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KNode - October 2008

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Roy Schestowitz

15 Oct [News] Cisco and Nokia (Qt) Suck up to Linux Developers with Contests
15 Oct [News] Linux Standards Base 4.0 Reaches Beta
15 Oct [News] Paid Microsoft "Evangelist" Attacks Linux in the Press
15 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Going Strong in Sub-notebooks, Apple Stays Out
15 Oct [News] Closer Look at GNU/Linux 'Airplane' Edition
15 Oct [News] Light/Minimalist Distributions of GNU/Linux: TinyMe, INX
15 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Running in the Web Browser, via GNU/Linux
15 Oct [News] Ext4 Enters Linux Stable
15 Oct [News] Texas Instruments DSP Runs Linux
15 Oct [News] DRM, Lock-in is Hurting Apple and Helping GNU/Linux
15 Oct [News] Screenshots of the Second Beta of Amarok 2
15 Oct [News] More Evidence of GNU/Linux Winning Through Sub-notebooks
15 Oct [News] Red Hat and Miracle Linux Get New Contracts
15 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Getting Even More Secure with New Features, PAM
15 Oct [News] Linux Foundation's FOSSBazaar Sees High Growth; Mobile in Linux Conference
15 Oct [News] Mandriva Linux 2009 Granted 4/5
15 Oct [News] Top GNU/Linux Tips and Tricks
15 Oct [News] Mozilla Fights the Binary Web, Ontology Comes to the Web
15 Oct [News] Open Access Day Marked Today/Yesterday
15 Oct [News] Yahoo Turns to Zimbra for Mail
15 Oct [News] Another Free/Open Source Virual World
15 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Latest 20 Security Holes, Including "Critical" Ones
16 Oct Re: Browser speed test: IE, 59.7; FF3.03, 11.3; Chrome, 3.6; FF 3.1 Beta, 2.6
16 Oct [News] Australian Fire Department Dumps Windows for GNU/Linux
16 Oct [News] Data Replication Adds Reliability to GNU/Linux Servers
16 Oct [News] Toshiba Preinstalls GNU/Linux on High-end Models
16 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Can Conquer The Laptop
16 Oct [News] A User's Look at Dell's GNU/Linux Sub-notebook
16 Oct [News] Dell Offers Free Software to Manage GNU/Linux Supercomputers
16 Oct [News] Mandriva 2009 Praises and Raves Carry on Coming
16 Oct [News] New Beta Release of Xfce 4.6 and Zenwalk 5.2 (Xfce) Story
16 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Experiment Shows a Success Story
16 Oct [News] Ubuntu Linux Bridges Language Gap, Ubuwiki Launched
16 Oct [News] Adobe Treats GNU/Linux Like First-class Citizen, Releases Flash 10
16 Oct [News] Microsoft's 'TCO' FUD About Linux Laptops is Squashed
16 Oct [News] Eee PC with Touchscreen Boots Linux
16 Oct [News] Good Year for Linux Despite Bad Year for the Economy
16 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Preserves and Defends Media from the MAFIAA
16 Oct [News] Robotics with GNU/Linux: D-I-Y
16 Oct [News] RPM Fusion Now in Testing, ATI Catalyst 8.10 in Beta
16 Oct [News] Google's Linux Phones Coming to the UK This Month
16 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Preinstalls Easier to Come by
16 Oct [News] Eee PC Better with Other Distros; KDE Better with Krusader
16 Oct [News] Primer on Free Operating Systems and Free DVR
16 Oct [News] GIMP Advertised as Free (Gratis) Alternative to Photoshop
16 Oct [News] CIO Magazine Recommends Looking at Free Software
16 Oct [News] Attitudinal Issues in Free Software Advocacy
16 Oct [News] Tim Bray Advocates Free Software Amid Hard Times
16 Oct [News] New Version of Firefox Derivative Flock; Firefox 3.1 (Beta) Reviews
16 Oct [News] Plugins That Make Firefox a Winner; Development News
16 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Raves and Numbers
16 Oct [News] Open Source Development Meetup and USAID Challenge
16 Oct [News] Open Source Companies Join Hands: Talend, Funambol, Open-Xchange
16 Oct [News] Eccosystem Around Asterisk Keeps Growing with 400 Resellers, Derivative Products
16 Oct [News] Free Software Perspective from Eric von Hippel
16 Oct [News] Xen/Citrix Makes LGPL Release of Kensho, Unicon Spreads FOSS
16 Oct [News] Patent Trollville Loophole May be Closed
16 Oct [News] Australia's "Think about the Children" Becomes Broader/Political Censorship
16 Oct [News] Police State-like Deformations of Law in US, UK
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Charity Killer (Intel) Sees Request for More Antitrust Time Rejected
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Better Than Everyone at Corrupting the Government
16 Oct [News] [Rival] TeleSoft Attacks Free(dom) Software with FUD
16 Oct [News] [Rival] British Library Ruins Public Assets with Microsoft DRM
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Excel Mistake That Could Cost Billions
16 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] TeleSoft Attacks Free(dom) Software with FUD
16 Oct [News] Half a Millions Machines in Spain's Public Administration Use Free Software
16 Oct [News] Italian University Offers Course on Free Software
16 Oct [News] 'Just Enough' Laptops Do Exceptionally Well and Run GNU/Linux
16 Oct [News] Electronics Weekly Recommends Move to Linux
16 Oct [News] Latest KDE4 Development Report; Keeping Up with Linux
16 Oct [News] Enlightenment on GNU/Linux Now for Mobile Devices
16 Oct [News] Sauerbraten Turns Into Another Beauty: Eisenstern
16 Oct [News] EMC Storage Products Make New Distro: EMC Linux
16 Oct [News] LiquidIQ Machines Run GNU/Linux
16 Oct [News] Ubuntu Founder Comments About the Economy
16 Oct [News] Python, Qt and Mozilla Make Big Development Moves
16 Oct [News] New Groupings Around Free Software
16 Oct [News] Europe is Shifting to Free Software, Latest Addition is Sardinia
16 Oct [News] Report from the Latest ODF Workshop in SA
16 Oct [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max
16 Oct [News] The Spectrum Monopoly/Oligarchy is Dying
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Product Reportedly Dies
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft "has a very close relationship with DOJ and the White House"
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Zombies Can Attack Telephony
16 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Zombies Resurrected, Assist Phishing
17 Oct [News] 9 New GNU/Linux Distributions Released: RIPLinuX, Webconverger and More
17 Oct [News] Sub-$300 Sub-notebooks Runs GNU/Linux, Includes SSD
17 Oct [News] Close Look at Google/T-Mobile G1 Linux Phone
17 Oct [News] Slot Machines Run GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Photos of the GNU/Linux-based Asus Eee S101
17 Oct [News] Mandriva 2009 Makes It Easy for New GNU/Linux Users
17 Oct [News] Linux Installfest Comes to Portland
17 Oct [News] New Version of Blender Released, 3-D Racing Games for GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Advice on Migrations from Windows to GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Escape Story from Windows to GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Low-cost GNU/Linux PCs on Sale
17 Oct [News] The Um/Importance of the Graphical User Interface in Servers
17 Oct [News] New Version of NetBSD Released, BSD Raves
17 Oct [News] Red Hat Expects GNU/Linux and FOSS to Rise Thanks to Crisis
17 Oct [News] Review of Features in the Latest Linux
17 Oct [News] GNU/Linux NeXTstep-like Docks (Stolen and Patented by Apple)
17 Oct [News] Sun Puts Free Software in Schools
17 Oct [News] Fortune 500 Companies Extensively Use Free Software
17 Oct [News] GNU/Linux and FOSS Appliance Sold Through Dell, Apache Does Well
17 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org Download Rate impresses
17 Oct [News] The Free SocialDNS for a Free Internet Launched by FSF
17 Oct [News] Open Source Music from Ubuntu's Community Manager; Best Ubuntu Music Player
17 Oct [News] Mobile Java Eclipse IDE Improved in New Release
17 Oct [News] Tour of Mozilla Ubiquity, Geolocation in Firefox 3.1
17 Oct [News] A Look at Firefox Derivative Flock 2
17 Oct [News] New MySQL Replicator Released as Beta
17 Oct [News] Open Source Virtual World in Education
17 Oct [News] Skype is Dangerous, War on Liquids Comes to Trains
17 Oct [News] [OT] Australia's Totalitarian Web Censorship Comes Under Fire
17 Oct [News] [SOT] On Fighting Back About E-mail Spying in the UK
17 Oct [News] EA Does Damage Control After DRM Fiasco
