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KNode - August 1st 2009 - July 9th 2010

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07 June, 2010

22:44 [News] Tablets Are in: Linux in Up, Microsoft is Down Roy Schestowitz
23:01 [News] Asian Governments Use Free Software to Tackle Copyright Issues, UK May Turn to it Also Roy Schestowitz
23:03 [News] On Situations Where Turning One's Internal Application Into Free Software Would be Right Roy Schestowitz
23:04 [News] Analysis of Gender Distribution in Free Software Development Roy Schestowitz
23:05 [News] Open Source Wi-Fi Hotspot Choices, Why Virtualisation and Open Source Fit Well Roy Schestowitz
23:07 [News] Mozilla Firefox Plus-ins That Amuse; IndexedDB in Firefox 4 Roy Schestowitz
23:09 [News] How Business is Built With Purely GPL Software, Example of SaaS Route Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] Oracle's OpenOffice.org Passes 154,000,000 Downloads (Excluding Preinstallations) Roy Schestowitz
23:11 [News] Heaps of GNU/Linux Deployed in Hospitals by John Halamka Roy Schestowitz
23:26 [News] DesktopBSD's New Leadership Introduced Roy Schestowitz
23:26 [News] Openness Examples Ranging From Access to Data and Books Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] De Facto Standards for HTML5 Likely to Include WebM (Now GPL Compatible) Roy Schestowitz
23:29 [News] Business Methods Patents Could Take Down Software Patents With Them Very Shortly Roy Schestowitz
23:30 [News] Moovida Gets a Mono Infection, Novell Spreads the Microsoft Patents Through Banshee (Outside MCP) Roy Schestowitz
23:31 [News] [Rival] New Antitrust Complaint Against Microsoft for "conspiracy in restraint of trade and forming a cartel" Roy Schestowitz
23:32 [News] Free Software to Get Better Chances in the UK After Party Changeover Roy Schestowitz
23:33 [News] GNU/Linux Leaves Microsoft in the Dust in Devices Roy Schestowitz
23:34 [News] [Rival] Apple Slammed, Scrutinised by DOJ Investigators, Criticised by Dan Gillmor, and More Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] [Rival] BP is Funded by Bill Gates Roy Schestowitz
23:57 [News] [Rival] Pharmaceutical Giants Corrupt Research, Bill Gates Employs and Invests in Their Patents Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] [Rival] Monsanto Backed by Bill Gates to Monopolise World's Food Supply Roy Schestowitz
23:59 [News] [Rival] Diane Ravitch Warns About Gates and "the Thrall of the Billionaire Boys Club" Hijacking the Public Sector Roy Schestowitz

08 June, 2010

00:01 [News] [Rival] Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Suppresses Negative Publicity by Forbidding Links Roy Schestowitz
00:01 [News] [Rival] Apple's Endorses Bad Labour Practices Roy Schestowitz
00:02 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Hit Severely (Down About 20% in Past Month+), Partly by Security Problems Roy Schestowitz
00:04 [News] [Rival] Chinese Regime Gets to Look at Microsoft Code, More Security Flaws and *Hidden* Flaws Roy Schestowitz
00:05 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Mobile Business is Dying Roy Schestowitz
00:19 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Xbox is Dying as Management Leaves Roy Schestowitz
00:20 [News] [Rival] PlayStation 3 Gains at Microsoft's Expense and Leaps Ahead Roy Schestowitz
00:21 [News] [Rival] Xbox 360 Has Hardware Problem, More Lawsuits Roy Schestowitz
00:22 [News] [Rival] Craig Mundie is Attending Bilderberg for Microsoft Again Roy Schestowitz
00:23 [News] [Rival] Windows 'Smart' Phones Get Malware Roy Schestowitz
00:24 [News] [Rival] Another Abandonment of Windows Mobile: Nimbuzz Roy Schestowitz
00:25 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is Entrapping More Politicians Roy Schestowitz
00:26 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Losses on the Web Increase in Terms of Pace Roy Schestowitz
00:27 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Allegedly Storms More Offices; Pequot Microsoft Corruption Revisited Roy Schestowitz

09 June, 2010

17:35 Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux and Printers: "It Just Works (TM)" Roy Schestowitz
17:43 Re: [News] Renewed Calls for ACTA Backlash Roy Schestowitz
17:47 Re: [News] Renewed Calls for ACTA Backlash Roy Schestowitz
17:49 Re: [News] [Rival] Ubuntu Linux Has Patch Mess Roy Schestowitz
17:51 Re: Microsoft can't pay people to use Bing Roy Schestowitz
18:35 [News] DIY AIO PC Runs GNU/Linux, Showing Linux Growth in Appliances Roy Schestowitz
18:36 [News] systemd is Coming to Linux, TurnKey Linux Now in Beta Roy Schestowitz
18:39 [News] IBM Celebrates Mainframe-GNU/Linux Milestone, Korean Press Covers Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:40 [News] Signs That "Linux [is] REALLY Going Mainstream" Roy Schestowitz
18:42 [News] GNU/Linux Grows Without Paying the Customers Roy Schestowitz
18:45 [News] Desktop GNU/Linux "Ready for the Desktop, for a While Now." Roy Schestowitz
18:48 [News] Google Steps on Windows and Internet Explorer, Promoting Some Software Freedom Instead Roy Schestowitz
18:50 [News] Hardware Support in Linux and Vista 7 Compared Roy Schestowitz
18:52 [News] Eclipse Developers Increasingly Love GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:53 [News] Zaragoza is Moving to GNU/Linux on the Desktop Roy Schestowitz
19:13 [News] Ballnux Phones and 'Desktops' (Classmate PC) Spread Roy Schestowitz
19:15 [News] Linux 2.6.35 Now in RC2, ZFS Inclusion Revisited Roy Schestowitz
19:17 [News] Sample of Developments in Graphics Stack of Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:19 [News] New Pages and Introductions to GNU/Linux Applications Roy Schestowitz
19:20 [News] Multimedia Applications for GNU/Linux: Examples of Available Tools Roy Schestowitz
19:22 [News] Proprietary Software for Windows Runs Increasingly Better in GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:25 [News] Games for GNU/Linux: New linuX-gamers.net, Megadrive Emulators, Proprietary Games Roy Schestowitz
19:33 [News] Comprehensive Test of Linux Desktop Environments Shows They Are as Good or Better Than Windows Roy Schestowitz
19:36 [News] A Lot of New Activity in KDE Project Roy Schestowitz
19:52 [News] GNOME is Hiring, "Nautilus Elementary Just Won't Stop Improving" Roy Schestowitz
19:55 [News] List of "Leading Enterprise Linux Vendors", Qubes Emerges for Security Reasons Roy Schestowitz
19:57 [News] New Releases of GNU/Linux: VortexBox 1.4, Sabayon Linux x86/x86-64 5.3, and More Roy Schestowitz
20:00 [News] Canonical Limits Hardware Support in Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Adds Enterprise Support Roy Schestowitz
20:04 [News] New Ubuntu Widgets, Newsletter, and Wallpapers Roy Schestowitz
20:06 [News] Flavours and Variants of Ubuntu GNU/Linux in Review, Interview; A Look at New Vinux and Qimo Roy Schestowitz
20:08 [News] NanoNote With GNU/Linux on Board for Less Than $100 Roy Schestowitz
20:10 [News] ARM With Linux: New Examples of the Trend Roy Schestowitz
20:11 [News] HP Puts Linux on Millions of Printers, Marvell Puts Linux on Plugs Roy Schestowitz
20:13 [News] GNU/Linux First With a Two-Screen Tablet Roy Schestowitz
20:14 [News] A Glimpse at GNU/Linux Diversity in Phones, Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
20:32 [News] Android/Linux Grows Fast in Motorola and Elsewhere Roy Schestowitz
20:34 [News] Android/Linux Used Beyond Phones Roy Schestowitz
20:35 [News] Analyst Dumps Apple for Linux/Android, NPR Sets Its Android App Free/Libre Roy Schestowitz
20:36 [News] Free Software in Webmail, SaaS Roy Schestowitz
20:38 [News] PHP Programming Turns 15, Qt Developer Days 2010 Planned Roy Schestowitz
20:39 [News] Open Source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA) is Looking to Expand Roy Schestowitz
20:41 [News] Web War is Being Won by Free Software, Despite FUD and Lobbying Roy Schestowitz
20:42 [News] Free Database Software Brought to Companies Through Pro-Profit Entities Roy Schestowitz
20:44 [News] OpenOffice.org Gets Renaissance, Danish Opportunity, Milestone Roy Schestowitz
20:46 [News] Bidding Against Free Software (or Not Offering Tender) Can be Criminal Roy Schestowitz
20:47 [News] Project Releases: WordPress 3.0 Release Candidate, Rockbox 3.6 Roy Schestowitz
21:02 [News] New Example of Free Software Making Business Roy Schestowitz
21:04 [News] Richard Stallman "is largely responsible for the popularity of the Linux operating system" Roy Schestowitz
21:05 [News] UK and EU Governance Has Free Software Recommendations Roy Schestowitz
21:06 [News] Malta Prioritises Free Software Roy Schestowitz
21:07 [News] Linux-Led Initiative Lobbies the Government to Adopt Software Freedom Roy Schestowitz
21:09 [News] Openness and Freedom in Software and Beyond Increases Productivity and Trust Roy Schestowitz
21:11 [News] Qi Hardware Promotes Open Hardware Roy Schestowitz
21:13 [News] New Example of ODF Standard Spreading Roy Schestowitz
21:14 [News] ACTA Harms the World; Digital Economy Bill Uses Paedophiles Roy Schestowitz
21:30 [News] Red Hat and Google Address Issue of Software Patents in Standards Roy Schestowitz
21:31 [News] Bilski Decision Imminent, VC Lobbies for Abolition of Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
21:32 [News] Gene Patents Seen as Controversial in the Australian Press Roy Schestowitz
21:34 [News] "HTC Gives Apple Run for Money" After Apple Sued Linux, Apple Keeps Collecting Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
21:35 [News] Call to Leave Software Patents in the Trash Bin, CSIRO Shows Their Harm Roy Schestowitz
21:36 [News] China Goes Patent Crazy Because of WIPO; Patents on Yoga??? Roy Schestowitz
21:37 [News] Microsoft Sued for Patent Violation; TiVo Loses Patent Case Roy Schestowitz
21:39 [News] Amazon Abuses/Exploits the Infinite Incompetence of the USPTO Roy Schestowitz
21:49 [News] [Rival] Apple's hypePhone 4 Doesn't Work or Impress, Demo Fails Too (on Stage) Roy Schestowitz
21:50 [News] Microsoft and Austria Exclude Free Software in New Creative Ways Roy Schestowitz
21:51 [News] IBM Celebrates GNU/Linux in the Server Room; Pogson Exposes/Explains Preston Gralla/IDC's Lies Roy Schestowitz
21:53 [News] [Rival] Another Reason to Avoid hypePad: Apple and Scarcity/Gatekeepers Roy Schestowitz
21:54 [News] Apple's Deception re HTML5 Still Gets it Public Humiliation, Linux Promoted Instead Roy Schestowitz
21:56 [News] Jean-Louis GassÃe Sees Trouble for Microsoft; âMicrosoftâs irrelevance is taken for grantedâ Roy Schestowitz
21:57 [News] [Rival] Apple's Lock-in Makes Users Angry, Experiencing "Horror" Roy Schestowitz
21:57 [News] Novell Promotes Vista 7, Ports to Windows Roy Schestowitz
21:58 [News] Novell Spreads Mono to MeeGo and Gets More Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
22:00 [News] Microsoft MVP Miguel de Icaza (and Novell Team) Use Mono to Promote Microsoft Visual Studio Roy Schestowitz
22:01 [News] [Rival] Windows Mobile -- With Less Than 10% Market Share -- Has a Lot of Malware Roy Schestowitz

