [News] GNU/Linux Recommended for Aged Machines Roy Schestowitz
01:44 [News] GNU/Linux Cheaper Than Windows, So Microsoft Tries to Hide It Roy Schestowitz
01:47 [News] Monsters vs. Aliens Powered by GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
01:49 [News] GNU/Linux More Affordable Than Windows on the Server (Better Also) Roy Schestowitz
01:51 [News] World is Ready to Get Rid of Windows and Move to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
01:54 [News] New Users of GNU/Linux Definitely Happy Roy Schestowitz
01:57 [News] Prettifying Cursors in GNU/Linux: Recommendations Roy Schestowitz
01:58 [News] 3 Audiocasts About GNU/Linux Released Roy Schestowitz
02:00 [News] Preview of Linux 2.6.30 Roy Schestowitz
02:01 [News] Comparison of Bootup with Different Linux Filesystems Roy Schestowitz
02:09 [News] More AMD/ATI Documentation Comes to Kernel Space, Nouveau Runs Well Roy Schestowitz
02:11 [News] GNU/Linux a Winner Because of the Applications Roy Schestowitz
02:13 [News] Microblogging Applications Come to GNU/Linux in Large Numbers Roy Schestowitz
02:14 [News] More Lists of Top GNU/Linux Games Roy Schestowitz
02:17 [News] New Software for GNU/Linux and Other Killer Applications Roy Schestowitz
02:19 [News] Comparison Between Popular GNU/Linux Desktop Environments (GNOME/KDE) Roy Schestowitz
02:24 [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed Roy Schestowitz
02:26 [News] Dreamlinux 3.5 Rates 8 out of 10 Roy Schestowitz
02:27 [News] Wolvix 2 (GNU/Linux) Rated Highly Roy Schestowitz
02:29 [News] Review of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Roy Schestowitz
02:37 [News] Snapshots of Next Month's Ubuntu GNU/Linux Release Roy Schestowitz
02:38 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Wins New (Former) Windows Users Roy Schestowitz
02:40 [News] New Ubuntu Newsletter and Magazine Roy Schestowitz
02:43 [News] Review of the Linux-powered Bubba Roy Schestowitz
02:44 [News] AarLogic Plays with Linux Roy Schestowitz
02:47 [News] GNU/Linux is Already a Winner in Robotics Roy Schestowitz
02:49 [News] Sub-notebooks Distributed via Cable Companies, GNU/Linux Installed on Them Roy Schestowitz
02:50 [News] End of the Road for Intellectual Monopolies? Roy Schestowitz
02:57 [News] Richard Stallman's Mission Accomplished to a Degree Roy Schestowitz
02:59 [News] How to Move Techno-Dinosaurs to Free Software Roy Schestowitz
03:00 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Hijack of VMWare Noted in the Press Roy Schestowitz
03:02 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Cripples Windows and Loses Money Roy Schestowitz
03:03 [News] [Rival] Internet Explorer 8 Stinks Roy Schestowitz
03:05 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Pulls Another SCO Against IBM and Linux (via T3) Roy Schestowitz
03:08 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Turns to More Legalised Bribery in Obama Administration Roy Schestowitz
03:09 The Microsoft Dictionary Released Roy Schestowitz
03:12 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Campus Still Suffers from Crime Roy Schestowitz
03:14 [News] [Rival] 'Microsoft Press' Heralds Collapse of Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
03:15 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Dead Departments Speak Out Roy Schestowitz
03:17 [News] [Rival] Big XBox 360 Disasters Resume as Microsoft Loses Over $5,000,000,000 Roy Schestowitz
03:19 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is a Homophobe, Not Just Linuxphobe Roy Schestowitz
03:21 [News] [Rival] Yahoo Not Interested in Monopoly Abuser Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
09:59 Re: [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" Phil Da Lick!
11:29 Re: [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" Roy Schestowitz
12:20 Re: The Microsoft Dictionary Released Chris Ahlstrom
12:35 Re: [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed Chris Ahlstrom
12:56 Re: [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" Phil Da Lick!
13:20 Re: [News] [Rival] Internet Explorer 8 Stinks Don Zeigler
14:11 Re: The Microsoft Dictionary Released NewKlee-arWaist
14:38 Re: The Microsoft Dictionary Released Chris Ahlstrom
15:12 Re: [News] Dreamlinux 3.5 Rates 8 out of 10 chrisv
15:15 Re: [News] Dreamlinux 3.5 Rates 8 out of 10 JEDIDIAH
15:42 Re: [News] [Rival] Internet Explorer 8 Stinks Doctor Smith
16:04 Re: Why didn't Roy post this "news" item? Sermo Malifer
16:38 Re: [News] MAFIAA (Copyright Cartel) Starts Calling Horses "Pirates" JEDIDIAH
17:27 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Sermo Malifer
17:42 Re: [News] New Ubuntu Newsletter and Magazine Roy Schestowitz
17:45 Re: [News] New Software for GNU/Linux and Other Killer Applications Roy Schestowitz
18:35 Re: [News] New Ubuntu Newsletter and Magazine Chris Ahlstrom
18:48 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times William Poaster
18:58 Re: [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed JEDIDIAH
20:29 Re: [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed Chris Ahlstrom
21:41 Re: [News] Many GNU/Linux Distributions Are Great; Diversity Needed JEDIDIAH
21:46 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Kelsey Bjarnason
21:51 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Kelsey Bjarnason