17 Oct [News] Rumour About Apple's CEO Quitting?
17 Oct [News] [Rival] More Microsoft and Fraud
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Bully from Microsoft Keeps Slogging Yahoo!
17 Oct [News] Use of Freedom/Openness to Eliminate Waste, Poverty
17 Oct Re: [News] EA Does Damage Control After DRM Fiasco
17 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Among Amazon Top Sellers
17 Oct [News] Wind River's GNU/Linux Assets Grow
17 Oct [News] Proprietary Applications That Run on Linux (and FOSS Alternatives)
17 Oct [News] New Qt/MySQL-based Software Targets Medicare
17 Oct [News] Overview of Office Applications for GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Sinking Price of Hardware Favours GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] Linux Boots Even Faster, Microsoft Several Years Behind
17 Oct [News] The Linux Foundation Marketers Lack Transparency
17 Oct [News] Lightweight Desktop Slackware (Zenwalk), Dillo 2.0 Released
17 Oct [News] Linux 2.6.28 Gets Graphics Execution Manager
17 Oct [News] Free Software's Equal Opportunity Battles Exploitation
17 Oct [News] Free Software Conference Organised in Sweden
17 Oct [News] FSFE Rallies for Freedom in Europe
17 Oct [News] Free culture Lobby and Conference Report
17 Oct [News] Ogg Makes Significant Gains, Embedded in Firefox Now
17 Oct [News] Cloudy Future Seen for Cloud Computing?
17 Oct [News] World's Top Companies Use Free Software; Recycled Hardware Gets Linux
17 Oct [News] DRM-Loving Apple Sued for Monopolisation
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Too Broke to Buy Yahoo! on the Cheap
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Yahoo Claimed Safe from Abusive Acquirer
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Google Steals Microsoft's Thunder with Blobs and GNU/Linux
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's XBox360 Fiasco Leads to Lawsuits
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Potentially Nasty Turn in Collusion Lawsuit: Ballmer and Otellini Mobsters Named
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Trashes Apple, Plans to Sabotage Product Launch
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Mainframe Servers Become Zombies
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Hated Microsoft Software & Vapourware 'Products'
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft is a "Hater"
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Tries to Addict People Under Guise of "Charity", "War on Piracy"
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Serious Usability and Work Loss Issues in Office 2007
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Monopoly Abusers Microsoft and Intel Hurt Financially
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Death of Microsoft MSN Groups is Confirmed
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Munchkin: Windows Mobile Is In Trouble
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Law-breaking Leads to 'Funny Money' Compensation
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Has Shill in Nigerian Government, Defends Other Shills
17 Oct [News] [Rival] Nintendo Remains Untouchable While DRM-loving Companies Lose Billions
17 Oct Toys R' Us Selling GNU/Linux PCs, Advertising Them in UK Newspapers
17 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Serious Usability and Work Loss Issues in Office 2007
17 Oct Re: Hedge fund tycoon drops out, wants government redesigned Linux-style
17 Oct Re: Toys R' Us Selling GNU/Linux PCs, Advertising Them in UK Newspapers
17 Oct Re: New Qt/MySQL-based Software Targets Medicare
18 Oct Re: Ballmer says skip Vista
18 Oct Re: Toys R' Us Selling GNU/Linux PCs, Advertising Them in UK Newspapers
18 Oct [News] Another GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Debuts: PicoBook
18 Oct [News] Cost Barriers Broken with GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
18 Oct [News] The Register Publishes a Guide for GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
18 Oct [News] Red Hat's CEO Makes Fun of Windows Codebase Mess
18 Oct [News] Continued Press Coverage of EMC's Use of GNU/Linux in House
18 Oct [News] Summary of Linux Kongress 2008 and End User Collaboration Summit
18 Oct [News] Early Review of Google's Linux Phone
18 Oct [News] Review of Songbird 0.7.0 on GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Good Look at the Migration of Russian Schools to GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Canonical/Ubuntu Improves Upstream Communication
18 Oct [News] Early Tests with Mozilla Firefox 3.1 (Beta)p
18 Oct [News] Caldera 2.0: Cloudera Born for 'Cloud' Computing
18 Oct [News] Microsoft Already Embracing and Extending Apache for Windows?
18 Oct [News] Google's Linux Phone Already Challenges Apple's Binary iJail
18 Oct [News] British Press on Reviving Old PCs with GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Fedora 9 Makes New OLPC Distribution, Battles Intel/Microsoft Suppressors
18 Oct [News] MafiaSoft Threatens Red Hat with Patents, Uses Novell
18 Oct [News] Linux Version Numbers Likely to Get Marketing Boost
18 Oct [News] A Tour of KDE 4.2 Nightly Build
18 Oct [News] More Linux-based Media Players Come with Ogg Support
18 Oct [News] Mandriva's Implementation of KDE4 Receives Praises
18 Oct [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
18 Oct [News] Very Detailed Review of Ubuntu 8.10 Beta: Gets 9 Out of 10
18 Oct [News] Reasons to Love Ubuntu GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Screenshots Gallery of Ubuntu GNU/Linux 8.10 (Beta)
18 Oct [News] Distributed Gaming Powered by GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Advice for Upgrading to GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] System Updates in GNU/Linux Miles Ahead of Windows
18 Oct [News] Linux Foundation Events Summarised, SCOPE Alliance Revised
18 Oct [News] MicroMunchkin/Anti-Linux AtstroTurf Strategies
18 Oct [News] Multi-Mousing Input Support Comes to Compiz-Fusion
18 Oct [News] Adobe Irons Out Quirks in Flash for GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Review of the Everex Zonbu Linux Laptop, Dell Inspiron Mini with Linux
18 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Blog Recommendations
18 Oct [News] GNU/Linux in Pictures and Pictures in GNU/Linux
18 Oct [News] Reasons to Use Linux Mint (GNU/Linux+Blobs)
18 Oct [News] Sub-notebooks (with GNU/Linux) Slaughter Desktops/Laptops
18 Oct [News] Debian a Good Desktop O/S Distribution, Adept 3.0 Simplifies PM
18 Oct [News] New Module Support Linux
18 Oct [News] Microsoft More Afraid of Free Software Than of Google's SaaS
18 Oct [News] Free Softwtare Promoted in Healthcare, NHS Shows Proprietary Disaster
18 Oct [News] Mobile Firefox (Fennec) Released as Alpha
18 Oct [News] Deprived Nations United by the Free Software Movement
18 Oct [News] Proprietary Voting Systems and Proprietary NHS an Epic Fail
18 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Web Division Failing, Microsoft's Impending Debt a Problem
18 Oct [News] [Rival] Facebook is Dangerous to Microsoft Windows Users
18 Oct Re: Toys R' Us Selling GNU/Linux PCs, Advertising Them in UK Newspapers
18 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
19 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
19 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
19 Oct Re: More Patent Threats from Microsoft
19 Oct Re: Terry is back
19 Oct [News] Nice Feature Ideas for Desktop GNU/Linux
19 Oct [News] Microsoft's Latest Anti-Linux Microsoft-sponsored Lie, AKA 'Study'
19 Oct [News] Low-cost Computers Still Run GNU/Linux
19 Oct [News] Open Source FPS Alien Arena 2008 Gets Prettier
19 Oct [News] No Vista, Try GNU/Linux Instead
19 Oct [News] IBM Still Favours GNU/Linux on Mainframes
19 Oct [News] Software as Services Powered by GNU/Linux, Could Take a Lesson from it
19 Oct [News] A Look Ahead of Linux 2009.1. New Addition to 2008.10
19 Oct [News] Report About GPL-Licensed ZFS Counterpart and More
19 Oct [News] 100% Rise in Red Hat Exchange Bookings Amid Recession
19 Oct [News] Early Look at PCLinuxOS 2009 (Beta)
19 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org Embraces SVN, StartOffice Offered to South Africans