11 June, 2010

15:41 Re: [News] Desktop GNU/Linux and Printers: "It Just Works (TM)" Roy Schestowitz
15:43 Re: [News] Renewed Calls for ACTA Backlash Roy Schestowitz
15:49 Re: Cyber War: Microsoft a weak link in national security Roy Schestowitz
15:52 Re: Monopoly Maintenance: Battle against Linux Continues Roy Schestowitz
16:13 [News] Survey of GNU/Linux Options for an Enterprise, Reasons to Dump Windows for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
16:15 [News] Thoughts on How to Contribute to GNU/Linux Without Just Writing Code Roy Schestowitz
16:17 [News] Mainstream News Coverage About GNU/Linux at Schools, "Linux Against Poverty" Collects PCs Roy Schestowitz
16:19 [News] Indian Press Covers Software Freedom and Linux (MSIE or Netscape Only to Web Visitors With/out JS) Roy Schestowitz
16:21 [News] Owing to Devices, Linux is Winning the Operating Systems Competition Roy Schestowitz
16:22 [News] How HP Uses GNU/Linux to Compete Better Roy Schestowitz
16:24 [News] Acer Promises to Focus More on GNU/Linux (Desktop) Roy Schestowitz
16:27 [News] Dell Publicly States That GNU/Linux is More Secure Than Windows Roy Schestowitz
16:31 [News] GNU/Linux Grabs Microsoft Proponents Who Want More Power Roy Schestowitz
16:33 [News] New Examples of GNU/Linux Success in HPC Roy Schestowitz
16:47 [News] Ciena: Part of Network Management Middleware Becomes Free Software (GPLv3) Roy Schestowitz
16:49 [News] More GNU/Linux Players Target Fog Computing Roy Schestowitz
16:53 [News] Heap of New GNU/Linux Audiocasts: Full Circle, Linux Link Tech Show, Linux Basement... Roy Schestowitz
16:55 [News] Google Takes Better Position in GNU/Linux World Roy Schestowitz
16:56 [News] More Ballnux Products From Samsung and Novell Are Coming Roy Schestowitz
16:58 [News] Linux Foundation Pitches GNU/Linux in BusinessWeek and New Interview Roy Schestowitz
17:05 Re: Microsoft can't pay people to use Bing Roy Schestowitz
17:08 [News] Linux 2.6.35 Adds Performance Changes to Improve Kernel Space Roy Schestowitz
17:10 [News] A Look at Btrfs Performance, Why the ZFS File System Stays Out, Next3 Introduced Roy Schestowitz
17:10 [News] New Introductions and Reviews of Applications for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:23 [News] Syntheway and Flash 10.1 (Proprietary) Comes to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:25 [News] A Look at GNU/Linux Games, Gaming Machines Roy Schestowitz
17:27 [News] KDE SC as a "Thriving Community", a Look at Latest Packages Roy Schestowitz
17:28 [News] KDE SC 4.5 is in Second Beta, Amarok 2.3.1 Reviewed Roy Schestowitz
17:30 [News] Miscellaneous KDE News Roy Schestowitz
17:31 [News] GNOME 2.31.3 is Out, Decisions Made for GNOME 3.0 Roy Schestowitz
17:33 [News] New GNOME Journal is Released Roy Schestowitz
17:34 [News] Sabayon GNU/Linux Linux Now Incorporates Anaconda Roy Schestowitz
17:36 [News] Gentoo Demonstrated With Cube Effect Demo, Gets Thanks Roy Schestowitz
17:37 [News] Review if the Newly-Released PCLinuxOS 2010 With GNOME Roy Schestowitz
17:40 [News] Red Hat Celebrates Another New Win Roy Schestowitz
18:04 [News] Fedora 13 Received Good Reviews, New Contributor Agreement Roy Schestowitz
18:05 [News] Rolling Out a Fedora Remix, Sugar on a Stick as a Fedora Spin Roy Schestowitz
18:06 [News] New Debian Community Poll Debian, How Debian Deals With Packages (Better Than Windows) Roy Schestowitz
18:09 [News] Canonical Says Ubuntu GNU/Linux Deployed on 220,000 Desktops in Andalusia Schools Roy Schestowitz
18:11 [News] New Themes and GRUB Menu With Ubuntu GNU/Linux Flavour, Mockups Roy Schestowitz
18:13 [News] New Function in Ubuntu GNU/Linux is Reviewed, Certification Programme Renewed Roy Schestowitz
18:15 [News] The MSBBC Interviews Mark Shuttleworth, Canonical Survey Shows GNU/Linux Rising in the UK Roy Schestowitz
18:17 [News] Deeper Look at Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.10 Roy Schestowitz
18:18 [News] Ubuntu Netbook Remix Definitely Replaces Firefox With Chromium Roy Schestowitz
18:20 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux is an "OS that Just Works", But Nothing is 100% Perfect Roy Schestowitz
18:22 [News] HP Dives Deeper Into Linux With Another Acquisition Roy Schestowitz
18:23 [News] HP Stresses That It's Committed to Linux Phones, Marvell Brings Linux to 4Home Roy Schestowitz
18:25 [News] Linux-powered Fridge, BeagleBoard Upgrade, and Linux-powered Cars Get Teleca on Board Roy Schestowitz
18:33 [News] Nokia/Intel's MeeGo Gains Momentum Roy Schestowitz
18:35 [News] Nokia's Linux-based N900 Expands Roy Schestowitz
18:36 [News] Android/Linux Phones Now Going for $100, Beating Apple Roy Schestowitz
18:38 [News] Engadget Takes a Look at Linux/Android Phone/Tablet, Tests With Oscilloscope on GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:39 [News] Review of GNU/Linux Distributions for Sub-notebooks, Update on OLPC Roy Schestowitz
18:40 [News] Tablets with Linux Spread, Canonical Joins Roy Schestowitz
18:41 [News] ARM and Intel Fight Over Linux on Tablets and Other Mobile Devices Roy Schestowitz
18:49 [News] Google Does With Linux What Apple Failed to Do, Goes Beyond Phones Roy Schestowitz
19:03 [News] OSI Committee Chairs Election, 2020 FLOSS Roadmap Roy Schestowitz
19:06 [News] Measuring Free Software Skills; Operations Management at Oxford University Speaks About Free Software Roy Schestowitz
19:09 [News] Free Software Substitute to AMBE, FOSS Helps the Environment Roy Schestowitz
19:11 [News] Free Software Assessed from Financial Perspective Roy Schestowitz
19:13 [News] Businesses Advised to Move to Free Software, Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:14 [News] New Events from Canonical, Red Hat, Others Roy Schestowitz
19:15 [News] New Mozilla Firefox is Coming Roy Schestowitz
19:16 [News] 2010 Mozilla T-shirt, Firefox for AmigaOS, WebM Enters Firefox Roy Schestowitz
19:18 [News] A Look at Free Software Inside SaaS and the Lock-in Effect Roy Schestowitz
19:20 [News] PostgreSQL 9.0 is Coming, Other Semi-Free Databases Spread Roy Schestowitz
19:21 [News] South African Government and Brazil Are Going for Free Software Roy Schestowitz
19:30 [News] New LLDB, Helping Open Source Projects Grow, FSF Defended by Harald Welte Roy Schestowitz
19:32 [News] Project Release of Lightworks as Free Software Roy Schestowitz
19:33 [News] Government of Malta and Scottish Parliament Make Some Pushes for Free Software Roy Schestowitz
19:35 [News] EU Commission Starts Pushing for Software Freedom Roy Schestowitz
19:36 [News] Openness and Sharing Promoted, Triumpth Roy Schestowitz
19:37 [News] New Examples of Open Hardware and Open Content Roy Schestowitz
19:39 [News] Open Access and Standards promoted Roy Schestowitz
19:46 [News] Even Adobe Takes the Heck Out of H.264, Ubuntu Escapes Microsoft Extortion Roy Schestowitz
19:47 [News] India is Still Fighting for the World Against the ACTA Conspirators Roy Schestowitz
19:49 [News] Florian MÃller et al. Swing Against Software Patents at LinuxTag 2010; Intellecutal Monopolies Kill More People Roy Schestowitz
19:50 [News] exFAT Software Patents Tax Promoted by Microsoft "Partner" Tuxera Roy Schestowitz
19:52 [News] Attempt to Push Sofwtare Patents Into Europe With UPLS is Falling Apart Roy Schestowitz
20:09 [News] Free Software Can Do to Apple What it Did to Proprietary Sun; Apple Lies Roy Schestowitz
20:12 [News] Another Step of "Embrace, Extend, Extinguish" From Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
20:13 [News] SCO is Over Roy Schestowitz
20:14 [News] Serious New Security Problems in Windows Roy Schestowitz
20:15 [News] Apple Leaks Sensitive Data Roy Schestowitz
20:16 [News] GNU/Linux Preferred by Eclipse (More Reports) Roy Schestowitz
20:19 [News] Apple an Anti-Sharing Company, Social Conflicts Roy Schestowitz
20:20 [News] WordPerfect Case to Resume Roy Schestowitz
20:23 [News] Novell and VMware for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:27 [News] Microsoft Sabotages Firefox Again Roy Schestowitz
20:29 [News] Apple Compared to the Mafia Roy Schestowitz
20:30 [News] Microsoft Has the Least Secure Operating System Roy Schestowitz

13 June, 2010

12:37 Re: [News] ARM and Intel Fight Over Linux on Tablets and Other Mobile Devices Roy Schestowitz
12:38 Re: [News] Tablets with Linux Spread, Canonical Joins Roy Schestowitz
12:40 Re: [News] Canonical Says Ubuntu GNU/Linux Deployed on 220,000 Desktops in Andalusia Schools Roy Schestowitz
12:46 Re: Linux the way ahead Roy Schestowitz
12:47 Re: Linux the way ahead Roy Schestowitz
12:49 Re: Cyber War: Microsoft a weak link in national security Roy Schestowitz
12:57 Re: Microsoft gaming its search marketshare Roy Schestowitz
13:00 Re: Attack on Open Invitation Network Roy Schestowitz
13:05 Re: Flatfish has no life outside trolling COLA. Roy Schestowitz
13:31 [News] LinuxTag and Southeast LinuxFest Positive on Linux' Future Roy Schestowitz
13:33 [News] LPI Raises a Generation of "GNU/Linux Trainers Throughout the Middle East" Roy Schestowitz
13:36 [News] Why GNU/Linux is the Best and Classification of Its Users Roy Schestowitz
13:42 [News] ARM's Rejuvenation with Linux; Time for Device Compatibility to Explicitly Include Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:45 [News] New Examples of GNU/Linux in Educational Desktop Roy Schestowitz
13:47 [News] Support for Desktop GNU/Linux Used as Promotional Tool Roy Schestowitz
13:49 [News] New Wins for GNU/Linux in Servers and HPC Roy Schestowitz
13:51 [News] IDSBox Mini is Powered by Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:52 [News] New Linux/FOSS Audiocasts: Linux Outlaws, CAOS Theory, Tuxradar Roy Schestowitz
13:55 [News] Google Introduces Chromoting for Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:57 [News] Google Leads GNU/Linux Further Into Desktops, Chrome Frame Debuts Roy Schestowitz
14:12 [News] Many New Ballnux Phones (Microsoft-taxed but Linux-based) Roy Schestowitz
14:14 [News] Linux 2.6.34 in Review, 2.6.35 Now in RC3 Roy Schestowitz
14:16 [News] A Look at Next3 File System for Linux (Ext3+snapshots) Roy Schestowitz
14:17 [News] More Documentation Released to Help Liberate Linux' Graphics Stack Roy Schestowitz
14:18 [News] New GNU/Linux Applications and Reviews of Existing Ones Roy Schestowitz
14:19 [News] Wine 1.2 Approaches Final Release (to Run Mostly Proprietary Software), Vendetta MMORPG for Linux Roy Schestowitz
14:21 [News] Adobe's Proprietary 'Gift' Turns Sour Roy Schestowitz
14:22 [News] K Desktop Environment Makes Strong Appearance in LinuxTag Roy Schestowitz
14:24 [News] GNOME Desktop: Activity Journal and Thems Recommendations Roy Schestowitz
14:49 [News] Ubuntu 10.04 Flavours and Variants in Review: Zorin OS 3 and Lubuntu Roy Schestowitz
14:51 [News] Kiddix Looks for Young GNU/Linux Users Roy Schestowitz
14:53 [News] Canonical Turns to GNU/Linux as Business Roy Schestowitz
14:55 [News] Canonical/Ubuntu Plans Ahead With GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
14:58 [News] Fedora GNU/Linux (Linpus) Based Television Comes, Memories of Linux Wristwatches Roy Schestowitz
15:00 [News] Red Hat Goes With Linux Built-in Hypervisor, Company Worth Billions Roy Schestowitz
15:02 [News] Embedded/Devices With Linux Only Roy Schestowitz
15:03 [News] Many New Releases of GNU/Linux: RIPLinuX, Absolute, Clonezilla Roy Schestowitz
15:05 [News] Nokia N900 Spreads to India, Reviewed; Linux Beats Microsoft at Mobile Roy Schestowitz
15:07 [News] New Reviews of MeeGo 1.0 on Phones, Other News Roy Schestowitz
15:09 [News] Reviews of Puppy Linux 5 (Long) and Gentoo Linux (Short) Roy Schestowitz
15:11 [News] Critical Reviews of Ubuntu GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
15:13 [News] Motorola: Linux Phone Production Outpaced by Demand Roy Schestowitz
15:16 [News] Lesser Known Linux Devices: Dual-screen eReader, Robotics, Network Camera Roy Schestowitz
15:17 [News] INQ Goes All Linux Roy Schestowitz
15:19 [News] Android/Linux Universe Expands Well Beyond Google Roy Schestowitz
15:20 [News] More Linux/Android Devices from Sony Ericsson, Acer, Motorola Roy Schestowitz
15:22 [News] Android 2.2 Reviewed, a Look at Apps Roy Schestowitz
15:30 [News] Review of Jolicloud GNU/Linux on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
15:31 [News] OLPC Makes the Headlines Again, New Release of Sugar on a Stick Roy Schestowitz
15:32 [News] Small Tablets Running Linux Now Go for $88 Roy Schestowitz
15:33 [News] More Tablets Running Full GNU/Linux Are Coming Roy Schestowitz
15:35 [News] Sony and Other Companies Construct Linux Tablets to Beat hypePad Roy Schestowitz
15:36 [News] TSMC Choses to Develop With Free Software, Freshmeat to Shut Down Roy Schestowitz
15:38 [News] African Universities Go With Software Freedom Roy Schestowitz
15:39 [News] Free Software Reaching Everything, Gradually Roy Schestowitz
15:40 [News] Further Analysis of Eclipse Survey Shows Windows Losing to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
15:48 [News] A LinuxFest Kicks Off, Free/Open Source Clinical Trials Software to Appear in Another Event Roy Schestowitz
15:49 [News] Mozilla Brings Out New RC of Thunderbird 3.1 Roy Schestowitz
15:51 [News] Mozilla Firefox Made Faster, Better, Multitouch Comes to Fennec Roy Schestowitz
15:52 [News] New Examples of Linux and Free Software in SaaS Roy Schestowitz
15:54 [News] Free Software Talent From Sun Finds Other Free Software Projects After Oracle Roy Schestowitz
15:55 [News] Leffe and Varnish Use Free Software as CMS Roy Schestowitz
15:55 [News] Examples of News About Semi-Open Source Companies (Dual) Roy Schestowitz
15:57 [News] Karl Fischer From South Africa Speaks About Software Freedom, More FOSS in SA Roy Schestowitz
15:58 [News] LLVM Guy Gets an IGPLAN Award, Other BSD News Roy Schestowitz
16:08 [News] Richard Stallman Reconciles Software Freedom With Amended Copyrights Roy Schestowitz
16:10 [News] New Free Project Releases: Tine, Lightworks, GTK, More Roy Schestowitz
16:10 [News] Loads of Coverage About EU Commission Supporting Software Freedom in Government Roy Schestowitz
16:11 [News] Brazil Found Digital Freedom in GNU/Linux and Free Software Roy Schestowitz
16:13 [News] Mozilla Public Licence is Being Updated and Licensing Changes Open to Public Roy Schestowitz
16:14 [News] Openness and Sharing Promoted in India to Save Indian Lives Roy Schestowitz
16:15 [News] Open Data Increasingly Embraced by Governments - Evidence Roy Schestowitz
16:16 [News] Open Access Promoted and Barriers Named (Oxford University Press, ACTA) Roy Schestowitz
16:28 [News] Open Hardware Market is Growing Very Large Roy Schestowitz
16:29 [News] Microsoft Pretends to Have Innovated Wake-on-LAN? Roy Schestowitz
16:30 [News] [Rival] Apple's Abuses Recognised by FTC, Investigation Goes Ahead Roy Schestowitz
16:30 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Needs a Policy Fix Roy Schestowitz
16:32 [News] [Rival] Latest Apple Embarrassments and Reasons for Resentment Roy Schestowitz
16:33 [News] Google Counters Apple and the MPEG Cartel, Mozilla Adds WebM Support, Microsoft Poisons Firefox Roy Schestowitz
16:34 [News] [Rival] Apple Shows It's Just a Parasite to Free Software, Anti-competitive Practices Too Roy Schestowitz
16:35 [News] Software Patents Cause More Unnecessary Lawsuits, Motorola and RIM Give up Roy Schestowitz
16:36 [News] Apple is Falling Behind Linux in Phones, Gets Fragmented Roy Schestowitz
16:38 [News] Microsoft is Giving up on Old Sub-notebooks Strategy After Losing a Lot of Money Fighting GNU/Linux With Bribes and Predatory Pricing Roy Schestowitz
16:39 [News] World Cup Serves by GNU/Linux and Free Software, Microsoft Lies About IE in Ghana Roy Schestowitz
16:40 [News] Cameras a Risk to Windows Because of Autorun Roy Schestowitz
16:41 [News] Windows XP Open to Hijacker, No Patches Available Roy Schestowitz