31 March, 2009

00:09 Re: [News] Funding for Free Software Now Arriving from Open Source Casino Homer
00:18 Re: Roundup: Nearly 100 tiny computers, most of which can never run Windows Homer
00:40 Re: Roundup: Nearly 100 tiny computers, most of which can never run Windows Roy Schestowitz
00:56 [News] Victory for GNU/Linux Desktops in Danish Ministry Roy Schestowitz
00:59 [News] Moving to GNU/Linux a Matter of Learning Roy Schestowitz
01:00 [News] Linux Foundation Expands Further Roy Schestowitz
01:02 [News] A Review of New Linux Filesystems (No Stinkin' FAT) Roy Schestowitz
01:06 [News] Some More New Software for GNU/Linux Desktop and Smartphones Roy Schestowitz
01:09 [News] GNU/Linux DVD Applications and Review of the Latest Amarok Roy Schestowitz
01:13 [News] Suggestions for Making GNU/Linux Even More Exciting Roy Schestowitz
01:15 [News] Review of the Next Tiny Core Linux, Debian Rave Roy Schestowitz
01:19 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04 Beta: Early Glimpse Roy Schestowitz
01:21 [News] Full Ubuntu GNU/Linux 9.04 (Beta) Runs on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
01:22 [News] New Ubuntu Audiocast, Xubuntu 9.04 Screenshots Gallery Roy Schestowitz
01:25 [News] Another Win for Embedded Linux Roy Schestowitz
01:26 [News] Palm's Linux-based Phones Probably Just Weeks Ago Roy Schestowitz
01:29 [News] Linux on Route for Mobile Domination Roy Schestowitz
01:35 [News] Sub-notebooks Comparisons (GNU/Linux Only) Roy Schestowitz
01:38 [News] 10 Free Books on Free Software, The Joomla! CMS Story Roy Schestowitz
01:39 [News] University of the Philippines Chooses Free Software for Voting Roy Schestowitz
01:41 [News] New Game Engine Release as Open-source Roy Schestowitz
01:43 [News] Apache Lucene Free Software Integrated Into Many Businesses Roy Schestowitz
01:47 [News] India's Potential Next Government Elevates Free Software Already Roy Schestowitz
01:49 [News] Sabre Holdings Goes Even Further Than GNU/Linux with Free Software Roy Schestowitz
01:52 [News] Digium Makes Business from Its Free Software Roy Schestowitz
01:53 [News] Apache CXF Gets Help from GNU/Linux Leader Roy Schestowitz
01:56 [News] Lots More Articles Argue That Free Software Wins in Down Economy Roy Schestowitz
01:58 [News] FSF/GNU/GPL Carry on Gaining Traction Roy Schestowitz
02:00 [News] Sun Calls for the Netherlands to Prevent Collusion with Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
02:03 [News] Social Documentation Takes Lesson from Free Software Roy Schestowitz
02:09 [News] Programming with Java Can Benefit from IBM, Eclipse Milestones Roy Schestowitz
02:14 [News] MAFIAA Censorship/Web Abuse in Europe Leads to Some Backlash Roy Schestowitz
02:16 [News] MAFIAA Give up to the Internet, Joins Google Roy Schestowitz
02:18 [News] Writers Say F*** "IP", Encourage Legal Sharing via Torrent Roy Schestowitz
02:19 [News] IBM Plays with Intellectual Monopoly Garbage Roy Schestowitz
02:22 [News] WIPOAA Maximalists Get a Lesson from Free Software Leaders Roy Schestowitz
02:25 [News] Lehman Says Patents and Other so-called IP Are kaput Roy Schestowitz
02:26 [News] Oracle Messes About with Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
02:27 [News] Microsoft-corrupted Portuguese Government Embraces Corruption Format (OOXML) Roy Schestowitz
02:33 [News] [Rival] Windows Zombies Bombardment Pending Roy Schestowitz
02:35 [News] [Rival] Windows Users Victims of Ransom Roy Schestowitz
02:36 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Dying in Debt... Shuts Down MSN Encarta Roy Schestowitz
03:08 Re: [News] Sub-notebooks Comparisons (GNU/Linux Only) Sinister Midget
04:25 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Dying in Debt... Shuts Down MSN Encarta Terry Porter
05:24 Re: Another innovative Linux device, Windows trolls may go outside to cry Rex Ballard
06:36 Re: [News] 10 Free Books on Free Software, The Joomla! CMS Story RonB
11:49 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Richard Rasker
13:08 Re: Another innovative Linux device, Windows trolls may go outside to cry Roy Schestowitz
15:16 Re: [News] Review of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Sermo Malifer
15:22 Re: [News] OpenOffice.org Already Downloaded More Than 50,000,000 Times Kelsey Bjarnason
17:18 Re: [News] Review of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Tony(UK)
18:37 Re: Intel Chipsets and Fedora Core 2 (FC2 - X86-64) Roy Schestowitz
18:38 Re: Another innovative Linux device, Windows trolls may go outside to cry Roy Schestowitz
20:05 Re: Intel Chipsets and Fedora Core 2 (FC2 - X86-64) Peter Köhlmann
21:19 Re: [News] Review of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 chrisv
21:47 Re: [News] Review of SimplyMEPIS 8.0 Chris Ahlstrom

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