19 Oct [News] ODF a Critical Standard, Spreads and Wins
19 Oct [News] 3 in 4 Finnish Firms Use Free Software
19 Oct [News] Fuse ESB 4.0 Released; Other Open Source Moves
19 Oct [News] NewsWeek Explres Ways the Free Software Philosophy Can Fix Things
19 Oct [News] CIO Advice Includes Free Software and GNU/Linux
19 Oct [News] Cisco Relies on GNU/Linux and Free Software to Compete Against It
19 Oct [News] New Manual Strives to Help Keep Software Free (Libre)
19 Oct [News] The Hollywood MAFIAA Lies to the Public for New Laws
19 Oct [News] 25 Reasons to Kill DRM
19 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Top Applications Are Illness Related
19 Oct Re: Apple's prospects in the recession
20 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft "Improves" Apache
20 Oct Re: [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct [News] Eighties Company and Brand Reborn with GNU/Linux
20 Oct [News] Google's Linux and Free Software Products Strong Competitors to Apple
20 Oct [News] How OLPC Rejected Mac OS X and Windows, Went with GNU/Linux Instead
20 Oct [News] The Evolution of Ubuntu GNU/Linux and Review of Latest Build
20 Oct [News] Users Bamboozled Into Thinking GNU/Linux is Mac OS X (Leopard)
20 Oct [News] Examples of New (and Happy) GNU/Linux Converts
20 Oct [News] PCLinuxOS 2009 Approaches Release, Reviewed by TuxMachines
20 Oct [News] New Stable Linux Released, Another One Coming
20 Oct [News] Debian Etch for Advanced Desktop Users and Ubuntu for "Average Desktop Users"
20 Oct [News] KDE Developers to Have Fun in Jamaica
20 Oct [News] Best Xfce-based GNU/Linux Desktops
20 Oct [News] Eye Candy-rich Console, Screenshots of Elive 1.9.10
20 Oct [News] Policies Against Linux Advertising and "<Vendor> Recommend Vista" Lies
20 Oct [News] Ubuntu Gets Lubi, Gentoo Gets Metro
20 Oct [News] Opera's Blobrowser for GNU/Linux is Still No Firefox
20 Oct [News] Firebird Database Man Makes a Statement about Community Ownership and FUD
20 Oct [News] Java Gets Lighter, Perl Reviewed
20 Oct [News] Free Software Adopted in GPLv3 Form, National Indian Conference Organised
20 Oct [News] Corruption Inherent in the Patent System: Reign of Patent Lawyers and Cronies
20 Oct [News] VMware Bought Intellectual Monopolies, Prior Art Revisited
20 Oct [News] Charlie McCronyism on Back Door to Software Patents in the EU
20 Oct [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India
20 Oct [News] Bilski Case (Due This Month) Could Crush Software Patents
20 Oct Re: [News] Eye Candy-rich Console, Screenshots of Elive 1.9.10
20 Oct Re: [News] Examples of New (and Happy) GNU/Linux Converts
20 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India
20 Oct Re: India and rats (was Re: [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India)
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Re: Terry is back
20 Oct [News] Sample of Free GNU/Linux Gaming Options
20 Oct [News] Anti-ODF Former IDC 'Analyst' Smears Linux with Lies
20 Oct [News] [Vi]sta [Vi]ctim CompUSA Can Turn to GNU/Linux
20 Oct [News] Discretix Harms Linux with Criminal Technology (DRM)
20 Oct [News] Users Help Mothers Upgrade to GNU/Linux
20 Oct [News] Red Hat GNU/Linux Rising While the Economy Falls
20 Oct [News] KDE4 Ready for Users, Old Habits Still an Obstacles
20 Oct [News] New Ubuntu Store in the US and Other Ubuntu Linux News
20 Oct [News] Sun Lobbies for Free Software in the Middle East
20 Oct [News] Free Software Debate in US Government, Plone (GPL) in Washington
20 Oct [News] Free Software Poised to Take Over
20 Oct [News] Free Software and GNU/Linux to Win Desktops, Mobiles Inevitably
20 Oct [News] Opportunists Try to Knock Freedom Out of Free Software
20 Oct [News] GNU Software Communicates with International Space Station
20 Oct [News] New Campaign for Universities to Embrace Free Software and Culture
20 Oct [News] Dillo 2.0 Gets Tabs, Thunderbird Gets Interface Overhaul
20 Oct [News] [Rival] Head of MugabeSoft in Words
20 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Zombies a Weapon of World (Cyber)War
20 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Latest Google FUD Baseless
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft "Improves" Apache
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Re: Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 18th of October, 2008.
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Re: Troll-Free COLA Stats: Saturday the 18th of October, 2008.
20 Oct Re: Terry is back
20 Oct Re: [News] Anti-ODF Former IDC 'Analyst' Smears Linux with Lies
20 Oct Re: India and rats (was Re: [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India)
20 Oct Re: India and rats (was Re: [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India)
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Re: Brian Profit's Linuxtoday.com
20 Oct Re: India and rats (was Re: [News] Microsoft Patent Trolls Infesting India)
20 Oct Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux a Better Mac Than Mac OS X
20 Oct Crazy Man from Iowa
20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
20 Oct Re: [News] Anti-ODF Former IDC 'Analyst' Smears Linux with Lies
20 Oct [News] Yet Another Company Introduces GNU/Linux-only Sub-notebook
20 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Sub-notebook for as Little as £150
20 Oct [News] Alcatel-Lucent Laptop Addon Runs Linux
20 Oct [News] Google's Linux Platform/Club Grows Significantly with Motorola Addition
20 Oct [News] The ACCESS Linux Platform Makes Several Announcements
20 Oct [News] Linux Marketers and Hacker 'Analysts' Brag About Linux Money
20 Oct [News] Red Hat Continues to See Growth in GNU/Linux Business
20 Oct [News] Massive-scale Fedora Installations Made Easy
20 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Gains Even Without Brainwash Expenditures
20 Oct [News] Nintendo DS-sized PC Runs GNU/Linux
20 Oct [News] Two New Embedded Linux-supported Products
20 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Changes the World, Servers First, Now Desktops
20 Oct [News] gOS (GNU/Linux) Goes Mobile Too
20 Oct [News] More Automated Deployments of Free Software on GNU/Linux
20 Oct [News] Consulting Firm Sees Free Software Rising as Economy Falls
20 Oct [News] Free Sottware Consulting Business Thriving, Expanding
20 Oct [News] IDG/IDC Lets Microsoft Spew Linux FUD/Libel in Public
20 Oct [News] Free Software Mobiles and Free Software VoIP Conference
20 Oct [News] Why Openoffice.org is Trouble for Microsoft's Office Monopoly
20 Oct [News] Firefox 3.1 Ahead of the Pack, Firefox for Handhelds Reviewed
20 Oct [News] New version of GNU Smalltalk, DistroWatch Covers Mandriva 2009
20 Oct [News] Emtec Movie Cube Violates Freedom Laws, Big Media Attacks Legitimate Music Site
20 Oct [News] Microsoft Patents Potentially-suppressive Trivial Idea
21 Oct [News] McCreevy and Cronies Try to Choke Innovation in Europe
21 Oct [News] [SOT] UK Government Cracks Down on Free Speech and Privacy
21 Oct [News] New Investment in Free Software Accessibility inside ODF
21 Oct [News] [Rival] The Curse of Apple's Jail Phone
21 Oct [News] [Rival] The Microsoft-BBC iPlayer Cartel Spreads to More Networks
21 Oct [News] [Rival] Employee: Microsoft Could be Downsizing (Layoffs) as It Enters Debt
21 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's CEO Shoots Vista to Death, Helps Linux and Mac
21 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Windows Update is Broken, Snubs Customers
21 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
21 Oct Re: [News] McCreevy and Cronies Try to Choke Innovation in Europe
21 Oct [News] 6 New GNU/Linux Distributions Released, One BSD
21 Oct [News] AMC Design Comes with Linux, Embedded Linux Development Toolkit for ARM
21 Oct [News] Another Company Chooses GNU/Linux for Its Sub-notebook
21 Oct [News] How GNU/Linux Saves a Lot of Money
21 Oct [News] The Role of Community GNU/Linux Distributions
21 Oct [News] Charity Killer's Linux Push Adds Fast Boot, Mandriva, Ballnuxes
21 Oct [News] New PDA from Imovio is Powered by Linux
21 Oct [News] India's Largest Political Party Embraces Free Software
21 Oct [News] Linux Music Server Introduced, GNU/Linux Rescues Music from Vinyls
21 Oct [News] Bob Young and Richard Stallman on Free Sofwtare