15 June, 2010

21:50 Re: [News] Windows XP Open to Hijacker, No Patches Available Roy Schestowitz
21:58 Re: Ubuntu 'more secure' than Windows, says Dell Roy Schestowitz
22:02 Re: Microsoft gaming its search marketshare Roy Schestowitz
22:07 Re: Cyber War: Microsoft a weak link in national security Roy Schestowitz
22:31 [News] GNU/Linux is Winning in the Operating Systems Space Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] People Who Ought to Use GNU/Linux and a Look at Those Who Already Do Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] How Apple's Marketing and AstroTurfing Can be Beaten by GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] Not Using GNU/Linux Can be Waste of Valuable Money, Microsoft's Sales Model is Old Roy Schestowitz
22:39 [News] A Deep Look at ZaReason Verix Notebook (GNU/Linux), Raydesk 3.0 Roy Schestowitz
22:43 [News] Coverage of Linux Against Poverty 2010 (Desktop GNU/Linux) for the Needy Roy Schestowitz
22:45 [News] GNU/Linux Servers/Appliances Simplified With TurnKey, Other Nice Tools for Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:47 [News] GNU/Linux From Google Said to be Receiving OEM Support Roy Schestowitz
22:48 [News] Ballnux News from Novell and Samsung (More Devices With Linux) Roy Schestowitz
23:04 [News] Applications for GNU/Linux Reviews, Compared, Listed Roy Schestowitz
23:07 [News] A Glimpse at GIMP Development Ahead of Major New Release Roy Schestowitz
23:09 [News] Proprietary Opera Browser Improves GNU/Linux Support Roy Schestowitz
23:13 [News] New Games for GNU/Linux and Steam Too Roy Schestowitz
23:15 [News] A Look at Beta 2 of KDE SC 4.5.0, GNOME's Gedit Improves Roy Schestowitz
23:18 [News] Comparison of Desktop GNU/Linux Distributions, Review of Pardus 2009.2 Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] A Look at PCLinuxOS Gnome 2010 Replacing Windows on a Notebook Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] Red Hat Family Claimed Fastest-Growing Operating System, Fedora Can be the New Dominant Distro Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Red Hat Unique Among Free Software Vendors Roy Schestowitz
23:28 [News] Opinions on Free Software as Billion-dollar Business Opportunity Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] Debian GNU/Linux Project Newsletter Released Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Made More Distant From Scourge of Mono Roy Schestowitz
23:48 [News] Ubuntu Strives to Improve Its Free Software Roy Schestowitz
23:50 [News] Political Spirit of Ubuntu GNU/Linux Debated Roy Schestowitz
23:53 [News] Examples of Linux/FOSS in Robotics and Routers Roy Schestowitz
23:55 [News] New Devices Running Linux/Android Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] A Look at the Linux-based Android 2.2 Roy Schestowitz

16 June, 2010

00:01 [News] Hands-free Control of Linux-based Android Roy Schestowitz
00:03 [News] A Look at Motorola's Latest Linux Phones, Android Breaks Record Roy Schestowitz
00:05 [News] Android Succeeds in the East, Beats Apple Roy Schestowitz
00:08 [News] GNOME Comes to OLPC Devices, Chrome OS for Sub-notebooks Explained Roy Schestowitz
00:32 [News] Linux is Winning in Tablets, Based on Chinese Testimonial Roy Schestowitz
00:34 [News] Advice for Building Free Software Communities Roy Schestowitz
00:36 [News] OpenVBX is Launched (Free Software) Roy Schestowitz
00:38 [News] Free Software Movements Expand, to OSI Also Roy Schestowitz
00:41 [News] OSI and FSF Ideals Debated Roy Schestowitz
00:43 [News] New Free Software Events With Som Coverage Roy Schestowitz
06:10 [News] CUBRID Does Clustering, Manatee County Goes With Free Software Roy Schestowitz
06:11 [News] Openness and Sharing Increase in Government and Other Areas Roy Schestowitz
06:13 [News] Open Data and Open Access Gains in Research, Other Areas Roy Schestowitz
06:14 [News] Python GUI Proposal, Python 2.7 is Coming Roy Schestowitz
06:26 [News] WebM Spreads, OpenCL Backward Compatible, New ODF Templates Roy Schestowitz
06:29 [News] Latest ACTA Backlash, Escape from âDigital Economy Actâ Roy Schestowitz
06:30 [News] New Ph.D. Thesis Shows the Harms of Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
06:32 [News] The Ugly Side of Gene Patents is Shown Roy Schestowitz
06:33 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Renames and Patents Its Wii Wannabe Roy Schestowitz
06:35 [News] New Videos from Larry Lessig Cover Software Freedom, Corruption Roy Schestowitz
06:36 [News] Users 23 Million Fedora Users Needn't Download OpenOffice.org, Next Microsoft Office Fails Roy Schestowitz
06:37 [News] [Rival] Buy Microsoft, Get Owned (IIS Compromised Big Time) Roy Schestowitz
06:38 [News] [Rival] Apple's Censorship Goes Too Far Roy Schestowitz
06:59 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Loses Its Direction Roy Schestowitz
07:01 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Bribes for Market Share and Positive Reviews Roy Schestowitz
07:02 [News] GNU/Linux Security Remains Good Despite FUD From Microsoft Boosters Roy Schestowitz
07:04 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Mobile Endeavours a Lost Cause Roy Schestowitz
07:05 [News] [Rival] Apple Blocks Competitors Roy Schestowitz
07:07 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Xbox Has Internal and External Problems Roy Schestowitz
07:08 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Kills Hotmail Taglines, Security Problems Found Roy Schestowitz
07:09 [News] [Rival] Wall Street Journal on Microsoft's Decline Roy Schestowitz
07:11 [News] Why Linux Likely to Inherit Apple's Market Position Roy Schestowitz
07:26 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Uses Scare Campaign to Promote Its Agenda Roy Schestowitz
07:27 [News] [Rival] Rails Founder Calls Microsoft 'Buffoon' Roy Schestowitz
07:28 [News] [Rival] Brad Smith, Bill Gates, and Steve Ballmer Lobby Washington for Self Interest Roy Schestowitz
07:30 [News] Corruption Found in Drug Giving Roy Schestowitz
07:31 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Goes Deeper Into Debt Roy Schestowitz
07:33 [News] [Rival] Gates Foundation Promotes GMO/Monsanto, Haitian Farmers Unhappy Roy Schestowitz
07:34 [News] [Rival] How Microsoft Arranges AstroTurf to Police Its Image Roy Schestowitz