21 Oct [News] Primera Embraces GNU/Linux
21 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
21 Oct [News] Big Surge in Python Interest Amid Economic Collapse
21 Oct [News] Big Launch Event Planned for Google's Linux Phones
21 Oct [News] Alliance for Web Standards-based Applications Expands Scope
21 Oct [News] Arduino Board: Hardware Takes Lesson from Free Software
21 Oct [News] Microsoft-fueled Pawn-cacia Still Trolls the Whole Industry
21 Oct [News] Companies That Leech Off Copyleft or Kill It (Microsoft Included)
21 Oct [News] Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Attacked by the MAFIAA
21 Oct [News] MAFIAA Steals Taxpayers' Money to Police the Internet
21 Oct [News] Famous Singer Steps Away from MAFIAA Business Model
21 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Scrambles into 'Damage Control' as CEO Confirms Windows is Dead (AKA "Vista")
21 Oct Re: [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
21 Oct Re: [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
22 Oct [News] Entire Debian GNU/Linux to be Distributed as Blu-Ray
22 Oct [News] Linux Exceeds 10,000,000 Lines of Code (Just a Kernel)
22 Oct [News] Infobright Brings Free Software to GNU/Linux
22 Oct [News] Source Code of Google's Linux Phones Available for Download
22 Oct [News] Mobile Linux Touted as Open, Flexible by Many
22 Oct [News] New GNU/Linux Distribution Targets Servers, IBM Puts Linux in Mainframes
22 Oct [News] Mandriva Linux 2009 Spread in Installfests Internationally
22 Oct [News] Guide for Business Servers in Small Businesses
22 Oct [News] GNU/Linux 'Too' Easy for Windows Users to Grasp
22 Oct [News] The Upper Hand of Fonts in GNU/Linux, Tiling Window Introduced
22 Oct [News] The Art of Switching People from Microsoft to Freedom (Linux)
22 Oct [News] Canonical Vends Enterprise Free Software with GNU/Linux
22 Oct [News] Literature Liberated, Creative Commons Campaigns for Adoption
22 Oct [News] XKCD a Free Publishing Success Story
22 Oct [News] Free Software-based Communication Built in India
22 Oct [News] Google's Linux Servers Pile Adds Java (GPL); New ESB Features in Mule
22 Oct [News] Extensions Can Do to OpenOffice.org What Firefox Does to IE
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Dedicates Day to Its Best Customers: Infringers
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Bribes Mac Bloggers to Slam Apple
22 Oct [News] [Rival] McAfee Labels Windows Vista a "Trojan Horse"
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Windows Vista Rejected Even When It's Free
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft CEO: Vista Represents Microsoft's Best
22 Oct Re: Just when you thought COLA could not get any nuttier
22 Oct [News] Over 40% of Sub-notebooks Sold Run GNU/Linux
22 Oct [News] October's Ubuntu GNU/Linux Release Available for Free ($0) Preorders
22 Oct [News] Radical Uses of GNU/Linux for Special Awards
22 Oct [News] A Better Puppy Than Puppy GNU/Linux?
22 Oct [News] IBM Puts GNU/Linux in "Baby" Mainframes
22 Oct [News] Linux Haters Turn to GNU/Linux Because Vista is Horrible
22 Oct [News] EVO Smart Console Runs GNU/Linux
22 Oct [News] Good Times for GNU/Linux in the Jobs Market
22 Oct [News] New Proprietary Wares for GNU/Linux
22 Oct [News] Free Software/Linux Phones a Friendly Threat to ISV Status Quo
22 Oct [News] Review of GNU Image Manipulation Program 2.6
22 Oct [News] Firefox Impresses on Mobile Devices, Helps Web Developers
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft XBox Hits More Delays
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Even Microsoft MVPs Hate Vista, Escape Microsoft Windows
22 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Curses the World ("Pirate") for More BSA Propaganda
22 Oct Re: Roy Schestowitz finally tells the truth and admits he's a paid spammer
22 Oct Re: Ballmer: Microsoft Unlikely To Top Vista's 'Success'
22 Oct Re: Upgrade to Windows 7 now!!!!
22 Oct Re: Upgrade to Windows 7 now!!!!
23 Oct [News] Loads of Dell Systems to Boot GNU/Linux
23 Oct [News] ASUS Debunks MSI/MS FUD About GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
23 Oct [News] On Free Software Trust in Linux-using Corporations
23 Oct [News] The Value of GNU and Linux Distributions Estimated by LF
23 Oct [News] Another New Mobile Computer Runs GNU/Linux
23 Oct [News] Linux Foundation End User Summit Report, Linux Professional Institute Expands
23 Oct [News] How GNU/Linux Advances technology, Helps in Recession
23 Oct [News] The Android Linux Platform Gains Momentum with Big Partners
23 Oct [News] Google Opens Applications Market for Linux
23 Oct [News] Very Large Project Migrates to Red Hat GNU/Linux, Magnolia CMS for JBoss
23 Oct [News] Red Hat's CEO on Lock-in Awareness, Rise of Free Software
23 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Distribution Comprising 0.2 Billion Lines of Code
23 Oct [News] Linux Honoured for Challenging Intellectual Monopolies; UNIX Replaced
23 Oct [News] Audio Equipment Built Using GNU/Linux
23 Oct [News] Debian GNU/Linux Runs Well on Self-Reliant Thin Client
23 Oct [News] Gentoo Founder Makes Funtoo
23 Oct [News] Ubuntu Studio and Obama Ubuntu (Obama Campaign Votes GNU/Linux)
23 Oct [News] KDE4 Plasma Matures to Completeness; Composite in Metacity
23 Oct [News] Glance at GNU/Linux-loaded Toshiba Sub-notebooks
23 Oct [News] Screenshots of the Latest ELive Release
23 Oct [News] PCLinuxOS Magazine for This Month is Release
23 Oct [News] More Free Software Enters the Crashing Wall Street
23 Oct [News] Communication, Knowledge, and Literature Set Free
23 Oct [News] American Administration is Approaching More Free Software
23 Oct [News] Despite Recession, Funding Comes to FOSS Startup
23 Oct [News] FOSS Model Works and Challenges Giants
23 Oct [News] Choice and Customisation as Free Software Selling Points
23 Oct [News] Customers Looking Away from Proprietary Software, Enea Embraces Free Sofwtare
23 Oct [News] Finding GPL Violations; Bush and the MAFIAA Violate/Break US Law
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Fan Declares Vista Ads an Epic Fail
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Stock Collapses After Its Outlook Warning
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Buybacks and Debt Can't Save It
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Blasted and Sued in China for Hijacking PCs
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Suing the Whole World to Extract Money
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Security Mess This Month for Non-Free Software
23 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Relies on Its Political Corruption Against Google
23 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Blasted and Sued in China for Hijacking PCs
23 Oct Re: [News] ASUS Debunks MSI/MS FUD About GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
23 Oct Re: [News] Arduino Board: Hardware Takes Lesson from Free Software
23 Oct [News] All Russian Schools are Dumping Microsoft
23 Oct [News] New Version of Parsix GNU/Linux is Released
23 Oct [News] Review of STUX 2.0 and Mandriva 2009 KDE
23 Oct [News] Windows Escapee Runs Back to GNU/Linux
23 Oct [News] Desktop ASUS PC Comes with GNU/Linux
23 Oct [News] China Bypasses Bribing Charity Killer and Builds GNU/Linux Laptops
23 Oct [News] Technical Look at the GNU/Linux-powered Imovio Sub-notebook
23 Oct [News] Early Experiences with Android Linux Phone in the Wild
23 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Desktop Made More Visually Attarcative
23 Oct [News] The Nerve of Microsoft: Dumping to Fight Linux, Then Sabotaging PCs
23 Oct [News] High-end GNU/Linux-Based Console Just a Month Away
23 Oct [News] GNU/Linux-based Shuttle KPC Scores 8/10
23 Oct [News] Pogo Linux Now in the Storage Market
23 Oct [News] Elections Begin... for Debian 5.0 Solgan
23 Oct [News] Impact of Desktop Virtualisation in GNU/Linux, Other O/Ses
23 Oct [News] Developing World Event Touches on Free Software
23 Oct [News] Abusive Monopolist Invades FOSS Conferences, Which it Called "Cancer"
23 Oct [News] Microsoft is Paying Its Way Into Contaminating Open Source
23 Oct [News] Monopolistic Consumer-Producer Business Model Taken to Task
23 Oct [News] KOffice 2.0 Reaches Second Beta
23 Oct [News] Short Review of the Mobile Version of Firefox
23 Oct [News] European Commission Admits Procurement System is Brokenp
23 Oct [News] More Intellectual Monopolies Insanity, EU Fights Software Patents
23 Oct [News] Amazon & Bozo Suppress Free Speech, Promote DRM?
23 Oct [News] Apple Patronises Microsoft, the Next Challenge for GNU to Beat
23 Oct [News] [Rival] People Who Choose Microsoft Called "Sheep" by Intermedia
23 Oct [News] [Rival] EMERGENCY: Microsoft Windows Totally Exposed, Vista Too
23 Oct Re: [News] Windows Escapee Runs Back to GNU/Linux
23 Oct Re: [News] MAFIAA Steals Taxpayers' Money to Police the Internet
24 Oct Re: [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
24 Oct Re: Hey Roy, here are some patents you missed
24 Oct [News] MEPIS Linux 8 Looking Great Even at Beta
24 Oct [News] New Ubuntu GNU/Linux System Tools and Artwork
24 Oct [News] Overview of Music Players for GNU/Linux, Video Editor
24 Oct [News] Security Industry Fearmongering Examples
24 Oct [News] Reviews of Slax Linux and Foresight Linux
24 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Better Than Mac OS X, Despite Myths
24 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Beats Windows in Many Ways
24 Oct [News] Linux Mint Fluxbox Reviewed and Praised
24 Oct [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...
24 Oct [News] How to Migrate People to GNU/Linux, Gradually
24 Oct [News] BTW Embraces Free Software
24 Oct [News] Criminal Technology (DRM) Disguised as 'Open Source'
24 Oct [News] Thunderbird Developers Interview
24 Oct [News] Moe Variants of Firefox Appear
24 Oct [News] Call for Support for FSF Campaign, Why Free Software Wins
24 Oct [News] Qt Improves Further with New Release
24 Oct [News] ARM Officially Enter Sub-notebooks Market with GNU/Linux
24 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Stops Being a Software Company, Becomes SCO Group No.2
24 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Value Sinks like a Rock
24 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Blasted and Sued in China for Hijacking PCs
25 Oct [News] GNU/Linux XO Beats Windows XO, Says Young Judge
25 Oct [News] Overview of ACCESS Linux Platform
25 Oct [News] Charitable Project Gives GNU/Linux Away
25 Oct [News] List of Accounting Software and Browsers for GNU/Linux
25 Oct [News] Why GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks Are Better
25 Oct [News] GNU/Linux is Victorious in ATCA
25 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Worth More Than Microsoft Could Afford
25 Oct [News] GNU/Linus Scores Big Win in Bank PHB
25 Oct [News] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked
25 Oct [News] Lots of Games Ported to GNU/Linux
25 Oct [News] Opportunity Widens for GNU/Linux as Windows Commits Suicide
25 Oct [News] Where Linux Pioneers, Sun and Cisco Follow
25 Oct [News] Psystar Sells GNU/Linux PCs for Just $299
25 Oct [News] NeuLion IPTV Box is Powered by GNU/Linux
25 Oct [News] Dell Delivers GNU/Linux PCs to UK Businesses
25 Oct [News] 4 New Distributions Released: Foresight, PC-BSD, Absolute, Clonezilla
25 Oct [News] Worth of a GPL-licensed Kernel: $1.4 billion
25 Oct [News] New Embedded Linux Products Announced by SYSGO, Renesas
25 Oct [News] Review of the New Xfce Beta
25 Oct [News] Ubuntu 8.10 Reaches Release Candidate
25 Oct [News] Screenshots of Kubuntu 8.10 and Puppy Linux 4.1
25 Oct [News] Tips for Enhancing the Desktop; Three Recommended Distributions
25 Oct [News] More Linux in Robotics
25 Oct [News] OpenSSH Interview; Linux Security Benchmark Certification
25 Oct [News] Free Software Apathetic About Recession
25 Oct [News] Economic Hardships a Good Reason to Enter Free Software
25 Oct [News] Google's SaaS and Mobile GNU/Linux Plan Working Out Well
25 Oct [News] samba and FSFE Celebrate Victory Over the Abusive Monopoly
25 Oct [News] Mobile GNU/Linux Support Growing at Moblin
25 Oct [News] Further Extension of MuleSource and Open-Xchange
25 Oct [News] Free Software Beneficial to Security, Windows Under Attack
25 Oct [News] New Pressure for Procurement Policy to Favour Free Software
25 Oct [News] Free (Libre) Database Software Chosen as Economy Declines
25 Oct [News] BMW and Drupal Legitimise Open Source Software
25 Oct [News] Why Open Source CRM Software is Better; Open Source CMS Overview
25 Oct [News] Italian Linux Association Laughs at Recession, Others Spread Misinformation
25 Oct [News] Free/Open Source Software Telephony and Authentication Systems
25 Oct [News] Freedom of Firefox Part of Its Success
25 Oct [News] Why Software Patents Are Bad and How TiVo Exploits Them
25 Oct [News] Patentability of Software Goes to Enlarged Board of Appeal
25 Oct [News] [SOT] MS-CNN Gamed by Teenager, Harms Apple
25 Oct [News] Microsoft Promotes GNU/Linux with Recent Crackdowns and Insults
25 Oct [News] [Rival] Budget at Microsoft Gets the Axe
25 Oct [News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Harms Microsoft's Profits (Dumping)
25 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Loses Lots of Money in Key Divisions
25 Oct [News] [Rival] Windows Emergency as Many Machines Compromised Without Intervention
25 Oct Re: A whole new class of PC made possible by Linux
25 Oct Re: [Erik is having panic attacks] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked (was: [News] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked)
25 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft Promotes GNU/Linux with Recent Crackdowns and Insults
25 Oct Re: Now all this is not helpful to Linux advocacy (long)
25 Oct Re: Now all this is not helpful to Linux advocacy (long)
25 Oct Re: [Rival] Microsoft Blasted and Sued in China for Hijacking PCs
26 Oct Re: Linux can use 8GB RAM, what's the problem with Vista ?
26 Oct [News] Better XP Than Windows XP: GNU/Linux
26 Oct [News] Mozilla Man Reviews the Linux-based G1 Phone
26 Oct [News] Wives Adopt GNU/Linux
26 Oct [News] Mandriva's Installfest Goes Worldwide, Ohio Linuxfest Report
26 Oct [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Runs From USB Drive
26 Oct [News] Linux 2009.0 Reaches First Releases Candidate, More Stable Kernels Released
26 Oct [News] KDE4 Wows User and Gains Traction
26 Oct [News] Dropbox for GNU/Linux is Released
26 Oct [News] Linux-based G1 Already More Function-rich Than iPhone?
26 Oct [News] Linux Supports New and Shiny OpenGL 3.0
26 Oct [News] Screenshot Galleries of Fedora 10 and Dream Linux
26 Oct [News] New Debian Etch Update Released
26 Oct [News] Google's Linux Platform Spreads to Other Companies
26 Oct [News] Many Fine (and Free) Video Players for GNU/Linux
26 Oct [News] Review of OpenOffice.org 3.0
26 Oct [News] World Fights Back Against "Content" MAFIAA, AAP Libels Lessig
26 Oct [News] United Nations Site Powered by Free CMS Software, MySQL Gets Lighter
26 Oct [News] ODF Support at Nokia, AbiWord
26 Oct [News] Free Software Technical Merits vs Cost
26 Oct [News] [Rival] Another Microsoft Fan Bemoans Windows Mobile's Death
26 Oct [News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Leads to Decline in Windows Revenue
26 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft: Windows Hijacked Within Minutes
26 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft closes the quarter with less cash than Apple
26 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] GNU/Linux Leads to Decline in Windows Revenue
27 Oct [News] India Gets Into the GNU/Linux Groove
27 Oct [News] Overview and Releases of GNU/Linux First-Person Shooters
27 Oct [News] Visual Tours of Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10
27 Oct [News] Italy Organises GNU/Linux Event, Free Software Push
27 Oct [News] DeviceVM Makes Linux Bypass Windows on Many Millions of PCs
27 Oct [News] Introduction to Ubuntu 8.10 and the Linux-based G1
27 Oct [News] More Open Source Culture and Intelligence
27 Oct [News] GPLpedia is Launches to Centralise Free Software Material
27 Oct [News] Op-ed: Opera Loses to Free Software
27 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Earns DirectX 10 Support
27 Oct Re: [Rival] GNU/Linux Harms Microsoft's Profits (Dumping)
27 Oct [News] Finnish Free/Open Source Conference, Buy4Commons Introduced
27 Oct [News] Newsday Columnist Praises OpenOffice.org 3.0