17 June, 2010

16:24 Re: [News] [Rival] Brad Smith, Bill Gates, and Steve Ballmer Lobby Washington for Self Interest Roy Schestowitz
16:26 Re: [News] [Rival] Brad Smith, Bill Gates, and Steve Ballmer Lobby Washington for Self Interest Roy Schestowitz
16:36 Re: [News] Fedora 13 Received Good Reviews, New Contributor Agreement Roy Schestowitz
16:39 Re: Cyber War: Microsoft a weak link in national security Roy Schestowitz
16:41 Re: Monopoly Maintenance: Battle against Linux Continues Roy Schestowitz
17:04 [News] Reasons for More School to Consider GNU/Linux for Desktops Roy Schestowitz
17:06 [News] Illustrations of GNU/Linux humour, Attitudinal Tendencies Roy Schestowitz
17:09 [News] 2 Satires: Why GNU/Linux is Harder/Worse Than Windows Roy Schestowitz
17:11 [News] New Softpedia Linux Weekly, Linux Forecast, and Kernel Mode-Setting Presentation Roy Schestowitz
17:21 [News] X.org X Server 1.9 is Near, AMD Catalyst 10.6 and OpenCL 1.1 Are Out Roy Schestowitz
17:22 [News] More Ballnux Phones Produced and Also Designed by Samsung Roy Schestowitz
17:24 [News] Another Good New Episode (Audiocast) of KDE, Why learning GNU/Linux is Valuable Roy Schestowitz
17:26 [News] Best "Start-Up" Category Includes GNU/Linux Distribution Roy Schestowitz
17:40 [News] Roundups of Applications for GNU/Linux, Including Some for Children Roy Schestowitz
17:41 [News] New Proprietary Software for GNU/Linux and Adobe's Lessons About Harms of Proprietary Software Roy Schestowitz
17:43 [News] Hanako Games is Porting Games to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:44 [News] New Series Looks at GNOME Sell Roy Schestowitz
17:47 [News] KDE Attends FOSS Nigeria Conference, SouthEast LinuxFest, LinuxTag Roy Schestowitz
17:49 [News] systemd and Gentoo at LinuxTag: Belated Coverage Roy Schestowitz
17:51 [News] Zenwalk 6.4 GNOME in Screenshots, Sabayon Explains Release Name Shuffling Roy Schestowitz
17:55 [News] Debian-based sidux 2010-01 ÎÏÎÎÏ is Out Roy Schestowitz
17:57 [News] New Releases of GNU/Linux: ClearOS, Sugar, Parted Magic Roy Schestowitz
17:59 [News] Red Hat Celebrates Two New Wins, Stock Up Roy Schestowitz
18:01 [News] New Red Hat Event Coming, Red Hat Now 5.9 Billion in Market Cap Roy Schestowitz
18:15 [News] eWEEK Review of Fedora 13, Project Leader Speaks About Southeast LinuxFest Roy Schestowitz
18:18 [News] Great New Reviews of Ubuntu Linux 10.04 Roy Schestowitz
18:20 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Always Just Works, Assessed on Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
18:22 [News] Questions as to Whether or Not Mark Shuttleworth Would Have Embraced Gentoo Roy Schestowitz
18:24 [News] A Look at Next Steps from Canonical/Ubuntu GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:25 [News] A Look at Linux Mint (Variant or Ubuntu) Roy Schestowitz
18:27 [News] A Look at the Linux-based PocketBook, Mentor Succeeds With Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:29 [News] Nokia's MeeGo (Linux) Alive in India Roy Schestowitz
18:30 [News] More Nokia Phones May Run Linux, But Not Android Roy Schestowitz
18:32 [News] A Look at Future Linux/Android Phones Roy Schestowitz
18:34 [News] A Look at Linux/Android-based Television, NPR Application for The Platform Roy Schestowitz
18:46 [News] Latest Coverage from Linux 2010 Roy Schestowitz
18:48 [News] Firefox Sync and Firefox Home; Chrome Creeps in Roy Schestowitz
18:49 [News] Free Software Helps Mitigate Vuvuzela Problem Roy Schestowitz
18:51 [News] Latest Examples of Free/Open Source Software Business Adoption Roy Schestowitz
18:53 [News] BeagleBoard Makes Linux Tablets; Jolicloud GNU/Linux Recommendation Roy Schestowitz
18:55 [News] New Examples of GNU/Linux and Free Software on Server Clusters Roy Schestowitz
19:22 [News] More Free Software From IBM and Others, New Competition Roy Schestowitz
19:23 [News] Free Software Makes Microsoft Office Obsolete, Microsoft Resorts to Lies Roy Schestowitz
19:24 [News] Examples of Free Operating Systems other Than Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:26 [News] Databases Based on Free Software Challenges Oracle, CMS Space Already Dominated by Free Software Roy Schestowitz
19:28 [News] Consideration of Free Software in Business Intelligence Becomes More Imperative Roy Schestowitz
19:29 [News] OpenGeo Step Closer to Free Software Licensing Roy Schestowitz
19:31 [News] Call for Greater OSI-FSF Cooperation, GNU Social Roy Schestowitz
19:33 [News] Free Software Wins in Government, Healthcare Roy Schestowitz
19:49 [News] Harald Welte Supports Compliance Action Against Apple; ACCESS/Apple Troll Finally out of GNOME Advisory Board Roy Schestowitz
19:51 [News] USPTO Shows Another Sign of Weakness, Acacia Troll Rearmed, FSFE Warns About Standard Issues Roy Schestowitz
19:53 [News] Anti-ACTA Action Renewed Roy Schestowitz
19:54 [News] Latest Victories for "Open Data" Movement Roy Schestowitz
19:55 [News] "Open Access" Movement Changes the Way Academia and Publishing Work Roy Schestowitz
19:56 [News] Openness, Freedom and Sharing Spreading Further: Examples Roy Schestowitz
19:57 [News] Early WebM Victories Marked and Demonstrated Roy Schestowitz
19:58 [News] [Rival] Dvorak and Others See More Trouble Ahead for Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
19:59 [News] New OpenSUSE Build Service, SCO Updates, Novell Still for Sale Roy Schestowitz
20:00 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows is Under Attack by Crackers Roy Schestowitz
20:01 [News] Dell Confirms That GNU/Linux is More Secure Than Windows Roy Schestowitz

19 June, 2010

11:03 Re: Microsoft bribes the media Roy Schestowitz
11:13 Re: A Look at Linux Mint (Variant OF Ubuntu) Roy Schestowitz
11:16 Re: Office 2010 is in the stores. Yawn. Roy Schestowitz
11:39 [News] Government of Tunisia Helps to Prepare the Population for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
11:41 [News] World's Laregst OEMs Prepare to Deliver GNU/Linux Preinstalled Roy Schestowitz
11:43 [News] GNU/Linux in Flemish Comic Series Roy Schestowitz
11:45 [News] Some Market Share Figures for Desktop GNU/Linux, Hovering Around 3% Even 8 Years Ago Roy Schestowitz
11:47 [News] Elementary GNU/Linux in Review Roy Schestowitz
11:49 [News] GNU/Linux Seen as Easy to Use, Stigma Remains Roy Schestowitz
11:51 [News] Old PCs Need GNU/Linux, New Examples Presented Roy Schestowitz
11:53 [News] GNU/Linux Clusters Deployed, More Migrations to Linux Mainframes Roy Schestowitz
12:10 [News] New PDF, CLI, and VP8 Tools from Google Roy Schestowitz
12:11 [News] New Ballnux Phones from Samsung, OpenBallnux 11.3 Now in RC1 Roy Schestowitz
12:13 [News] Linux Kernel Overviews, A Look at Cryptmount Roy Schestowitz
12:14 [News] A Look at Graphics Stack Progress in Linux Roy Schestowitz
12:15 [News] Another Look at Many GNU/Linux Applications, Including USENET Programs Roy Schestowitz
12:17 [News] Gaming Machine Runs Linux, More Games for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
12:19 [News] Truly Free KDE (GPU Level Too) Made More Responsive and Snappy Roy Schestowitz
12:21 [News] How to Select/Create a Good GNU/Linux Distribution, a Look at Kiddix OS Roy Schestowitz
12:23 [News] Review of Zorin 3 (GNU/Linux) Roy Schestowitz
12:42 [News] Many New Operating Systems Releases, Not Just GNU/Linux Based Roy Schestowitz
12:44 [News] Red Hat Reaches Year's Highs, Listed in Businessweek 50 Roy Schestowitz
12:46 [News] Red Hat Hosts Innovation Awards, New Analysis Roy Schestowitz
12:47 [News] More Reviews of Fedora GNU/Linux Version 13 Roy Schestowitz
12:49 [News] Debian 6.0 Squeeze Probably Out This Year, A Look at Debian Derivative BOSS Roy Schestowitz
12:51 [News] New Coverage of Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.04 and 10.10 Roy Schestowitz
12:54 [News] A Look at Ubuntu Derivatives Jolicloud and Linux Mint 9 Roy Schestowitz
12:56 [News] Buntfu To Go Beyond Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Jargon Found to be a Major Obstacle Roy Schestowitz
12:57 [News] A Look at Coming Changes in Ubuntu and UNE 10.10 Roy Schestowitz
12:59 [News] Canonical Builds Hosted Business Around GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:01 [News] Three Examples of New Devices That Run Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:03 [News] Nokia/MeeGo (GNU/Linux) - Reviews and Devices Roy Schestowitz
13:17 [News] A Look at the Linux-based Droid 2, Other Android Gadgets Roy Schestowitz
13:19 [News] AT&T Shows Itself to be an Enemy of Linux Freedom Roy Schestowitz
13:20 [News] Linux is Outpacing Apple's hypePhone Roy Schestowitz
13:22 [News] Sub-notebooks/Tablets With GNU/Linux to Come to Uruguay, SmartQ Roy Schestowitz
13:24 [News] Open innovation and Capitalism Need Software Freedom Roy Schestowitz
13:24 [News] Displeasure of Being Stock With Non-Free Software; Network Security Tools That Are Free Roy Schestowitz
13:26 [News] Success Stories and Expansion in IP Telephony That's Based on Linux and Free Software Roy Schestowitz
13:26 [News] Azul Systems Turns to Free Software Roy Schestowitz
13:27 [News] Former Novell Guy Joe Brockmeier Defends Linux and Attacks FSF Roy Schestowitz
13:29 [News] Event Covers Development Venues for Free Software, Karmasphere Comes to Eclipse Roy Schestowitz
13:51 [News] A Look at Firefox 4 Beta, Other Free/Libre Web Browsers Roy Schestowitz
13:53 [News] Mozilla Firefox Gets HTTPS Everywhere, Other Developments Roy Schestowitz
13:55 [News] Free/Libre Databases a Real Threat to Oracle, New OOo Build Roy Schestowitz
13:56 [News] New WordPress Released, Clickability FUDs Free CMS Software Roy Schestowitz
13:58 [News] Moodle (Free Software for Education) Supported by Questionmark Roy Schestowitz
13:59 [News] Collaboration in Healthcare Promotes Freedom of Software Roy Schestowitz
14:02 [News] Business and Business Intelligence Need to Have Free Software Considered Roy Schestowitz
14:03 [News] More Funding for Open Source, Finance Ideas Roy Schestowitz
14:04 [News] New Project Releases of Free Software Roy Schestowitz
14:16 [News] FOSSology Monetises Licensing Fear With Free Software, Not Proprietary Like Black Duck; New Journal on Open Source Software Law Roy Schestowitz
14:18 [News] EU Government Success Stories With Free Software, Odd Case in Norway Roy Schestowitz
14:20 [News] Openness and Sharing Debated and Further Promoted Roy Schestowitz
14:21 [News] New Examples of Open Data Moves Roy Schestowitz
14:22 [News] Promoting Open Access Versus Inhibiting Open Access Roy Schestowitz
14:23 [News] Examples of Open Hardware Promotion in Cars, Prosthetics Roy Schestowitz
14:24 [News] In Re Bilski Outcome Days Away, Change Needed Urgently Roy Schestowitz
14:26 [News] Intellectual Monopolies Rejected by Developing Nations, Europe Lobbied for Them by Microsoft Lobbyists Roy Schestowitz
14:27 [News] Patent Abuse Gets Qualcomm Under Antitrust Probe, Nuclear Patent War Resumes Roy Schestowitz
14:42 [News] [Rival] Xbox 360 a Disappointment, But Reviewers Are Bribed by Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
14:43 [News] ACTA Watch: FSF Starts Big Protest, More Nations Complain Roy Schestowitz
14:44 [News] Dell Changes Claims About GNU/Linux, Possibly After Microsoft Pressure Roy Schestowitz
14:45 [News] Mono Trap Explained, More Complaints Made Roy Schestowitz
14:46 [News] [Rival] SharePoint Flaws Lead to Takedown of Servers, Microsoft's Security Slammed Roy Schestowitz
14:47 [News] Microsoft Still Tries to Cause Google Antitrust Trouble Roy Schestowitz
14:48 [News] [Rival] Great New Comic About Apple and Criticism of the Company's Practices Roy Schestowitz
14:49 [News] SCO Bankruptcy Hearing Absence, OpenBallnux Approaches New Release Roy Schestowitz
14:50 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Phones Business is Lost and Fragmented (Linux Takes Lead) Roy Schestowitz

21 June, 2010

18:15 Re: [News] Dell is breaking away from Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
18:20 Re: [News] Dell Changes Claims About GNU/Linux, Possibly After Microsoft Pressure Roy Schestowitz
18:26 Re: Microsoft bribes the media Roy Schestowitz
18:54 [News] Friends Only let Friends Use GNU/Linux (and Why Everyone Should Use It) Roy Schestowitz
18:57 [News] Ideas and Advice for GNU/Linux Migration, Security Defended Roy Schestowitz
18:59 [News] Famous Journalist Dumps Apple for GNU/Linux; Situations Where Desktop GNU/Linux Makes Sense Roy Schestowitz
19:03 [News] 'Jeopardy' to Feature GNU/Linux Server, Adult Content Powered by GNU/Linux Servers Roy Schestowitz
19:05 [News] New Audiocasts on F/OSS and GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:08 [News] Google Brings GNU/Linux to OEMs, TVs, More Roy Schestowitz
19:09 [News] New Ballnux Phones Coming From Samsung and HTC Roy Schestowitz
19:12 [News] Graphics Stack in Linux Gains New NVIDIA and Gallium3D Output Roy Schestowitz
19:13 [News] New Lists of GNU/Linux Applications and Numerous Recommendations Roy Schestowitz
19:27 [News] PlaneShift 0.5.4 and Alien Invasion 2.3 Are Released Roy Schestowitz
19:29 [News] Lesser Known Windows Managers and Desktop Environments; ArchBang Moves to LXDE Roy Schestowitz
19:31 [News] KDE Reports and Qt on Rails v0.1 Released Roy Schestowitz
19:34 [News] GNOME Election, Shell, Nautilus Mockups Roy Schestowitz
19:36 [News] New GNOME Themes Showcases Roy Schestowitz
19:39 [News] rPath Intro, SystemRescueCd 1.5.6 Released, and Mandriva Linux Praised Roy Schestowitz
19:41 [News] Red Hat Results Imminent, Red Hat Serves as Route to Fedora GNU/Linux on Desktop Roy Schestowitz
19:44 [News] Community Poll Results for Debian GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:47 [News] Debian GNU/Linux at LSM/RMLL 2010, Debian Derivative Reviewed Roy Schestowitz
19:49 [News] Canonical/Ubuntu News, Lookahead at 10.10, Debian 6.0 Months Away Roy Schestowitz
20:06 [News] A Look at Element OS and Introduction to Peppermint OS (GNU/Linux) Roy Schestowitz
20:09 [News] Boxee Box Based on GNU/Linux is Coming, Other Appliances Roy Schestowitz
20:13 [News] Embedded Linux Training, New Development Kit, and Linux Devices Roy Schestowitz
20:15 [News] Linux Phones From HP to Get Update, Fujitsu and Toshiba Join Forces Roy Schestowitz
20:17 [News] Nokia's MeeGo Probably Comes to Phones Roy Schestowitz
20:19 [News] Android/Linux Makes Stronger Case Than hypePhone Roy Schestowitz
20:21 [News] Different Android/Linux Phones Made More Consistent With Each Other Roy Schestowitz
20:24 [News] Droid/Motorola Beats hypePhone 4, With Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:26 [News] More Companies Use Linux/Android to Compete Roy Schestowitz
20:28 [News] New Tablets With Linux, Some DIY Roy Schestowitz
20:29 [News] OLPC Sub-notebooks With GNU/Linux Spread to More Schoolchildren Roy Schestowitz
21:10 [News] Sharing Mindset Expands to Law, Environment, Etc. Roy Schestowitz
21:13 [News] Zarafa Has New Secure Framework Roy Schestowitz
21:14 [News] New Events Covering Linux Planned, Covered Roy Schestowitz
21:16 [News] Groups of New Events Centred Around Free/Open Software Software Roy Schestowitz
21:17 [News] Mozilla Thunderbird Has Minor Release Roy Schestowitz
21:20 [News] Oracle Treats Solaris, OpenSolaris Poorly, DOJ Sues Oracle Roy Schestowitz
21:21 [News] WordPress (Free/Libre CMS) Downloaded 400,000 in Two Days Roy Schestowitz
21:23 [News] Free Software Dismantles Monopoly, Frees Evolution Roy Schestowitz
21:24 [News] FreeBSD 8.1 RC1 is Released Roy Schestowitz
21:26 [News] Free Software Does Not Mean Cheap Software Roy Schestowitz
21:27 [News] Blender 2.5 Test Builds, Parrot 2.5.0 "Cheops" is Released Roy Schestowitz
21:43 [News] Why Open Data is Important; Scribd Finds Out That Adobe Flash Was a Curse Roy Schestowitz
21:45 [News] Open Access/Content Milestones, Going Mainstream Roy Schestowitz
21:46 [News] Programming With Subversion Over the Web Browser, NetBeans IDE 6.9 is Out Roy Schestowitz
21:47 [News] Patent Failures: Genes, Software, and Troll Control (Hypothetical) Roy Schestowitz
21:49 [News] Richard Stallman Explains Need to Fight ACTA, Bilski Decision Arriving Roy Schestowitz
21:49 [News] Sacked for Requesting Openness from Open Cloud Community Inititiative (OCCI) Roy Schestowitz
21:50 [News] Why Those Who Want Freedom Should Follow the FSF Roy Schestowitz
21:51 [News] OpenBallnux at LinuxTag, Hackweek: Developing for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:52 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Bribes Journalists, Developers (Money Down the Sink) Roy Schestowitz
22:02 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Takes the Beating at Games Conference, Xbox 360 Still Broken and Self Destructive Roy Schestowitz
22:03 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Spends Huge Amounts of Money on Office Slog, 'Briefs' Journalists Roy Schestowitz
22:04 [News] HP Starts Moving to More Linux After Dumping Vista 7 (Out of Slate) Roy Schestowitz
22:05 [News] Another Good Reason to Choose Free Software and Not Fog Computing: Privacy Roy Schestowitz
22:06 [News] [Rival] "Migration from XP to Windows 7 has been little more than a trickle." Roy Schestowitz
22:07 [News] Microsoft Office 2010 Gives No Reason to Buy - Better Off Getting OpenOffice.org Roy Schestowitz
22:08 [News] [Rival] Rumour: Mirosoft Sells Just 500 "KIN" Phones! Roy Schestowitz
22:09 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Mobile Business is Broken to Pieces, Lost Cause Roy Schestowitz
22:10 [News] [Rival] Security Nightmares in Windows Land, No Windows XP User is Secure Roy Schestowitz
22:11 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Sabotages Users' OS to Promote Its Propaganda Engine Roy Schestowitz
22:26 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Receives Another Loan (Yes, More Debt) Roy Schestowitz
22:28 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Tax Dodge Meets Apologista, Accusations Roy Schestowitz
22:29 [News] SCO to Die, Time to Find Microsoft's Role in It and Sue Microsoft? Roy Schestowitz
22:30 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Moves More Staff to India (to Save Money) Roy Schestowitz
22:31 [News] [Rival] Apple Banned in Places, Faces FTC Investigation, Other Problems Roy Schestowitz
22:32 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Cheats in Search, Falls Nonetheless Roy Schestowitz
22:34 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Slammed for Taking Control of Schools With Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] [Rival] Gates Foundation Hires PR People (Spin, Spin!) and Miscommunicates With Grantees Roy Schestowitz
22:37 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Increases BP Investments, Pulls a Rockefeller Roy Schestowitz
22:38 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Wants Taxpayers' Money for His Troll Nathan Myhrvold (While Foundation and Keeps Increasing Investments in BP) Roy Schestowitz

23 June, 2010

14:22 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
14:38 Re: Time to say, Adios, for now Roy Schestowitz
14:45 Re: [Rival] "Migration from XP to Windows 7 has been little more than a trickle." Roy Schestowitz
14:50 Re: Microsoft bribes the media Roy Schestowitz
14:51 Re: Roy Schestowitz lies again Yawn. Roy Schestowitz
14:52 Re: Roy Schestowitz lies again Yawn. Roy Schestowitz
15:24 [News] LinuxCon 2010 Schedule Published, Virgin America to Talk About Its Linux Use Roy Schestowitz
15:32 [News] Over 200 Old Computers Converted to GNU/Linux, Sony Sued for Disallowing Linux Roy Schestowitz
15:34 [News] Debate About Running GNU/Linux Desktop as Though It's Windows Roy Schestowitz
15:39 [News] Writers Are Spinning Dell's Security Statement Positively, Exposing Microsoft's Likely Role Roy Schestowitz
15:41 [News] A Look at EveryDesk, Quickbooks Linux Server, and More Roy Schestowitz
15:43 [News] Google's GNU/Linux Distribution Comes to Major OEMs, Now Toshiba Too Roy Schestowitz
15:45 [News] GNU/Linux-powered Machine Shown in âJeopardy!â Roy Schestowitz
15:45 [News] More New Phones That Run Ballnux: Reviews and Previews Roy Schestowitz
15:47 [News] Lists and Introduction of GNU/Linux Applications: Econometric, Logging, GnoMenu Roy Schestowitz
15:50 [News] Proprietary Applications Run Well on GNU/Linux Too Roy Schestowitz
15:51 [News] 64-bit Flash for GNU/Linux to Return Roy Schestowitz
16:11 [News] GNU/Linux Demonstrated on New Dell 14R Roy Schestowitz
16:12 [News] More Free/Libre Games for GNU/Linux, New Ones Coming Roy Schestowitz
16:13 [News] New Releases of GNU/Linux: Fermi, Scientific, SystemRescueCd, Zenwalk... Roy Schestowitz
16:16 [News] KDE Has New Promotional Labels, KDE 4.5 Glimpse, and Mint Incorporation Roy Schestowitz
16:17 [News] A Look at Krita (KDE) on GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
16:27 [News] 8 GNU/Linux Live CD/DVD, The Register Publishes Guide to Selecting One Roy Schestowitz
16:29 [News] Review of Lucid Lynx Netbook Remix, Maverick Design, and "Unbuntu" [sic] Roy Schestowitz
16:32 [News] A Look at Applications for Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.10, a Word on the Spirit of Ubuntu Roy Schestowitz
16:33 [News] Interview/Profile of Steve Kowalik (Launchpad), Ubuntu GNU/Linux on Television Roy Schestowitz
16:34 [News] Red Hat's Financial Results Impress Roy Schestowitz
16:39 [News] Red Hat Reaches New Highs at NYSE, Scores Amdocs Win Roy Schestowitz
16:41 [News] Red Hat in BusinessWeek 50, Top Place to Work Roy Schestowitz
16:43 [News] Red Hat Summit Opens Roy Schestowitz
16:45 [News] Red Hat Expands RH GNU/Linux Partners Circle Roy Schestowitz
16:47 [News] Red Hat Inspires Education, Names Certified Engineers Roy Schestowitz
16:49 [News] Red Hat Runs Wall Street, Records for Red Hat Enterprise MRG Roy Schestowitz
16:56 [News] Linux on 200-Cores Single Chip, CodeSourcery Expands GNU Software to More CPUs Roy Schestowitz
16:58 [News] E-Readers With Linux Gets Cheaper Roy Schestowitz
17:00 [News] More Phones Made to Run Linux - HTC HD2 Roy Schestowitz
17:02 [News] Nokia/MeeGo Phones/Tablets Coming (GNU/Linux on Mobiles) Roy Schestowitz
17:04 [News] Freeing Android/Linux Phones by Force, Android to Get More Unified Roy Schestowitz
17:05 [News] Toshiba Has ARM-based Machine With Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:06 [News] Telephony Gets More Free/Libre, IBM Liberates Code Roy Schestowitz
17:08 [News] Cloudera (GNU/Linux Distro) to Work With More Grids Roy Schestowitz
17:10 [News] Large Lists of Free/Open Source Software for Education, Small Businesses Roy Schestowitz
17:32 [News] New Features in Firefox 4, WebM Spreads Roy Schestowitz
17:33 [News] SaaS Changes The Situation for Desktop GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
17:35 [News] FSF Shows Interns, Nasuni promises GNU Donations Roy Schestowitz
17:36 [News] PC-BSD Gets Director of Community Development, CUBRID Honoured Roy Schestowitz
17:37 [News] VLC Suffers From AOL's Dislike of Software Freedom Roy Schestowitz
17:39 [News] Free/Open Source Monitoring Business Heats up Roy Schestowitz
17:41 [News] Oracle Still Releases GlassFish, OpenOffice.org, Commends EU Digital Agenda Roy Schestowitz
17:43 [News] Free/Libre CMS WordPress 3.0 Gets a Good Word Roy Schestowitz
17:45 [News] Discussion About Business Value of Free Software and GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:02 [News] New Free/Libre Tools Partly Promote Web Standards-based Roy Schestowitz
18:05 [News] New Examples of Culture-Sharing Strategies Roy Schestowitz
18:06 [News] Greater Transparency in the UK, Kenya Roy Schestowitz
18:08 [News] Two New Victories for "Open Data" Movement Roy Schestowitz
18:09 [News] Open Hardware in Action - Robotics and Tablets Roy Schestowitz
18:10 [News] Canonical Joins OIN Roy Schestowitz
18:14 [News] EU Patent Loophole for Software Monopolies Reportedly Collapses, ACTA Lurks With Patent Venom Roy Schestowitz
18:15 [News] How the Microsoft-funded BSA Attacks Free Software With Lobbying, Patents, Other Means Roy Schestowitz
18:17 [News] Bilski Results Possibly Out Tomorrow, Patent Used Against Microsoft Stands Roy Schestowitz
18:18 [News] [Rival] Antivirus Software No Longer Effective Roy Schestowitz
18:20 [News] [Rival] Windows Viruses Expose US to Esponiage Roy Schestowitz
18:21 [News] [Rival] Australia May Kick Windows Users Off the Web, VPN Flawed Again Roy Schestowitz
18:22 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Allegedly Suppresses Competition by Dumping Roy Schestowitz
18:22 [News] Ballmer-Run Microsoft is Going Down the Drain Roy Schestowitz
18:23 [News] Cray Runs GNU/Linux (Ballnux) Despite Microsoft Deal Roy Schestowitz