27 Oct [News] Andrew Cuomo And Australia Attack the Internet Using the "Child Pr0n" Excuse
27 Oct [News] Red Hat Against 'Invention' of Thoughts, Maths
27 Oct [News] EPO Action on Software Patents Called a Farce
27 Oct [News] Open Inventions Network (OIN) Not Interested in Universal Solutions
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Entertainment Business Stinks and Sinks
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Bad Week for Microsoft, Worse Future Ahead
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Windows Revenue Declines, GNU/Linux Gains
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Number Confirm Vista to Be an Epic Fail
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft: ZOMG *lol* We Can't Meet Our Expectations
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Employee: Vista Rendered Us Toast
27 Oct [News] [Rival] The Day Microsoft Started Shooting Knee Caps...
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Financial Times and MS-CNET on Microsoft's Online Starvation
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Attacks Google by Proxy?
27 Oct [News] [Rival] The Microsoft IDC Shill Blasted for Attacking VMware with FUD
27 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Does the Crime, But Does Not Pay the Price
27 Oct Re: [News] New worm feeds on latest Microsoft bug
27 Oct Re: OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
27 Oct Re: Apple earnings, profits, and cash embarrass Micro$oft
27 Oct [News] CodeWeavers CrossOver Goes Free!
27 Oct [News] GNU/Linux TV Commercials for Dell, Courtesy of Dell
27 Oct [News] Demand is High for GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks
27 Oct [News] More Joy with the Latest Mandriva GNU/Linux
27 Oct [News] Linux 2009.0 Already in Second RC, Another Stable Kernel Out
27 Oct [News] Google's Linux Platform Got Game, Apps
27 Oct [News] Fedora 10 Features Discussed and Dissected
27 Oct [News] Linux Kernel Development Reports from Heise Online
27 Oct [News] Review of the Playstation 3 with GNU/Linux
27 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Has Wallpaper Power
27 Oct [News] 5 GNU/Linux and/or Free Software Radio Shows Unleashed
27 Oct [News] Why the Internet Depends on GNU/Linux
27 Oct [News] KDE 4.2 Feature Complete Within Weeks
27 Oct [News] Free Software the Biggest Victim of Non-Free Software Counterfeiting
27 Oct [News] Short Review of the Dell Inspiron with GNU/Linux
27 Oct [News] ITT Chooses Real-time Linux
27 Oct [News] GNU/Linux That Looks Like Windows
27 Oct [News] Ubuntu 8.10 Released in 3 Days
27 Oct [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Benefits from Recession, Good for Business
27 Oct [News] Discussions About New/Upcoming Ubuntu GNU/Linux Features
27 Oct [News] Previews and Early Looks at Ubuntu and Kubuntu 8.10
27 Oct [News] Canonical Concentrates on Usability; Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter
27 Oct [News] Review of Puppy Linux 4.1 and 64 Studio
27 Oct [News] Gutenprint Brings Far More Extensive Hardware Support to Linux
27 Oct [News] Minimalist GNU/Linux Distributions Run on Thumb Drivers
27 Oct [News] Demo of Prey Ported to GNU/Linux
27 Oct [News] Filing Notes in GNU/Linux and Why Everything Belongs in Files
27 Oct [News] Charity killer Writes About GNU/Linux in Company's Blog
28 Oct Re: OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
28 Oct [News] Free Software Brings Value to Australian Industry
28 Oct [News] IDG: Voting Requires Free/Open Source Software
28 Oct [News] Another Analysis of the Effect on a Recession Free Software
28 Oct [News] Naples Dumps Microsoft, Embraces Free Software
28 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already Downloaded 5 Million Times (and Counting)
28 Oct [News] In Praise of Mozilla and Firefox -- New Versions and Themes
28 Oct [News] Facebook Releases Code as Open Source
28 Oct [News] Open-Source/Linux Wireless Router Praised
28 Oct [News] SourceForge Powered by Free Software Also at CMS Level
28 Oct [News] Free Software Promotes in Europe and Africa
28 Oct [News] GPLv3 and Free Software in General Keep Growing
28 Oct [News] Another Online Presentation Tool Supports ODF
28 Oct [News] NetApp Suit Proves a Broken Patent System
28 Oct [News] Microsoft 'Patent Terrorists' Bypass European Law
28 Oct [News] Google Screws up Indian Law and Tries Software Patents
28 Oct [News] Another Case of the Klausner Troll Exploiting the Broken USPTO
28 Oct [News] [SOT] Music Fools Attack Own Fan with Intellectual Monopolies
28 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Chiefs Corrupt the United States Government with $$
28 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Neglects Bad Vista, GNU/Linux Grows
28 Oct [News] [Rival] 11-Year-Olds Crack Windows, Government Leaks Information
28 Oct Re: [News] ARM Officially Enter Sub-notebooks Market with GNU/Linux
28 Oct Re: [News] Naples Dumps Microsoft, Embraces Free Software
28 Oct Re: OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs
28 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft faces second 'black screen' lawsuit
28 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft faces second 'black screen' lawsuit
29 Oct Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct [News] Germany Finds That GNU/Linux on the Desktop is Cheaper, Better
29 Oct News] Lenovo Sub-notebooks Will Run GNU/Linux by Default
29 Oct [News] Microsoft Loses Control to GNU/Linux on the BIOS
29 Oct [News] Red Hat Improves Linux Startup Sequence
29 Oct [News] New Guide to GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
29 Oct [News] New Operating System for OpenMoko, More on Linux/Free Phones
29 Oct [News] Linux Kernel Summit Videos Available (Also as Ogg Theora)
29 Oct [News] Waugh and Co. Debunked After Defending Novell, OOXML, Microsoft
29 Oct [News] How Microsoft Bribed Nigerian Officials to Harm GNU/Linux
29 Oct [News] Financial Evidence That Windows is Dying Due to GNU/Linux
29 Oct [News] GNU/Linux is Conquering the ATCA
29 Oct [News] CrossOver is Free, Microsoft Office Runs on GNU/Linux
29 Oct [News] Lindependence 2008 Lands in More US Cities
29 Oct [News] $75 Single-board Computer Comes with Linux Preinstalled
29 Oct [News] Wal-Mart Trashes DRM and Adds GNU/Linux Support
29 Oct [News] H-P Drops Price of Ballnux Laptops by 40%
29 Oct [News] RedHawk Linux Gains SMP
29 Oct [News] Why and How Linux Champions the Embedded Space
29 Oct [News] Examples of Great Technologies that GNU/Linux Pioneered
29 Oct [News] Free Software First-of-its-kinds (Visual)
29 Oct [News] KDE4 Gets Mom's Approval, Killer Applications Listed
29 Oct [News] 15 Ubuntu Wallpapers and 10 Essential Applications
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Very Big on the Mainframe
29 Oct [News] Government and Ubuntu Linux, Free Software for Privacy
29 Oct [News] Linux Sub-notebooks in Japan; On 10 Years of GNU/Linux
29 Oct [News] VMware Adds Linux, Sheds Windows Off VirtualCenter
29 Oct [News] new Development Toolkit for Android Linux
29 Oct [News] Another Single-board Computer (Gumstix) Comes with Linux
29 Oct [News] Distributions Are Similar, Quite Consistent; SimplyMEPIS Inherits Broadcom Support
29 Oct [News] More Fun and Games with GNU/Linux
29 Oct [News] How Free Software Can Change Government (GOSCON)
29 Oct [News] Software That Runs on GNU/Linux and FOSS Develops Further
29 Oct [News] Microsoft-funded Blackboard Tries to Devour Free Software Substitutes?
29 Oct [News] It's Official: Sardinia Government Chooses Free Software
29 Oct [News] FSFE Lobby for Free (Libre) Dell PCs
29 Oct [News] GPL Defended Out of Court, Again
29 Oct [News] OpenOffice.org Awards in Details, Free CMS Awards Coming
29 Oct [News] Additional Software That Makes Firefox So Good
29 Oct [News] GCC Family Grows, New GNU Toolchain Offering
29 Oct [News] Support Potential of Free Software Amid Signs of Change
29 Oct [News] On Google's Open Source Deficinecy
29 Oct [News] Speculations About BlackBerry and Kindle Going Free Software
29 Oct [News] New Open Source Software from Compiere, Talend Integration with SAP Data
29 Oct [News] Counterfeiting Question a Reason for Free Software
29 Oct [News] Free Software Turns to Business, Without the Lock-ins
29 Oct [News] SCO May be Falling Apart Quickly