25 June, 2010

11:13 Re: Vista7: Wanna back up your data? Better take a holiday... Roy Schestowitz
11:16 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
11:42 [News] Linux Journal Starts Survey, Linux Takes Many New Identities/Name Roy Schestowitz
11:45 [News] Google's Abandonment of Windows Can Spur "Abandoning Herd Mentality." Roy Schestowitz
11:47 [News] Africa Teaches People GNU/Linux, Uses Free Software in Education Roy Schestowitz
11:49 [News] Desktop GNU/Linux Before It Was Polished: A Nostalgic Journey Roy Schestowitz
11:51 [News] Group of Volunteers Equips Hundreds With GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
11:53 [News] Dell Increases Support of GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
11:56 [News] New GNU/Linux Audiocasts: TuxRadar, Linuxcrazy, SFLS, FLOSS Roy Schestowitz
11:59 [News] Ballnux Put on HP Machines, OpenBallnux Takes Step Away From Novell Roy Schestowitz
12:14 [News] A Look at Linux User Space File Systems, Btrfs Benchmarks Roy Schestowitz
12:15 [News] As Linux Grows Bigger, New Policies Form in Kernel Space Roy Schestowitz
12:16 [News] New Linux T-Shirt Winner Announced at the Linux Foundation Roy Schestowitz
12:18 [News] GIMP 2.6.9 Released, A Look at Other Graphics/Multimedia Programs Roy Schestowitz
12:20 [News] Nvidia Driver for Linux Improved, New One Released Roy Schestowitz
12:25 [News] Cursors Artwork for X/Linux, South Park Tux Roy Schestowitz
12:26 [News] Xnoise for Multimedia, VLC 1.1.0 is Out Roy Schestowitz
12:28 [News] Applications for Education in GNU/Linux Servers, Cloud Linux Find New Server Partners Roy Schestowitz
12:30 [News] Proprietary Programs/Games on Linux, Skype Pretends to be Open Roy Schestowitz
12:44 [News] Lots of Games News for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
12:46 [News] Graphics Stack in Linux Gets More Mature, X.Org Server 1.9 is Near Roy Schestowitz
12:48 [News] List of Megadrive Emulators for GNU/Linux, Linux Game Publishing (LGP) Still Active Roy Schestowitz
12:49 [News] Games Developer: "21% of all our customers have at least clicked on the Linux download link." Roy Schestowitz
12:51 [News] KDE 3.5 is Still Alive, KDE SC 4.4 Goes on Roy Schestowitz
12:53 [News] GNOME Desktop News, GTK Themes, and Glippy Roy Schestowitz
12:54 [News] Large-scale Comparisons of GNU/Linux Distributions Roy Schestowitz
12:56 [News] A Look at 3 "Strong" GNU/Linux Distributions and More Roy Schestowitz
12:58 [News] New Reviews: Ubuntu 10.04, Slackware Linux 13.1, TinyMe 2010 Acorn RC 1 Roy Schestowitz
13:09 [News] Time to Move to Mandriva Linux, Investor Found Roy Schestowitz
13:12 [News] Red Hat Linux Reaches Highs Roy Schestowitz
13:14 [News] Fog Computing Powered by Red Hat GNU/Linux in Many Situations Roy Schestowitz
13:15 [News] Eucalyptus Becomes Fake 'Open Source' Roy Schestowitz
13:17 [News] Cisco Grows Closer to GNU/Linux Through Red Hat Roy Schestowitz
13:18 [News] Red Hat Spreads Free/Libre Virtualisation With KVM in Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:21 [News] Red Hat Interview and Other News Items Roy Schestowitz
13:22 [News] Fedora 14 Planning, Spreading the Word Roy Schestowitz
13:41 [News] A Look at New Features of Ubuntu GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:43 [News] Reasons for Choosing Ubuntu GNU/Linux and More Roy Schestowitz
13:45 [News] Flavours and Variants of Ubuntu GNU/Linux: Ultimate Edition, WattOS Roy Schestowitz
13:47 [News] Linux-Ready GUI Toolkit Improved, Other Embedded Linux News Roy Schestowitz
13:49 [News] Hardware Support/Breath for Linux Improves Roy Schestowitz
13:51 [News] Nokia Chooses Linux! Roy Schestowitz
13:52 [News] Nokia to Target Tablets With GNU/Linux, Not Just Phones Roy Schestowitz
13:54 [News] Nokia Shifts Focus to More Software (Including Linux), Still Delivers Maemo Roy Schestowitz
13:58 [News] 160,000 Applications for Linux/Android Sold Per Day Roy Schestowitz
14:00 [News] Linux-based Motorola Droid X is Coming Out, Source Code Available Roy Schestowitz
14:02 [News] Linux-based Android 2.2 Code Out, Android's Malicious Features Discussed Roy Schestowitz
14:04 [News] x86 Sub-notebooks to Run Linux/Android, Ubuntu on ARM Roy Schestowitz
14:05 [News] Linux-based Tablets May Beat hypePad Like Android Beats hypePhone Roy Schestowitz
14:19 [News] What Makes Free Software Projects Immortal, a Look at Seeks Roy Schestowitz
14:21 [News] NZ Herald on "Celebrating the best of open-source" Roy Schestowitz
14:24 [News] Richard Branson: Free/Open Source Software is "Actually Very Pro-business." Roy Schestowitz
14:27 [News] Upcoming/Ongoing FOSS Events: Akademy, TransferSummit, LinuxCon Roy Schestowitz
14:29 [News] Google and Mozilla Web Browser Rivalry Rises Roy Schestowitz
14:30 [News] Mozilla Firefox Has New Releases, No Native Code Allowed Roy Schestowitz
14:31 [News] Eucalyptus Mixes Proprietary and Free in SaaS Roy Schestowitz
14:32 [News] NoSQL Goes Further Into Free/Libre Databases Space Roy Schestowitz
14:43 [News] Debate Over FSF Freedom and So-called 'Pragmatism' Roy Schestowitz
14:44 [News] New FOSS Project Releases: ZAAAM, Typo3, Midgard2, ownCloud Roy Schestowitz
14:47 [News] Governments in EU Likely to Follow Stricter Free/Standards-based Procurement to Reduce Lock-in Roy Schestowitz
14:48 [News] Free Software Enters Voting Process in the US Roy Schestowitz
14:50 [News] Free Software in Education, Inspiring Other Fields Roy Schestowitz
14:51 [News] Openness/Sharing Culture: Latest New Examples Roy Schestowitz
14:52 [News] Open Hardware Uses Linux-biased Chips, Giving Away Access Pays Off Roy Schestowitz
14:54 [News] New Wins for Open Data, Including SPARC Roy Schestowitz
14:55 [News] Eclipse 3.6 With Linux Tools Roy Schestowitz
15:15 [News] ODF Standard Has New Support Additions From KDE/OdfKit, lpOD Roy Schestowitz
15:16 [News] New Calls to Resist ACTA, New Leak Roy Schestowitz
15:18 [News] Digital Economy Act Resisted, Lessons From DMCA Roy Schestowitz
15:19 [News] Apple is Suing Linux/Android Again, Using Software Patents Roy Schestowitz
15:20 [News] US Lobbyists Take Over New Zealand and Shove Software Patents Into Its Law Roy Schestowitz
15:21 [News] Analysis of the Risk to GNU/Linux From Patent Trolls Like MPEG LA Roy Schestowitz
15:22 [News] Unrest and Apathy Towards Patents is Noted Roy Schestowitz
15:23 [News] More Rants About Software Patents, Patent Trolls Feed on the Rest Roy Schestowitz
15:24 [News] Microsoft's Fake "Foundation" is Still Just a Microsoft-serving Entity, Promoting Proprietary Stacks Roy Schestowitz
15:29 [News] Canadian Heritage Minister James Moore Curses Opposition to Hollywood Roy Schestowitz
15:29 [News] [Rival] Novell is All Software Patents, Red Hat Does OK Without Them Roy Schestowitz
15:30 [News] [Rival] 'New' Xbox 360 is Dying Roy Schestowitz
15:31 [News] [Rival] Apple's Antitrust Issues, Bad Business Proposition to Developers Roy Schestowitz
15:32 [News] [Rival] Microsoft is All About Malware, Apple is Spyware Roy Schestowitz
15:34 [News] [Rival] Is Microsoft CEO About to Exit Microsoft? Bad Strategy Blamed Roy Schestowitz

28 June, 2010

17:23 Re: [News] Linux/Unix used for *real* work, ... collecting data from the Earths oceans Roy Schestowitz
17:24 Re: [News] Flavours and Variants of Ubuntu GNU/Linux: Ultimate Edition, WattOS Roy Schestowitz
17:27 Re: Reasons for Choosing Ubuntu GNU/Linux and More Roy Schestowitz
17:28 Re: [News] US Lobbyists Take Over New Zealand and Shove Software Patents Into Its Law Roy Schestowitz
17:34 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
18:00 [News] A Journey From UNIX to Linux; Role of Linux in Free Software Promotion Roy Schestowitz
18:03 [News] GNU/Linux More Consolidated Than Imagined; Easy to Understand Roy Schestowitz
18:06 [News] FUD Tactics Against GNU/Linux - A Reversal Roy Schestowitz
18:09 [News] OEM and GNU/Linux Preinstalls: Signs of Tipping Point Roy Schestowitz
18:12 [News] IBM Boasts Good Energy Use in GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:14 [News] LowEndMac.com: "My time in the Mac world is numbered. My love of Ubuntu has grown." Roy Schestowitz
18:16 [News] GNU/Linux Desktops Good Enough for Dell, Education Roy Schestowitz
18:18 [News] Graphics Stack & Linux Kernel Space: PowerTop Tested, Assorted Improvements Roy Schestowitz
18:19 [News] GNU/Ballnux on HP Machines, Smartphones Roy Schestowitz
18:34 [News] New GNU/Linux Applications Released, Reviewed, Introduced Roy Schestowitz
18:48 [News] KDE SC Coverage, LinuxTag Presence, KOffice 2010 Summer Sprint Roy Schestowitz
18:49 [News] Wine Announcements, Improvements for Gamers Roy Schestowitz
18:54 [News] GNOME Shell 2.31.4 released, Interview With GNOME Foundation Director Roy Schestowitz
18:56 [News] Opera (Proprietary) Improves the Software for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
18:57 [News] GNU/Linux Runs on 150Mhz PCs Roy Schestowitz
18:58 [News] X-Plane (Game) on GNU/Linux in Review Roy Schestowitz
18:59 [News] 4 New Releases of GNU/Linux: Molinux, Peppermint, Clonezilla, GParted Roy Schestowitz
19:00 [News] Mandriva and Red Hat (RPM) Family Reports Roy Schestowitz
19:12 [News] Debian Leader Speaks and Ubuntu Progress Reported Roy Schestowitz
19:14 [News] Flavours and Variants of Ubuntu GNU/Linux: Jolicloud 1.0, Xubuntu Roy Schestowitz
19:17 [News] eReaders Run Linux, Helicopter Runs Linux, Chumby Too Roy Schestowitz
19:19 [News] New Examples of Embedded Linux Spreading Roy Schestowitz
19:21 [News] New Linux Phones Coming from HP Roy Schestowitz
19:23 [News] Linux-based MeeGo Pre-alpha 2 Days Away, 15 Facts Roy Schestowitz
19:25 [News] Linux-based Android Climbs to Top Position Roy Schestowitz
19:28 [News] 160,000 Linux-based Android Phones Sold Per Day Roy Schestowitz
19:29 [News] OLPC Sub-notebooks Help Deaf Children, Tablets Open Doors to GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
19:42 [News] A Look at Rockbox 3.6, Open Source Geographic Tracking, Tectonic Interview Roy Schestowitz
19:44 [News] Many Free/Open Source Events Coming Roy Schestowitz
19:46 [News] Free/Libre Web Browsers and Blobs Debate Roy Schestowitz
19:48 [News] Mozilla Thunderbird 3.1 is Covered, Firefox News Roy Schestowitz
19:49 [News] SaaS and Free Software: Relationship Shown, Debated Roy Schestowitz
19:50 [News] FOSS Project Releases: Lightworks, Virage, WordPress Roy Schestowitz
19:52 [News] Why It's Proper to Say "GNU/Linux" Roy Schestowitz
19:53 [News] Free Software in Healthcare: More Successful Than Realised Roy Schestowitz
19:54 [News] Government Transparency Encouraged: Australia and UK Roy Schestowitz
20:30 [News] Interview About Go Programming, Eclipse News Roy Schestowitz
20:31 [News] HTML5 Spec/Standard Promoted by Google, Mozilla Roy Schestowitz
20:32 [News] ODF in the Headlines, New Support Stories Roy Schestowitz
20:34 [News] "The ACTA treaty is an evil thing" Roy Schestowitz
20:35 [News] More Widespread Resentment of ACTA in the News Roy Schestowitz
20:36 [News] Salesforce Sues .NET for Patent Violations Roy Schestowitz
20:37 [News] Bilski Decision is Released, Coverage Anticipating It Mentions Stevens' Role Roy Schestowitz
20:38 [News] Google Sued for Patent Violation and USPTO is Very, Very Broken, Embarrassing Roy Schestowitz
20:39 [News] OIN Not the Solution, Abolishment of Software Patents is the Solution Roy Schestowitz
20:40 [News] Microsoft- & IBM-backed Front Group NZICT Blamed for Corrupting NZ Patent System (Foreign Interests) Roy Schestowitz
20:51 [News] [Rival] Former Microsoft Executive: Microsoft Needs To Cut 30,000-40,000 Employees Roy Schestowitz
20:52 [News] [Rival] Martin Bean Subverts the 'Open' University, Bing Falls on its Face Roy Schestowitz
20:53 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Windows Exposes Users to Serious Problems, Might be Kicked Off the Web in .AU Roy Schestowitz
20:54 [News] [Rival] âDell estimated the percentage of commercial PC users who have updated to Microsoftâs Windows 7 as still in single digits.â Roy Schestowitz
20:55 [News] Microsoft and Its Front Groups (SIIA, BSA) Attack Vendors/Users of Windows Roy Schestowitz
20:56 [News] [Rival] John C. Dvorak About Vista 7: "Fact is, it was a face-saving Vista re-do. This time, everything was brilliant and on-time." Roy Schestowitz
20:57 [News] [Rival] Behind Apple's Multi-Billion-Dollar Marketing There's a Mediocre Toy Roy Schestowitz
20:58 [News] [Rival] Apple Blasted for Terrible Multitasking, "Produc[ing] a Lemon" Roy Schestowitz
21:00 [News] [Rival] Apple's Toys Seen as Ugly Offer, Intrusive Roy Schestowitz
21:14 [News] [Rival] Zune Breaks Down, Not Playing Nice With Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
21:15 [News] [Rival] Dell is Pushing GNU/Linux Into Mainstream Desktops Roy Schestowitz
21:17 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Lobbies Canadian Prime Minister for Investment in His Investments Roy Schestowitz
21:19 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's "School of the Future" Assisted by More Gates Cronies Inside School District Chairs Roy Schestowitz
21:20 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Promotes Monopoly Abuse by Monsanto et al. in Africa Roy Schestowitz
21:20 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Keeps Losing Market Share in Search Roy Schestowitz
21:21 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Business in Bad Shape, Jobs Move to Low-paid Workers Roy Schestowitz
21:23 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Lobbying and Washington Cronies (Hunter) Give More Tax Breaks (Legalised Evasion) Roy Schestowitz
21:24 [News] [Rival] Windows XP SP3 is Already Close to Dying Roy Schestowitz
21:25 [News] [Rival] Xbox 360 Still Broken by Design and Microsoft is Far Behind All Competitors (Sony PS3 and Wii have 3D) Roy Schestowitz
21:26 [News] Microsoft's Phone Gets Terrible Reviews and Allegedly Sells Just 500 Units (Microsoft Not Denying Yet) Roy Schestowitz
21:28 [News] [Rival] Microsoft's Mobile Business Slammed in the Press Roy Schestowitz
21:29 [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Spends Huge Amounts of Money on Reputation Laundering Roy Schestowitz

30 June, 2010

19:14 Re: [News] 160,000 Linux-based Android Phones Sold Per Day Roy Schestowitz
19:16 Re: [News] 160,000 Linux-based Android Phones Sold Per Day Roy Schestowitz
19:17 Re: [News] Salesforce Sues .NET for Patent Violations Roy Schestowitz
19:20 Re: [News] [Rival] Bill Gates Promotes Monopoly Abuse by Monsanto et al. in Africa Roy Schestowitz
19:23 Re: [News] [Rival] Windows XP [SP2] is Already Close to Dying Roy Schestowitz
19:26 Re: Local Open Source Industry Poised For Double-digit Growth This Year Roy Schestowitz
19:28 Re: N.Y. Firm Faces Bankruptcy from $164,000 E-Banking Loss Roy Schestowitz
19:30 Re: Microsoft Admires How Apple Products 'Just Work' Roy Schestowitz
19:31 Re: Cius from Cisco Roy Schestowitz
19:38 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
20:11 [News] Why Switch to GNU/Linux - New Discussions Roy Schestowitz
20:13 [News] Linux Home Entertainment Centre and Locked Down Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:16 [News] GNU/Linux Training Launched in the Philippines Roy Schestowitz
20:19 [News] New Books, Training Material for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:21 [News] Visuals Goods for GNU/Linux: Compiz, Docks Roy Schestowitz
20:23 [News] The Year Of The Linux is Here Roy Schestowitz
20:25 [News] How to Decide Whether to Move to GNU/Linux, Microsoft Types Learn Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:35 [News] UNIX Guru Tells a Story of Desktop GNU/Linux Migration; 75+ Tux Wallpapers Roy Schestowitz
20:38 [News] Success for GNU/Linux in Servers Measured Not Sales-wise; Non-Experts Falter Roy Schestowitz
20:40 [News] Australian Bureau of Meteorology Uses GNU/Linux, iDataPlex Runs Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:51 [News] 3 New Audiocasts: Going Linux, Linux Outlaws, Linux Basement Roy Schestowitz
20:53 [News] New Open/Free Software Audiocasts From SFLC and IDG Roy Schestowitz
20:55 [News] Google Puts GNU/Linux in Mainstream Roy Schestowitz
20:56 [News] Ballnux Phones Challenge hypePhone; OpenBallnux News Roy Schestowitz
20:58 [News] Many Encouraging Developments Around Gallium3D for Linux Roy Schestowitz
20:59 [News] Reviews and Introductions to Free/Libre Applications for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:01 [News] More Proprietary Sofwtare Ported to Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:03 [News] Why Proprietary Software is Malice: Flash is a Headache for 64-bit Users Roy Schestowitz
21:05 [News] Porting Games to GNU/Linux is a Good Investment Roy Schestowitz
21:07 [News] A Look at Red Eclipse, Chromium B.S.U., and Other Games for GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:19 [News] KDE 4.5 RC1 is Out, Looks Nice Roy Schestowitz
21:22 [News] KDE SC News: Qt Interview, KDE Accessibility, and KatchTV Roy Schestowitz
21:23 [News] KDE Blogger Interviewed, Marketing Leader Talks About Freedom Roy Schestowitz
21:26 [News] KDE 3.5 is Still Alive and Available; Knowledge in KDE4 Roy Schestowitz
21:27 [News] New GTK+ is Released, New Themes for GNOME Desktop Roy Schestowitz
21:29 [News] Many GNU/Linux Options for Servers; the Merits of Meritocracy Roy Schestowitz
21:30 [News] Reviews of Zenwalk Linux 6.4, Puppy Linux Lucid Puppy Roy Schestowitz
21:32 [News] New Releases of GNU/Linux Include Linux Mint 9 KDE RC Roy Schestowitz
21:33 [News] Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring is Coming Shortly, Status Updates Roy Schestowitz
21:35 [News] Red Hat Expands Fog Computing Strategy With GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
21:37 [News] Red Hat Leaves Desktop to Fedora, CentOS Interview Published Roy Schestowitz
21:39 [News] Red Hat Speaks About Profit, RHEL 6.0 Roy Schestowitz
21:54 [News] Fedora Power Benchmark; Fedora 11 EoL Roy Schestowitz
21:55 [News] Fedora Linux Gets New Leader, Design Bounty Ninja Roy Schestowitz
21:58 [News] Debian and Ubuntu Have Contrasting Views, Debian Project News Roy Schestowitz
21:59 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux News and Picks Roy Schestowitz
22:02 [News] Story of Good First Experience With Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Ubuntu Runs on HD2 Roy Schestowitz
22:03 [News] New Issue of a Ubuntu-oriented Magazine, IDG Puts Canonical in Top 20 List for CIOs Roy Schestowitz
22:05 [News] Mew Flavours and Variants of Ubuntu GNU/Linux: Sugar, Mint KDE Roy Schestowitz
22:07 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux Derivative Peppermint Makes an Impression Roy Schestowitz
22:09 [News] MontaVista Puts Linux in the Drivers' Seat Roy Schestowitz
22:11 [News] Linux Now in Drones Roy Schestowitz
22:13 [News] EnQii Uses GNU/Linux Servers in Product Roy Schestowitz
22:23 [News] Google Targets GNU/Linux With Chrome 5.0, Chrome OS (Linux) Overview Roy Schestowitz
22:26 [News] New Sub-notebooks With Linux, Specialised Distros Roy Schestowitz
22:27 [News] Npad Comes With GNU/Linux on Board Roy Schestowitz
22:29 [News] Many Linux Tablets at Computex, Cisco Has Its Own Now Roy Schestowitz
22:31 [News] GeoAmida is Built on Top of Linux Roy Schestowitz
22:33 [News] Linux-based MeeGo Can Beat Apple, Symbian Deemphasised Roy Schestowitz
22:35 [News] x86 Wants a Piece of Linux Action in Potables Roy Schestowitz
22:36 [News] Nokia's MeeGo Runs Full Android Thanks to Hack Roy Schestowitz
22:38 [News] Points Where Linux/Android Phones Beat hypePhone Roy Schestowitz
22:40 [News] MSBBC iPlayer Now Works With Linux-based Android Roy Schestowitz
22:43 [News] Android/Linux Embraced by Cisco, Coomes to HTC HD2 Roy Schestowitz
22:45 [News] Nexus One to Get Latest Android (2.2), Android/Linux Coming to Sub-notebooks Roy Schestowitz
23:10 [News] Opinions and Hirings in "Open Source" Roy Schestowitz
23:11 [News] Wi-Fi Software Comes in Free/Libre Flavours Roy Schestowitz
23:12 [News] Open Source World Conference 2010 Planned, OSCA Quiet for Now Roy Schestowitz
23:14 [News] Free/Libre Web Browsers Do Well Against Proprietary Ones Roy Schestowitz
23:16 [News] Firefox Share in Top Indonesian Sites Around 65-75% Roy Schestowitz
23:17 [News] Firefox 4.0 Now in Beta, Firefox 3.6.6 Released Roy Schestowitz
23:19 [News] New Firefox Features Introduced, Student Reps Expanding Roy Schestowitz
23:20 [News] Oracle Uses Sun's hardware Portfolio Roy Schestowitz
23:22 [News] MySQL's Zack Urlocker on Profiting From Free Software, Twitter Gives FOSS to MySQL Roy Schestowitz
23:23 [News] Fake/Obscure Open Source Paradigms Challenged Roy Schestowitz
23:41 [News] New Examples of Sharing, Openness Roy Schestowitz
23:43 [News] Latest Open Data Victories Roy Schestowitz
23:45 [News] Open Access/Content Gains, Springer Joins the Fold Roy Schestowitz
23:46 [News] Arduino Called an Open Source Hardware Success Story Roy Schestowitz
23:47 [News] Web Standards + WebM Gain Roy Schestowitz
23:49 [News] ACTA Backlash Intensifies, an Attack on the Internet Roy Schestowitz
23:50 [News] The Fight Against Software Patent in New Zealand Carries on Roy Schestowitz
23:51 [News] Bilski Patent Dies, USPTO Narrows Score of Patenting After SCOTUS Ruling Roy Schestowitz
23:52 [News] Microsoft a Shameless Hypocrite Regarding Software Patents, Sued Roy Schestowitz
23:58 [News] Microsoft is Trying to Hijack the "Open" Term in New Zealand Roy Schestowitz
23:59 [News] Microsoft Lies About GNU/Linux Market Share, Warps Measures Roy Schestowitz

01 July, 2010

00:01 [News] [Rival] French DIRISI Contracts Monopoly Abuser Roy Schestowitz
00:03 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Spoke About SCO Before the Lawsuit Against Linux Roy Schestowitz
00:04 [News] [Rival] IEEE Hostile Towards Software Freedom, SFLC/FSF Man Responds to Bilski Decision Roy Schestowitz
00:05 [News] [Rival] Apple's 'New' Phones Are Lemons, Apple Lies to the Customers About it Roy Schestowitz
00:06 [News] [Rival] Compatibility With Microsoft Too Much to Strive for Roy Schestowitz
00:07 [News] [Rival] More Silent Patching (Lies About Security) Allegations Against Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
00:09 [News] [Rival] Holes Found in 'New' Microsoft Software, JPMorgan Stuck in the Past Roy Schestowitz