29 Oct [News] Artists Make Money by Giving Stuff Away
29 Oct [News] [SOT] Australian Government Fights Free Speech
29 Oct [News] EPO Still Open for Exploitation with Software Patents
29 Oct [News] Car Rental Analogy for Patent Trolls
29 Oct [News] [SOT} Bribing Charity-killing Intel Snubs the EU Regulators
29 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Slams the Door Shut on Vista, Puts up Vapourware
29 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Sued Again in China
29 Oct [News] [Rival] All Versions of Windows Actively Hijacked Using New Crack
29 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Wants to Establish Internet Lock-in
29 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft's XBox Disaster Leaves Customers Furious
29 Oct Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...
29 Oct Re: Microsoft's drug dealer tactics
29 Oct Re: Hey Roy, any comment on NOVL stock today?
29 Oct Re: Asus Eee PC in my little town
29 Oct Re: [News] Naples Dumps Microsoft, Embraces Free Software
30 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft Office Embraces The Browser (Thank You Google)
30 Oct Re: Asus Eee PC in my little town
30 Oct [News] H-P Shuns Vista and Ballnux, Chooses Ubuntu GNU/Linux
30 Oct [News] More Takers for Google's Mobile GNU/Linux: ASUS, Motorola
30 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Already Owns the Cloud, Microsoft Lags
30 Oct [News] Nepal Likes Its GNU/Linux-based Laptops
30 Oct [News] KDE4 Tour of Gwenview, Nepomuk, and digiKam
30 Oct [News] Another Family Member Loves KDE4
30 Oct [News] Camp KDE 2009 is Fun in the Sun
30 Oct [News] Enterprise GNU/Linux 5.3 Makes Appearance as Beta, Red Hat Signs New Deal
30 Oct [News] Lenovo Chooses GNU/Ballnux for Its Sub-notebooks
30 Oct [News] Diversity in GNU/Linux Helps the Charity-killing Company
30 Oct [News] Price of Linux-based G1 Smartphone Now $179
30 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Easily Beats Sun's Solaris (UNIX) in Benchmark
30 Oct [News] PPC-based Macs Ripe for Rebirth with GNU/Linux
30 Oct [News] Linux Powers Gaming Console, Added to Console servers
30 Oct [News] Ubuntu a Success on Acer Aspire, Microsoft Tries to Buy Its Way with VIA
30 Oct [News] Ubuntu Installations Start Early, 8.10 Out Tomorrow
30 Oct [News] People Behind Key GNU/Linux Distributions, Exaile Developer
30 Oct [News] An Overview of GNU/Linux Media Centres and Backup Applications
30 Oct [News] Linux Support and Development Tools Reach More Architectures
30 Oct [News] Linux-based Instrument Utilised for Debugging
30 Oct [News] KDE4 Graphics Polished Some More (Screenshot)
30 Oct [News] Free Software Gets a Boost in Asia with Alliance
30 Oct [News] Apache Continues Gaining at Microsoft's Expense
30 Oct [News] European Union Positions Self to Favour Free Software
30 Oct [News] Gameboy Done the Free Software Way, Called GamePack
30 Oct [News] A Look at South and Latin America's Adoption of GNU/Linux
30 Oct [News] Free Software Gaining in Education Software, Blackboard Loses
30 Oct [News] Plone Looks to Capitalise in Weak Economy
30 Oct [News] European Commission to Build Its Own GNU/Linux Distribution
30 Oct [News] Enterprises and Governments Adopt Free Software
30 Oct [News] New Java Runtime and Other Free/Open Source Software
30 Oct [News] Photoshop and Groupware Become Web Based
30 Oct [News] South Africa's Commitment to OpenDocument Format is Strong
30 Oct [News] [SOT] Web Thrives Despite Anti-Freedom Laws
30 Oct [News] Reports from Ontario LinuxFest 2008, Mozilla
30 Oct [News] NHS a £12,700,000,000 Disaster, BT Counterpane Warns of Biometric Survellenace
30 Oct [News] [Rival] Vista 7 as Slow as Vista, as Bad as Vista
30 Oct [News] [Rival] Apple and Microsoft Give Blue Screen of Death
30 Oct Re: [News] GNU/Linux Has Wallpaper Power
30 Oct Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...
30 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft Office Embraces The Browser (Thank You Google)
30 Oct Re: [Rival] Vista 7 as Slow as Vista, as Bad as Vista
30 Oct Re: [News] Germany: 'Cost of Open Source desktop maintenance is by far the lowest'
30 Oct Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...
31 Oct [News] Linus Dresses Up as Penguin (with Tux) for Halloween
31 Oct [News] Lenovo is Back to Installing GNU/Linux (Ballnux) on Notebooks
31 Oct [News] Big New Boost for Mobile Linux in Android
31 Oct [News] Verdict: Desktop GNU/Linux Suitable for Small Businesses
31 Oct [News] A Look at the Linux-based Challenger to ZFS
31 Oct [News] Main Sufferer from Counterfeiting is GNU/Linux, Free Software
31 Oct [News] Microsoft Rivals Gain After Black Screen of Tactlessness
31 Oct [News] The Charity Killer Strategises on GNU/Linux in Taiwan
31 Oct [News] Free Software a Bigger 'Trouble' to Non-Free Software Than Counterfeiting
31 Oct [News] Gentoo Derivative Sabayon 4 is on Its Way
31 Oct [News] Microsoft Still Follows the Footsteps of GNU/Linux
31 Oct [News] How BitTorrent Helps Freedom and Free Software
31 Oct [News] Microsoft Helps GNU/Linux by Trashing Windows Vista
31 Oct [News] Digium Sells GNU/Linux Appliances
31 Oct [News] AMD Gains Better Linux Video Acceleration
31 Oct [News] Damn Small Linux 4.4.7 Released, Scores 5/5, Puppy Linux Reviewed Also
31 Oct [News] Detailed Walkthrough and Review of DreamLinux
31 Oct [News] AMD Geode-based Computer Comes with GNU/Linux
31 Oct [News] Glipse at New Features Found in Ubuntu 8.10
31 Oct [News] Screenshots of Ubuntu 8.10, Look at New Visual Features
31 Oct [News] Ubuntu Open Week Announced, Interview with Ubuntu Community Manager
31 Oct [News] Early Review of Ubuntu 8.10 and Features Overview
31 Oct [News] New Sound Server for Linux, Linux Remote Control
31 Oct [News] A Look at Hugely Popular Linux Widget, ACCESS Linux Gets More Widgets
31 Oct [News] Elections Broken by Bad System, Need for Free Software Signaled
31 Oct [News] New Versions of GIMP and Xfce Released
31 Oct [News] Summary of Dutch Conference on Free Software
31 Oct [News] Qt Grows & Hires Despite Economic Slowdown, Interviews from Gathering
31 Oct [News] In Spite of Recession, Funambol (AGPLv3) Grows Business
31 Oct [News] Free Software's Positive Effect on China
31 Oct [News] Drupal Wins CMS Award
31 Oct [News] Google and Partners Promote Free Software
31 Oct [News] Video of PackageKit in Action Under GNU/Linux
31 Oct [News] Free/Open Source Software in Education, Enterprise
31 Oct [News] United States Court Assassinates Many BM Patents, Reduces SW Patents Scope
31 Oct [News] Google Exploits Broken Monopolies System, Patent Trolls Win
31 Oct [News] [Rival] Vicious Apple Kicks Competition to the Curb
31 Oct [News] [Rival] Microsoft Lost Its Mojo
31 Oct [News] [Rival] Vista 7 Breached, Already Open for Hijackers
31 Oct LAYOFFS at Microsoft
31 Oct Re: Why Software Patents Are Bad and How TiVo Exploits Them
31 Oct Re: LAYOFFS at Microsoft
31 Oct Re: [News] New Sound Server for Linux, Linux Remote Control
31 Oct Re: Wintrolls are a laugh a minute!
31 Oct Re: Microsoft Ad Campaign Crashing Nation's Televisions
31 Oct Re: Microsoft patents censorship bot
31 Oct Re: [News] New Guide to GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
31 Oct Re: My employer completed migration of apps to Linux
31 Oct [News] BCS and Computer Weekly on GNU/Linux Overtaking Windows
31 Oct [News] MSBBC Surrenders to GNU/Linux, DRM on the Ropes
31 Oct [News] GNU/Linux Evolves Without Slowing Down (or Hardly So)
31 Oct [News] Linux Gets Distributed Multi-Head X Server
31 Oct [News] New Ubuntu Linux Success Stories
31 Oct [News] Ubuntu 8.10 Scores Big Points
31 Oct [News] GNU/Linux-powered Acer Sub-notebooks Gets 8/10
31 Oct [News] More Mission-critical Systems to Run GNU/Linux
31 Oct [News] PowerPC Board Comes with Linux Support Package
31 Oct [News] GNOME Annual Report in the Works, KDE Developers Get New IDE
31 Oct [News] Another Win for Linux in the Restaurant
31 Oct [News] Broader Embedded Linux Support, CherryPal Uses Embedded Linux
31 Oct [News] Dell Advertises GNU/Linux, But Gets It Wrong
31 Oct [News] 3-D GNU/Linux Games and Panoramic Photo Editing
31 Oct [News] BusinessWorld and India Times Cover the Rise of Free Software
31 Oct [News] The "Open World Forum" is Born to Promote Free(dom) Software