03 July, 2010

10:53 Re: [comp.os.linux.advocacy] Post Script to FAQ and Primer for COLA, Edition III, Part 2 Roy Schestowitz
10:57 Re: Windows 8 Vaporware -- Highlights Windows 7 failings Roy Schestowitz
11:00 Re: Stick a fork in Xandros, it's done. Roy Schestowitz
11:04 Re: New MS phone - major flop Roy Schestowitz
11:06 Re: [Rival] Holes Found in 'New' Microsoft Software, JPMorgan Stuck in the Past Roy Schestowitz
11:07 Re: [News] [Rival] More Silent Patching (Lies About Security) Allegations Against Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
11:08 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft Spoke About SCO Before the Lawsuit Against Linux Roy Schestowitz
11:12 Re: [News] Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring is Coming Shortly, Status Updates Roy Schestowitz
11:13 Re: [News] Google Puts GNU/Linux in Mainstream Roy Schestowitz
11:16 Re: [News] Google Puts GNU/Linux in Mainstream Roy Schestowitz
11:18 Re: [News] Google Puts GNU/Linux in Mainstream Roy Schestowitz
11:20 Re: [News] 160,000 Linux-based Android Phones Sold Per Day Roy Schestowitz
11:22 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
11:50 [News] Independence Day Perspective on GNU/Linux, Liberal Value Not the Sole Advantage Roy Schestowitz
11:51 [News] MPAA/RIAA Sympatheiser/Proponent Finds Linux Preferable to Vista 7 in Many Ways Roy Schestowitz
11:53 [News] Pogson Rescues PCs from Windows, Using GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
11:55 [News] Scalability and Software Management Advantages in GNU/Linux Highlighted Roy Schestowitz
11:56 [News] Number of Linux Users Grows Rapidly (Over a Million New Users Per Week) Roy Schestowitz
11:59 [News] Linux Consulting Becomes Valued Area, Cost Savings When UNIX Comes to Play Roy Schestowitz
12:01 [News] Dell Says GNU/Linux Offers Better Security Than Windows (Again) Roy Schestowitz
12:02 [News] 'Appliances' With GNU/Linux Courtesy of HP Roy Schestowitz
12:04 [News] Desktop GNU/Linux in Perspective: Why the Desktop Environment May Count More Roy Schestowitz
12:05 [News] From Mac OS/Windows to GNU/Linux: Migration Story Roy Schestowitz
12:07 [News] Primer to Google's GNU/Linux Distribution Roy Schestowitz
12:20 [News] New Ballnux Phones and Sub-noteboks (Samsung) Roy Schestowitz
12:21 [News] A Look at the OCFS2 Linux Filesystem, Other Kernel Features Roy Schestowitz
12:23 [News] New KVM and Graphics Benchmarks Planned (Linux) Roy Schestowitz
12:25 [News] Bliss With Free/Libre Graphics Stack in Linux is Approached (Nouveau) Roy Schestowitz
12:27 [News] xorg-server 1.8.2 is Out, xorg-server 1.9 Out Soon Roy Schestowitz
12:28 [News] Qualcomm Makes Free/Libre Drivers Available to Linux Roy Schestowitz
12:30 [News] Heaps of Reviews and Intros to GNU/Linux Applications (Mostly Multimedia) Roy Schestowitz
12:31 [News] Opera (Proprietary) Released and Reviewed Roy Schestowitz
12:33 [News] Wine 1.2 is Coming, Native Ports to GNU/Linux May Make it Obsolete Roy Schestowitz
13:01 [News] Special Weekend Opportunity for Gamers on GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:04 [News] New KDE Applications: Gwenview, K3b 2.0, Clementine... Roy Schestowitz
13:05 [News] New KDE SC Release, Reviews, News Roy Schestowitz
13:07 [News] New Clutter, GNOME Desktop, GUADEC Reminder Roy Schestowitz
13:08 [News] Ulteo Has New Release, 12 Lesser Known Distributions Introduced Roy Schestowitz
13:10 [News] Many New Releases of GNU/Linux Roy Schestowitz
13:11 [News] A Look at the Future of Mandriva Family Roy Schestowitz
13:13 [News] Red Hat Has RHEL 6 Beta 2, Other News Roy Schestowitz
13:15 [News] Fedora Linux 14 Timing and Engagement With the Community Debated Roy Schestowitz
13:17 [News] New Debian GNU/Linux 5.0 Release, Call for Artwork Roy Schestowitz
13:19 [News] Debian Opens up for Variants, A Look at Kanotix 2010, and Debian Democracy Roy Schestowitz
13:37 [News] Ubuntu GNU/Linux 10.10 Plans , Alpha 2 Released, Ubuntu Developer Week Roy Schestowitz
13:39 [News] Desktop Virtualisation in Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Eye Candy Roy Schestowitz
13:42 [News] A Look at Variants of Ubuntu: Satanic Edition, Linux Mint Roy Schestowitz
13:44 [News] Linux Devices Galore: LSI, Merimobiles, Sonos, Pogoplug Roy Schestowitz
13:45 [News] Linux-powered Bubba Two Receives Praise, Linux-powered Kindle Evolves Roy Schestowitz
13:47 [News] Graphics/Pictures in Ubuntu GNU/Linux, Wallpapers, Design Appeal Roy Schestowitz
13:49 [News] Palm Creates More Incentive to Target Linux/WebOS, Tablets Coming Roy Schestowitz
13:51 [News] "Day 1" of MeeGo GNU/Linux is Announced Roy Schestowitz
13:52 [News] Nokia/MeeGo Linux-based Tablets Are Coming, UI Improved Roy Schestowitz
13:54 [News] Symbian Guru Dumps Symbian for Linux/Android, Android 3.0 Rumours Float Roy Schestowitz
13:56 [News] Android/Linux Winning the 'Apps War' Roy Schestowitz
13:59 [News] Android/Linux is Gaining at Apple's Expense Roy Schestowitz
14:01 [News] Free/Libre Android (CyanogenMOD) for Froyo is Coming Roy Schestowitz
14:02 [News] Google TV Based on Linux as Kernel, Toshiba AC100 Smartbook Likewise Roy Schestowitz
14:18 [News] HP Has Sub-notebooks Running GNU/Linux, OLPC XOs Spread to Classrooms Roy Schestowitz
14:21 [News] Tablets 2.1 With Android/Linux on Sale, Android 3.0 to Put More Focus on Tablets Roy Schestowitz
14:22 [News] Cisco Takes on Apple in Business, Using Linux Roy Schestowitz
14:23 [News] Cisco Goes Even Further With Desktop Linux Roy Schestowitz
14:25 [News] New Material on/in Free Software Licences Roy Schestowitz
14:26 [News] Free Software Compared to Nonfree Software, Why Freedom Yields Better Results Roy Schestowitz
14:29 [News] Introduction to Software Freedom, Why Those Skills Count Roy Schestowitz
14:30 [News] Free/Libre Logic Analyser Software, Monitoring Tools Roy Schestowitz
14:32 [News] Study Shows That Free Software is Winning in Businesses Roy Schestowitz
14:33 [News] 'CIO' Advice on âPurchasing Process Lock-Inâ Roy Schestowitz
14:36 [News] A Look at Haiku as a GNU/Linux Alternative Roy Schestowitz
14:43 [News] UAE Students Turn to Open Source Arc Roy Schestowitz
14:45 [News] University of Nottingham Uses Free Software to Help Health, TrueCrypt Defends User From FBI Roy Schestowitz
15:46 [News] Free Software Lawyer Shows Example of Proprietary Licensing Gone Very Wrong Roy Schestowitz
15:47 [News] New Call for Binning the Digital Economy Act Roy Schestowitz
15:49 [News] ACTA an Attempt to Change Patent Law, Suppress Developing Nations Roy Schestowitz
15:50 [News] Encyclopaedia Britannica Becomes Patent Aggressor, Yoga Harmed by Patents Roy Schestowitz
15:52 [News] Boies is Going to Go After Microsoft for Patent Aggression Roy Schestowitz
15:53 [News] [Rival] Microsoft "Sidekick" is Dumped by T-Mobile Roy Schestowitz
15:54 [News] [Rival] Microsoft "KIN" is Dead Roy Schestowitz
15:56 [News] Red Hat Says Microsoft Software is less Secure; Figures From Microsoft Are Fake, Fraudulent Roy Schestowitz
15:58 [News] GIMP 2.7.1 is Released, First Look at It Roy Schestowitz
15:59 [News] Multi-Million-Dollar Funding Goes to Company Which Claims to be "Open-Source" Roy Schestowitz
16:01 [News] Web Video at Risk From Patents, Flash Roy Schestowitz
16:03 [News] Simon Phipps' Attack on 'Open' Core Spurs Big Debate Roy Schestowitz
16:06 [News] Oracle OpenOffice.org (OOOO) Gives Love to Linux/UNIX Roy Schestowitz
16:08 [News] Oracle Too Slow With OpenSolaris; VirtualBox 3.2.6 is Out Roy Schestowitz
16:10 [News] Free/Libre Web Browsers in Review, Lots of Choice Roy Schestowitz
16:13 [News] SaaS With Truly Free Software: Diaspora and StatusNet Show Progress Roy Schestowitz
16:14 [News] Free Software Beyond the Fog Computing Hype Roy Schestowitz
16:16 [News] Culture of Openness and Sharing Provides Housing Roy Schestowitz
16:17 [News] Openness/Sharing Success Stories, Impact on Authority Roy Schestowitz
16:19 [News] Sharing Digital Goods With One's Neighbour Becomes Trendy Roy Schestowitz
16:21 [News] Open Access/Content Moves Lead to Boycotts Roy Schestowitz
16:24 [News] Open Data Defined, Inspires Many Roy Schestowitz
16:25 [News] 4 More New Examples of "Open Data" in Action Roy Schestowitz
16:27 [News] Companies That Patent Life Fall Under the Magnifying Glass Roy Schestowitz
16:30 [News] Free/Libre Project Releases: Tomcat, TranslationManager, More Roy Schestowitz
16:31 [News] TechDis Accessibility Toolbar Released Under BSD Licence, Dru Lavigne Reigns PC-BSD Community Roy Schestowitz
16:33 [News] Open Hardware Trend in Printers, TI BeagleBoard Roy Schestowitz
16:34 [News] Hundreds of Thousands of IBM Employees to Use Firefox Roy Schestowitz
16:36 [News] Firefox 4 Makes Early Appearance, Beta Roy Schestowitz
16:37 [News] Mozilla Addons Downloaded Over 2,000,000,000 Times Roy Schestowitz
16:39 [News] Firefox Research Shows User Interaction Patterns Roy Schestowitz
16:40 [News] 'Open Core' is Like "Dual Licensing", "Not a Business Model" Roy Schestowitz
16:41 [News] Assorted Responses to the Bilski Decision Roy Schestowitz
16:42 [News] Reasons Found for Government of the Philippines to More to Free/Libre Software Roy Schestowitz
16:43 [News] Government Push by Free/Open Source Group, Bolzano Sells Out to Microsoft Roy Schestowitz
16:45 [News] Encouraging New Signs for Free Software in Healthcare Roy Schestowitz
16:47 [News] Hadoop Has New Releases, Support Roy Schestowitz
16:48 [News] FSF Critic and FSF Join in Cause for Freedom Roy Schestowitz
16:50 [News] New Free Software Supporter Newsletter, GNU HURD Update, FSF Site Design Roy Schestowitz
16:51 [News] More New Examples of Large Entities Choosing Free CMS Software Roy Schestowitz
16:53 [News] Free Software Repos and Business Go Hand in Hand Roy Schestowitz
16:54 [News] Eclipse a Success Story of Free Software, Examples of Top Projects Roy Schestowitz
16:56 [News] Programming for Freedom Encouraged by Google, ActivePython Targets Finance and Science Roy Schestowitz
21:16 Re: 'Robert Galloway' is a Fake Roy Schestowitz
21:17 Re: [News] Hundreds of Thousands of IBM Employees to Use Firefox Roy Schestowitz
21:20 Re: [News] [Rival] Microsoft "KIN" is Dead Roy Schestowitz
21:21 Re: [News] Dell Says GNU/Linux Offers Better Security Than Windows (Again) Roy Schestowitz
21:24 Re: [News] Number of Linux Users Grows Rapidly (Over a Million New Users Per Week) Roy Schestowitz
21:28 Re: [News] Mandriva Linux 2010 Spring is Coming Shortly, Status Updates Roy Schestowitz
21:29 Re: Octave Roy Schestowitz
21:36 Re: Linux continues to be safer than windopws Roy Schestowitz
21:38 Re: Stick a fork in Xandros, it's done. Roy Schestowitz
21:39 Re: Stick a fork in Xandros, it's done. Roy Schestowitz
21:59 [News] How Mono and Microsoft Apologists Fight Software Freedom: "Concern Trolls" Roy Schestowitz
22:01 [News] [Rival] "Gates Foundation still giving Windows away for free" (to Fight GNU/Linux Adoption), Show Comes Exhibits/Other Roy Schestowitz
22:01 [News] [Rival] Microsoft Shows It Lied in Netscape Case Roy Schestowitz
22:02 [News] VMware Might Buy Novell Roy Schestowitz
22:02 [News] VMware (Run by Former Microsoft Executives) a Threat to Red Hat Roy Schestowitz

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