Sinister Midget

01 Oct Re: Microsoft Pays for Searching 'Til April 2009, Firefox Users Not Welcome
05 Oct Re: [News] [News] Open Source Supporters Convene in Asia
06 Oct Re: [News] Linux Has A Birthday
10 Oct Re: Wall Street Flat, Microsoft Continues Falling (Despite Buybacks)
11 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Confirms Regrets About Vista Ads
11 Oct Re: [Roy still fails to comprehend what he reads] [Rival] Microsoft Tries to Limit Xbox Losses? (was: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Tries to Limit Xbox Losses?)
19 Oct Re: Apple's prospects in the recession
19 Oct Re: [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max
20 Oct Re: ATTN: Does Roy Schestowitz troll any other Linux NG(s) besides this one? Or is he locked in on this one?
25 Oct Re: [News] GNU/Linux XO Beats Windows XO, Says Young Judge
26 Oct Re: [Roy Schestowitz is Intellectually Dishonest] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked (was: [Erik is having panic attacks] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked)
26 Oct Re: [Roy Schestowitz is Intellectually Dishonest] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
30 Oct Re: [News] GNU/Linux Has Wallpaper Power
31 Oct Re: Wintrolls are a laugh a minute!


20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
21 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?


16 Oct Re: [As Usual] Roy makes up stuff about Microsoft (was Re: [News] [Rival] British Library Ruins Public Assets with Microsoft DRM)
20 Oct Re: More Patent Threats from Microsoft
20 Oct Re: 5 days wasted installing Linux Suse
21 Oct Re: [News] Arduino Board: Hardware Takes Lesson from Free Software
22 Oct Re: Roy Schestowitz finally tells the truth and admits he's a paid spammer
22 Oct Re: Upgrade to Windows 7 now!!!!
22 Oct Re: Upgrade to Windows 7 now!!!!

Terry Porter

14 Oct Terry is back
14 Oct Re: Terry is back
17 Oct Re: Terry is back
17 Oct Re: Terry is back
17 Oct Re: Terry is back
17 Oct Re: Terry is back
20 Oct Re: Terry is back
25 Oct A whole new class of PC made possible by Linux
25 Oct Re: Microsoft launch Anti Piracy Day
26 Oct Re: A whole new class of PC made possible by Linux
26 Oct The Ingenuous Funkenbusch was: [Roy Schestowitz is Intellectually Dishonest]
27 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Windows Revenue Declines, GNU/Linux Gains
27 Oct Re: [News] Microsoft closes the quarter with less cash than Apple
31 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Lost Its Mojo
31 Oct Re: [News] New Sound Server for Linux, Linux Remote Control
31 Oct Re: [News] New Guide to GNU/Linux Sub-notebooks
31 Oct Re: Schestowitz and His Gang DO have a Mission.......
31 Oct Re: Schestowitz and His Gang DO have a Mission.......
31 Oct Re: Schestowitz and His Gang DO have a Mission.......
31 Oct Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...

The Ghost In The Machine

01 Oct Re: Linux Selected for the Car
04 Oct Re: [News] Gentoo Raves Come After Release Schedule is Revised
06 Oct Re: [News] Linux Has A Birthday
06 Oct Re: [News] Linux Has A Birthday
10 Oct Re: [News] Many Options for Gamers on GNU/Linux
10 Oct Re: [News] Many Options for Gamers on GNU/Linux
13 Oct Re: [News] In Praise of X Server in GNU/Linux
13 Oct Re: [News] Patent Trolling a Lose-Lose Situation to the Market
13 Oct Re: [News] In Praise of X Server in GNU/Linux
14 Oct Re: [News] Presidential Software Ethics: Analysis
14 Oct Re: [News] ODF Spreads Around the World (Colour Map)
14 Oct Re: [News] Presidential Software Ethics: Analysis
15 Oct Re: The Loon from Ohio is at it again
17 Oct Re: Ogg Makes Significant Gains, Embedded in Firefox Now
17 Oct Re: New Qt/MySQL-based Software Targets Medicare
17 Oct Re: Overview of Office Applications for GNU/Linux
22 Oct Re: Ballmer: Microsoft Unlikely To Top Vista's 'Success'
22 Oct Re: [Rival] Even Microsoft MVPs Hate Vista, Escape Microsoft Windows
24 Oct Re: Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Attacked by the MAFIAA

Thomas Jespersen

17 Oct Re: [News] DRM-Loving Apple Sued for Monopolisation

Tim Smith

25 Oct Re: [Roy Schestowitz is Intellectually Dishonest] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked (was: [News] Behind Microsoft|Horacio Gutierrez's Attack on GNU/Linux and Why He Should be Sacked)
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?


20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
20 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
29 Oct Re: Ripping CDs in KDE - Can it Get ANY Easier?
29 Oct Re: [News] Hard to Find Anything That Does Not Run Linux...


26 Oct Re: Linux can use 8GB RAM, what's the problem with Vista ?

Tony Manco

03 Oct Re: [News] A Look at Ubuntu 8.10 Beta with New Wallpaper, Many Others
06 Oct Re: Windows Live Mail
08 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Memories of a Decade of Windows Failures
22 Oct Re: [News] [Rival] Even Microsoft MVPs Hate Vista, Escape Microsoft Windows

Tony Sivori

17 Oct Re: [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max
17 Oct Re: [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max
19 Oct Re: [News] Why Flash is Evil: Spyware to the Max

William Poaster

08 Oct Re: Linux loonies build a nym army.
08 Oct Re: Linux loonies build a nym army.
17 Oct Re: Terry is back
18 Oct Re: Ballmer says skip Vista
18 Oct Re: Toys R' Us Selling GNU/Linux PCs, Advertising Them in UK Newspapers
21 Oct Re: A good UI is a waste of time according to Roy.
21 Oct Re: [News] Arduino Board: Hardware Takes Lesson from Free Software
22 Oct Re: Just when you thought COLA could not get any nuttier
23 Oct Re: [News] OpenOffice.org 3.0 Already on Millions of PCs

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